Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Governor Scheissfurgeist and "Flip-Floppers". Arnold Schwarzenegger, the foreign promoter of violence in films who conned Californians into making him governor, has shown the ugly, stupid face of the Republican Right for all to see. In calling Democrats "girlie-men" for opposing his budget, he has attacked women, attacked gay men (by (mistaken) implication), and shown his willingness to promote gender and orientation stereotyping and intergroup hatred. Moreover, he has, of course, got everything exactly backwards: in standing up against "The Terminator", these legislators have proved their courage, not their cowardice, as was his implication: that anyone who opposes him is less than a man, lacking integrity and courage for taking orders from "special interests" the Republicans' favorite buzzword of all time. (The Israel Lobby and the rich, the only people the Republican Right care a thing about, are, of course, not "special interests" except to real Americans.)
Which is easier, to go along with an incomprehensibly popular governor or to stand against him? Which takes more guts, more "manhood", if you will? And are men the only people with guts?
Gov. Scheissfurgeist (German for "shit for brains" feel free to use it, but credit me for the term) was caught redhanded at one and the same time of accusing women of having no courage nor integrity and of implying that Democrats are 'homos' (tho many gay men are hypermasculine and seek out other ultramasculine men) and he won't admit any wrongdoing! He stands by his remarks, confident that he will get away with them, as Republicans are getting away with all the other ugly and stupid insults they daily dish out for their foes. He's no "flip-flopper". He will stand by his stupidity and bigotry, and it is that kind of consistency that the voters want!
George Bush accuses Kerry and Edwards of being "flip-floppers" on the war against Iraq because they learned the truth and changed their mind. Bush makes it sound as tho it is a virtue to learn that his war of aggression was premised on lies, lies that have now been revealed, but he stands by the lies and will continue to repeat them to his dying day! That's Republican "integrity". If you're caught in a lie, stand by the lie, stand by the slander, stand by the name-calling. Never change your mind. Never admit error. Never correct a mistake. Just brazen it out, deny that a lie was a lie, pretend that it doesn't matter whether policy is based on lies or truth, and compound the initial error by committing ever more resources to defending an insane decision that has had catastrophic consequences and, as ever more compounded, may have ever more disastrous effects, on us as much as on Iraq and its region.
Dubya has the nerve to claim that Iraq is better off today than it was before the invasion! Oh, yeah. Under Saddam, there was peace in the streets. People could go about their daily business without worrying whether the car next to them would explode, killing them and their children. Forces of extremism were held in check by a pervasive police presence that infiltrated and destroyed terror groups before they could do any harm. The government was secular and religiously tolerant, and kept sectarian resentments and rivalries from exploding into violence. The oil wells pumped crude safely thru pipelines to make money for the government that would otherwise have had to be raised by taxes on ordinary citizens. Despite an international embargo led by the Zionists of the United States Government, the bridges and highways were intact, the power systems and water and sewage treatment plants operated, the schools and hospitals were undamaged and fully functioning, and Iraqis had a life that was, considering the embargo, pretty much normal. Not now.
Now, thanks to Dubya's invasion, daily life in Iraq is desperate and precarious; car bombs, and mortar attacks, and small-arms fire kill scores of Iraqis a week plus a dozen or more Americans who were taken thousands of miles from home to die for causes they know nothing about. The Iraqi Government is itself the target of these insurrectionaries, as makes it impossible for that government to function normally and provide services effectively. The oil supply is regularly interrupted by attacks on pipelines and other facilities, and valuable crude goes up in black, sooty, polluting smoke, starving the Iraqi people of the resources that oil money could buy. (The American taxpayer is required to make up the shortfall, in a war that has already cost us over $100 billion and threatens to continue to cost us billions in perpetuity.) Electric generating stations that served residential neighborhoods and businesses were destroyed by the United States, as were schools, hospitals, water systems and sewage treatment plants. Despite a year of rebuilding things that wouldn't have to be rebuilt if the U.S. Government hadn't destroyed them, that Government's own General Accounting Office reports that almost nothing is back to "prewar levels", which were already inadequate due to the U.S.-led embargo!
Hundreds of foreign fighters have been drawn into a "holy war" that has killed over 800 Americans and thousands of Iraqi men, women, children, and babes in arms slaughtered by indiscriminate car bombs and mortar blasts. And the temporary truce between ordinarily hostile religious and ethnic communities that united to oppose the U.S. occupation, remain just under the surface, waiting to explode if the military force needed to restrain them weakens or is withdrawn.
Iraq is better today than before the war??? For whom? Not for Iraqis. Oh, for Israel!
The neo-cons (i.e., Radical Zionists) who launched this war of aggression to defend their beloved Israel their real country think that things are going swimmingly. They couldn't be happier that "Gentiles" are slaughtering each other, Moslems killing Christians and other Moslems; Christians killing Moslems; and none of them seeing that Israeli Jews set them at each other's throat.
But Dubya isn't "flip-flopping". He's standing his ground, defending his insane decision to attack Iraq, pretending that it was the right thing to do and that Iraq is better off because of it. Can the electorate really be so stupid as to believe such crap?
I'm voting a straight Democratic ticket this November, and urge everyone in the Nation to do the same. The Republican Party has been taken over by aliens. Oh, they didn't arrive as pods from outer space, but they might as well have, because their "values" are not ours but those of an entirely alien culture, Israel. The Republican Party needs a shock at the ballot box to waken it to the need to purge itself of the Radical Zionist, turn-the-country-over-to-the-rich nuts who have seized it, and return it to its first principles, those of Abraham Lincoln. Old Abe would be horrified to see what has become of his party.
The Republican Party desperately needs "flip-floppers", people who aren't afraid to admit they made a mistake; who have the guts to accept responsibility for mistaken policies and try to correct errors, not compound them. All psychological counselors will tell you that the first step to overcoming a problem is to admit you have a problem. From Scheissfurgeist to the empty-headed neo-con puppet in the White House, the Republican Party has a problem with admitting error.