Monday, April 19, 2004
HOW desperate is the Post when it wastes ink complaining that Kerry paid his full Massachusetts state taxes but not a penny more? What next? He drives only 55mph in a 55mph zone?
Sure, he could have opted to pay Massachusetts taxes at an abolished rate. He and other multimillionaires could also pay federal taxes at the 1978 rate. He could even turn over his entire fortune to government, which would gladly accept it, and give it to other rich people as interest payments on the national debt -- that Dubya is doubling -- rather than spend one cent of it on the poor, infrastructure renewal, or any other worthy cause that the national debt takes from.
Why would anyone pay more in tax than the law requires? And why is anyone complaining that Kerry paid every cent he owed? We know he's rich and his wife even richer. Only rich people can run for high office in this country, thanks to Republican refusals to reform campaign finance in a meaningful way. Dubya's rich too. As Anne Richards said of his father but could say even more aptly of the son, "He was born with a silver foot in his mouth."
If that's the best the Radical Right can come up with, Kerry is sure to be inaugurated President on January 3, 2005.