Thursday, July 08, 2004
Muzzling Money. In trying to discredit restrictions on the power of money to affect elections, Ryan Sager and other opponents of any restriction on the corruption of money pretend that any advertisement for Fahrenheit 9/11 is illegal under McCain-Feingold. All these people know full well the difference between an ad for a candidate and an ad for a movie, and the courts know the difference too.
The rich have no sense, but they have lots of dollars. Their agenda is disgusting, and when stripped of video finery comes down to "Give the rich everything they want, no matter how it may hurt everybody else" is a loser. So they want to dominate the debate with massive numbers of color-postcard paeans to patriotism and other irrelevancies to distract people from the reality that the Republican Party is reducing everyone but the rich to penury and its concomitant wage slavery and debt slavery. We won't let them use their money that way.
Let them vote their views; there are a lot more of us than them. If they have so much money they don't know what to do with it but spend it on distortions and video crap, let's just take it away with much higher taxes on the rich, and use that money to pay off the national debt they are endlessly piling onto us.