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The Expansionist
Thursday, April 15, 2004
RALPH Peters pretends that the Kurds are a wonderful, peaceloving, democratic people who are a model for the Middle East. He says not one word about decades of guerrilla war by Kurds against Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and possibly also Syria. A Kurdish website proudly honors this incident: "On the 30th of June 1996 Zilan strapped her body with explosives and exploded her self near a parading Turkish army in Dersim."
On January 3, 2004, CNN reported that "The Kurdish guerrilla group [Ansar al-Islam] has been linked to al Qaeda and is blamed for attacks on U.S. forces in Iraq." Hard figures are hard to find on how many people Kurds have slaughtered in pursuit of a Greater Kurdistan, but it is doubtless in the thousands, over at least two decades. Have the Kurds abandoned violence, to content themselves with autonomy within Iraq only? Will they gladly give up the dream of a new country, united Kurdistan, to be carved from four existing countries? I don't believe it. (Responsive to "Where the Fighting Isn't", Apr. 8)

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