Friday, May 21, 2004
False Premise. Jim Hoagland and Amir Taheri both, in the same day's New York Post, seem surprised and disappointed that the U.S. administration in Iraq is high-handed and isolated from the Iraqi people. Should that really surprise anyone, given that the Bush Administration is high-handed and isolated from the people of its own country? We are dealing here with oligarchs, people whose world view is that the rich and powerful should deal with the rich and powerful and run everything. They don't talk to "the little people". They are not only not political Democrats, with a capital D. They aren't little-d democrats either, politically or socially.
Our 130,000 potential ambassadors, American troops, ordinary people from many backgrounds, are warned not to fraternize with the people (The Enemy), lest they let down their guard and be slaughtered by treacherous Arabs who can't be trusted. Is that the real motive? Or is it to keep them from identifying with Iraqis and coming to see the validity of their concerns?
Alas, Hoagland, Taheri, and others puzzled by the behavior of policymakers in the U.S. overlordship of Iraq proceed from the assumption that we went to Iraq to liberate the people. So it puzzles them that we are now acting as tyrants. The premise was wrong: the U.S. went not to save Iraq but to destroy it.
Iraq is Israel's enemy. It had to be destroyed. If it rebuilds successfully and creates a truly representative government, that government will be anti-Zionist, because the people of Iraq, as of the entire Arab world, as of the entire Moslem world, as of almost ALL the world, are anti-Zionist - as we should be too. (Not anti-Jewish; anti-Zionist, an entirely different thing.)
Wolfowitz and the other Radical Zionists who spearheaded this war do not want Iraq strong, united, and free, because that would mean it is free to be anti-Zionist. They want Iraq weak, divided, and ruled by fawning sycophants who will do the bidding of Israel as conveyed by the Zionists of Washington. They don't care if those sycophants are thieves, and so sent military police to hold guns to the head of Ahmed Chalabi, the former darling of Washington, because he wants the thieves who stole billions in the Oil-for-Food program tracked down and punished, and the money returned to the Iraqi people.
Chalabi is too strong, too free, too nationalist - too Iraqi. He would not toe the Israeli line. And no one who will not "make peace with Israel" (surrender to Zionism) will be permitted to rise to power in Iraq.
If that means that we must put some kleptocrat bootlicker into Iraq's presidential palace who is willing to kiss Zionist ass, and create a parliamentary form of government that will keep Iraqis at each other's throats in endless attempts to vote the ruling government out of office, that is what the Bush Administration will do. We are not there to help Iraqis. We are there to defend Israel. Once you understand that, everything falls into place. (Responsive to "Bungling in Iraq: The Chalabi Raid" by Jim Hoagland and "Losing the Common Man" by Amir Taheri, New York Post, May 21, 2004)