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The Expansionist
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Throwing Away Our Freedom and Decency. Two items in the news Tuesday, June 8th show how starkly our civilization is being destroyed by Zionism
In the first, police will soon begin randomly stopping passengers and searching their bags and personal effects on Boston subways. In the second, a government memo justifying torture of prisoners has come to lite. Produced by a nameless 'committee' within the Bush "Justice" Department, the memo says there is no violation of anti-torture treaties ratified by the Senate nor of anti-torture laws passed by Congress in the military's torturing prisoners in places like Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib! Astounding.
(Who wrote this appalling memo? Let's find out. If Ashcroft won't offer the information freely, let's TORTURE him until he tells! I don't imagine it would take more than ten seconds of torture to extract any information from any of the big, brave heros of the Bush Administration.)
What this memo says is that treaties mean nothing; statutes mean nothing. The military is a law unto itself, supreme over society, and woe to anyone who gets in the way.
All this is being done in the name of "anti-terrorism". The "terrorism" such measures are responsive to is Moslem retaliation against the United States for its support, to the tune of 3 billion taxpayer dollars a year, of the atrocities endlessly committed by Israel. Gentiles are to be attacked and to die for Zionism. Gentiles are to lose their civilization thru over-reaction to violence incited by Zionism.
Are we are coming to the end of the road of American civilization? All the liberal hopes for freedom and democracy across the world are vanishing into a pit of barbarism dug by Israel and its morally craven, lunatic servants in right-wing churches and the major parties of this shriveling civilization.
Never are we to ask "How do we defend freedom by ending it?" "How do we impose a police state and still pretend to be free?" "How do we torture prisoners, in violation of internal laws and international treaties, but pretend to be abiding by 'the rule of law'?"
How much hypocrisy will the media and government churn out before the people turn against them all? Or will we never rebel against the creeping despotism for Zionism that is destroying everything we ever stood for?
The German people had Nazism run up and pounce on them before they could react. They were in a terrible condition and the Nazis promised to end their misery — which they did, briefly. What's our excuse?
We don't have hyperinflation, such that the price of a loaf of bread doubles every day and to buy much of anything you have to roll a wheelbarrow full of money thru the streets, as the Germans in the last days before Hitler's ascent had to do.
We weren't humbled in war and occupied by enemies, as Germany was. We weren't forced to sign a treaty that assigned to us the entire blame for a great war and imposed reparations upon us for our crimes — tho that may all be coming.
What's our excuse for throwing our civilization away and becoming monsters unrecognizable to ourselves, a society that remakes itself into a police state that treats everyone as a suspect and tortures prisoners, but calls that "freedom"?
The police state is creeping up on us slowly. We have time to react and stop it. Do we think that having everybody searched everywhere is "freedom"? And what if police who are ostensibly looking for bombs find instead, say, drugs, or porn, or illegal copies of software or music, or any of dozens of other legally dubious materials? Will they ignore all that? Or are we abolishing the Fourth Amendment, which forbids unreasonable searches and seizures and mandates a search warrant to be issued only on "probable cause", without bothering to put that abolition thru the constitutional amendatory procedure?
Do you personally have anything in your briefcase, knapsack, purse, or house that the authorities might give you grief over? Well, you'd better get rid of it or you may find yourself swept to prison by the emerging police state we are creating in the name of "security".
Is the police state to be temporary, a necessary "war measure" that will vanish with the restoration of peace? The people who are propounding these measures believe that we have ended the entire period of peace in our history, and are now in a state of permanent war. The "duration" of this war is FOREVER. In permanent war, any "war measure" is PERMANENT.
Apparently, any sacrifice is warranted for Israel. If we have to give the police unrestricted power to "protect" us, so be it. If we have to make enemies of a billion people and live in perpetual fear of retribution for the crimes against Arabs committed in our name by Israel, so be it. If we have to lay down our lives by the thousands (World Trade Center, Afghanistan, Iraq) or tens of thousands — or millions or tens of millions — that's a small enuf price to pay for preserving the insane delusion of some Jews that they are God's chosen people (never mind that almost none of us are Jews) who are entitled to slay their enemies with impunity and thereby make us the target of retribution for Israel's crimes.
If we do not break free from Zionism, renounce Zionism, destroy Zionism, it will destroy us — and we will deserve to be destroyed.

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