Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Leashed 'Sovereignty'. The Post pretends to believe Dubya's claim that on June 30th the U.S. will give Iraq "full sovereignty", even tho 130,000 troops will remain in that country. If the new Iraqi government asserts "full sovereignty" and tells the U.S. to leave its country immediately, will the U.S. take those 130,000 troops out? U.S. administrator Paul Bremer recently said we would, but he doubts the new government will ask that. Still, if it does, will we get out?
Would that be an "exit strategy" we could live with? It would literally give us an out, so we could say, "Well, if we had stayed, Iraq would have become a progressive, secular, multiethnic democracy" - but a sovereign nation has the right to create any government it may choose, even if that is a Shiite theocracy that uses majoritarianism to severely limit the rights of minorities.
Is "We tried" good enuf? Or is the followup, "but failed" unacceptable?
If Iraqis use their sovereignty to expel the foreign invader, and the country then erupts in civil war, will the U.S. stand aside and let the various factions battle it out, as we have done elsewhere, most grotesquely in the Sudan, the Congo, and Rwanda? Or is chaos so close to Israel unacceptable to the Zionists of Washington, especially if it looks as tho the ultimate winner will be stridently anti-Zionist?
What if a sovereign, united, and democratic Iraq declares that it is the solemn duty of every Arab to work for the destruction of "the Zionist entity" by any means necessary? A sovereign nation has the right to its own foreign policy and military policy. The U.S. doesn't clear it with the U.N. or any other country which countries it makes war on or which military insurgencies we provide covert or overt assistance to. Why should Iraq have to answer to the U.S.? If a sovereign Iraq recognizes Yasir Arafat's Palestinian Authority as the sole legitimate government of all of Palestine, including those portions called by some "Israel", then sends massive economic aid to Palestine from Iraq's oil revenues and welcomes Palestinian soldiers into Iraq for military training for effective war against "the Zionist entity" - as a sovereign nation is entitled to do - will the U.S. stand aside and allow Iraq "full sovereignty"?
I don't think so. Let's cut the crap. This war is not about making Iraq "free" or "sovereign". It is about making Israel secure, and if a sovereign Iraq becomes a danger to Israel, those 130,000 soldiers will overthrow the Iraqi people's choices for government, impose a pro-Zionist Quisling upon the people against their will, and use as much force as necessary to keep Iraq from pursuing an anti-Zionist foreign and military policy of its own choosing - no matter how many Americans must die to do that. (Responsive to editorial "A President's Resolve", New York Post, May 25, 2004)