Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Negativism, No. A Positive Program for Britain, Yes. Dick Morris is right to work with Brits who want to stop the EU takeover of Britain, but his one-word program, "No", won't do.
Simple negativism isn't good enough. People want something to believe in, something positive to pursue. Recent history suggests what we should be working for: a grand rapprochement of the English-speaking world, in which Britain joins the U.S. as several States of the Union, and works with us to bring Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other former parts of the British Empire into a progressive, English-speaking union that will show the remainder of the planet how much we can all gain by joining together democratically. There are a lot of Brits who would like to bring Britain into the Union (see, e.g., "Britain and the British Diaspora", a presentation at the website "United States International"). They need only an invitation from us to set the wheels in motion. (Responsive to "U.K.'s Declaration of Independence", New York Post, June 15, 2004)