Thursday, April 15, 2004
THE NEW MILITARISM: The Post's rightwing columnists (Ralph Peters and Arnold Ahlert in the same day) tell us that harsh, aggressive militarism is good, and the surest guarantor of our security and freedom. Madness!
Has Israel become secure and free from attacks by becoming a supermilitarist and terrorist state? Or does it have the most terrorism of any country on Earth? What kind of freedom do Israelis enjoy, when they are subject to endless search and are unable to travel freely or even go to the mall without fearing death? Consider what happened to Germany and Japan, countries that allowed militarism to become supreme in their culture.
Zionists want us to believe that war against the United States by Moslems is natural and inescapable, so we must be in a state of permanent war against Islam. That too is insane. There is only one reason the U.S. is hated so much that hundreds of millions of Moslems want us all dead: endless U.S. backing of the most sordid crimes of Israel. If the U.S. were neutral or anti-Zionist, Islam would leave us alone. But we are never to think that, nor remove ourselves from the conflict and let the Zionists fight their own battles. So we will continue to see Americans killed, abroad and at home, to keep the monster Israel killing in the name of divine right.
When will Americans understand that the only road to peace and security is justice? Absent justice, there will never be peace, no matter how militarist we become. (Responsive to two colums, 4/1/04)