Sunday, July 25, 2004
Childslaughter Destroying Democrats. If Americans voted their actual interests, the Republican Party would be crushed beneath a landslide of discontent, reduced to little more than a third party. In actuality, it looks increasingly as tho a party that has inflicted vast misery upon Americans and made us more economically and physically insecure, will succeed in returning an idiot to the White House. Why? Because the Democratic Party is the party of childslaughter, and key elements of its core constituency, the poor, detest abortion-on-demand and simply cannot bring themselves to vote for people who regard children as garbage to be discarded as medical waste.
Who turns out the black vote? The churches. Are black churches pro-abortion? Many are staunchly anti-abortion. Their leaders hold their noses and urge their parishioners to hold their noses as well, to vote for Democrats anyway, but they cannot mobilize their entire congregations, because many deeply moral black people cannot and will not vote for abortionists. They don't have to vote Republican, which they also cannot bear to do. All they have to do is stay home and not vote at all. It looks as tho millions of black Americans will do precisely that this November.
Who turns out the Hispanic vote? The Roman Catholic Church. Holy Mother Church despises abortion as the greatest moral evil of our tme, and cannot urge parishioners from the pulpit or thru Catholic youth groups, family groups, etc., to unite to oust an anti-abortion Republican Party from the White House and Congress. Quite the contary, many priests, nuns, and lay leaders caution the people they talk to that they must look deep within themselves and their attitude toward the sanctity of innocent human life before casting their vote, and if they cannot in good conscience vote for people who advocate mass slaughter of children, they must either vote for people who fight this evil or at worst stay out of the fray and deprive childslaughterers of their support.
Can the Democratic Party really afford to antagonize these key elements of their core constituency? I suggest it cannot.
Poor people tend to have very different views toward children than do the middle class and rich. It astounds some people better situated financially that so many poor people have children they plainly "can't afford". But they LOVE their children and see that children are the center of their purpose in life. Young blacks all too often feel they have nothing but their fertility. Their manhood or womanhood is defined by being able to have, and in fact having, children. Many young black women (including young teens) feel that even if everything else in the world is insecure, they can, in a child, find a center, a rock, a person who will always be there for them, always love them, no matter what. And they can face the "hardship" that having a child entails because they have never known anything but hardship, so that is normal to them.
In similar fashion, many Latinos accept the Church's teaching that life is a banquet and it is wrong to deny children a place at the table. They regard life as a blessing to be shared joyously. Children are not an albatross around their neck. They are what makes life worth living, the warmth at the center of their heart. And if providing for them is hard, what that is worthwhile is easy? They would much rather have a son than a swimming pool; a daughter than a vacation in the south of France or a fancy foreign car or gas-guzzling SUV. And they don't need a big house if it's empty.
Even black and Hispanic moral leaders who accept "a woman's right to choose" do so most hesitantly. They regard abortion as a tragedy, a terrible hard choice that should be made only when all other options are exhausted. They don't regard abortionists as champions of human rights, and women who have multiple abortions as heroines of feminism, as top Democrats seem to suggest.
I'd like to see these Democrats who speak so glowingly of "a woman's right to choose" say to their children and grandchildren, whom they are so eager to show off in "photo-ops", "You're very lucky to be alive, because we had the right to kill you in utero." Explain to them that their lives have no value in themselves but only if their parents say so.
There must be a massive shift in the Democratic Party's public attitudes toward abortion. It must stop asserting the most extreme "rights", such as the "right" to murder a child as its head is coming out of the birth canal after a full nine months of gestation, as "late-term abortion" or "partial-birth abortion" or anything but what it is: obvious, cynical, brutal murder.
The Democrats must defend the sanctity of human life or they make a mockery of their pretense to be the champion of "the little guy", because who, really, is littler than an unborn child?
They must stop making abortion seem like a terrific, wonderful thing that every woman should undertake litely, but instead "choose life" if at all possible.
Democrats must accept that for almost all the world, including the great preponderance of Americans, abortion is a very personal and private tragedy, not a civil right to shout from the rooftops. Millions of women who have been rooked into killing their child by propaganda about how wonderful it is to strike a blow for feminism end up living the rest of their life with terrible guilt and sadness, wondering what their child would have been like, and how their life might have been different if they had embraced their baby rather than killed "it". Democrats must not trivialize this tragedy and thus casually inflict it on millions more women.
If Kerry and Edwards are to take the White House in November, the Democrats must turn out every member of their core constituency. If they do not, they will lose this election. And they will deserve to lose if they continue to be the party of childslaughter.