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The Expansionist
Monday, August 16, 2004
Israeli Gratitude. New Jersey's Catholic governor, the newly self-proclaimed "gay American" James McGreevey, made the appalling mistake of falling for an Israeli, a citizen of the most evil and ungrateful country in the history of the world. It is that key error of judgment that has caused him, and my state of New Jersey, so much trouble. But it is hardly the first time ungrateful Israelis have cost us deeply.
Tho some people might think excessive my assertion that Israel is the most evil country in history, and that surely the Mongols had to be more vile, my answer is that the Mongols weren't a democracy. They were ruled over by extremely violent and aggressive leaders who brooked no opposition. You went along or were killed, so of course most people went along. Jenghis Khan 'recruited' a huge army by the simple expedient of forcing into military service every physically fit man of military age and telling him that if he refused an order, he would be killed on the spot, as an example to others. Each conquered city or region became an instant source of military manpower, so that a tiny kernel of loyal Mongols came to control an outer group of semi-loyal allies, who in turn controlled an outer group of slave conscripts. One loyal Mongol could thus control 100 or more non-Mongol warriors. And the winners of the Mongols' myriad battles got to keep whatever they could grab from conquered and looted cities, because the world operated on the "spoils system" in those days.
(It is worth noting Jenghis Khan's methods for raising a huge and nearly invincible force. A nation of a few hundred thousand came to control the largest continuous land empire in the history of Earth. The United States, by contrast with Mongolia, has a huge population. One of every 21 people on this planet lives in the United States. If Jenghis Khan could amass an army of 150,000 to 300,000 and thereby conquer the bulk of Eurasia, the U.S. could raise an army of tens of millions and conquer the entire planet, if it chose to. Moreover, the U.S. has the logistical genius and vast economic wherewithal to sustain an army of such enormous size for as long as necessary to unite this planet under a single government, which would empower us to shift food from where it is in extreme excess and costs societies a lot of money to store, to where it is desperately needed to keep people alive for even one more day. We could end all wars, crush all "insurgencies", impose civilization upon savages, teach everyone the same language so they could communicate across the planet (without suppressing any local language at all) and protect the conscience of the individual, the smallest minority, from compulsion by the majority. If we wanted to. But we don't seem to want to. Americans seem content to permit a world of starvation, disease, want, and war to continue into the indefinite, permanent future. Oh, they’d RATHER fix all that, but they feel they aren’t entitled to. I'm not content with a world of want and war, and I am willing to consider whatever it takes to correct such a horror, to use power to bring justice to the powerless.
In any case, let's return to the main theme of this blog entry, the unreasonable costs in treasure and blood that we pay for backing the world's most evil country, Israel.)
By contrast with the Mongols, who had the 'right' only to obey their Khans or die, Israel makes much of being a "democracy", even tho its democracy is about as representative and fair as Mississippi's "democracy" in 1951 — or a lot less. No Mississippi town ever asserted a right to erect a wall down the center of town to keep “nigras” away from “decent white folk”.
Every crime committed by the Israeli government is committed by the Israeli people, who keep returning to office the most savage murderers, and who demand not more justice for Arabs as the way to bring peace but more violence against their 'enemies' — which is, of course, precisely WHY their enemies ARE their enemies, and why each year Israel has MORE enemies than the year beforeas do we, for backing every crime committed by Israel against everyone else in its region.
Despite desperate attempts by Zionists to distract us from the obvious fact that it is U.S. devotion to Zionism that produced the attacks of 9/11, everyone on planet Earth knows the truth. 9/11 had nothing to do with "freedom", but everything to do with Zionism. I am endlessly astonished, and disgusted, by the willingness of ordinary Americans to buy the RIDICULOUS lie that ARABS attacked the one country on Earth that keeps Israel in existence, because of ‘hatred of freedom’. RIDICULOUS!
It is a grotesque reality that in the past three years, FAR more Americans than Israelis have died for Zionism: on 9/11 in New York, DC, and Pennsylvania (c. 2,800); since then in Afghanistan (140) and Iraq (950) = about 3,850. Now, are you ready for this? — in a period longer by a full YEAR, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs' own website says that Israeli deaths from conflict with Arabs amounted to 868!. Think about that: according to this Israeli government figure, 4.44 times as many Americans have died for Israel since September 2001 than Israelis have died for Israel since September 2000! Astounding but true.
Here's the exact quote. Look particularly at the footnote:

Between September 29, 2000 and August 1, 2004, Magen David Adom treated a total of 6,480 casualties as follows:
868 killed, 560 severely injured, 798 moderately and 4,254 lighty [sic] injured, among them 11 MDA staff members....

Note: This list also includes 6 Israelis killed abroad in terror attacks directed specifically against Israeli targets, and 3 American diplomatic personnel killed in Gaza.

So Israel is counting "American diplomatic personnel" as Israeli casualties! Very telling.
I researched Arab deaths from Zionism in planning this blog entry, but decided that that is a topic for another time. Let’s stick to today’s focus: more Americans than Israelis dying for Israel, and Israeli ingratitude.
It is somewhere between hard and impossible to get comparable data on U.S. and Israeli deaths, time period to time period, at least via the Internet. But a pro-Israeli website says:

Almost 1900 Palestinians have been killed since the start of the “al-Aqsa Intifada” [September 28, 2000], compared to almost 700 Israelis. Numbers like these are used to create an image of lopsided slaughter, with Israel cast as the villain. But such numbers distort the true picture: They lump combatants in with noncombatants, suicide bombers with innocent civilians, and report Palestinian “collaborators” murdered by their own compatriots as if they had been killed by Israel.
More meaningful figures show that Israel is responsible for some 733 Palestinian noncombatant deaths, while Palestinians have killed 546 Israeli noncombatants.

What this "meaningful figure" — which STILL shows Israelis killing MANY more Palestinian NONCOMBATANTS than the other way around — doesn't tell you is that there are 1.73 times as many Israelis as Palestinians, so a fairer comparison would be 1,900 x 1.73 = 3,287 Palestinians killed compared to the "almost" 700 Israelis killed since September 28, 2000, a per-capita rate of 4.7 Palestinians killed for each Israeli. But, I digress, again, from the main topic: more Americans, not Palestinians, than Israelis dying for Israel.
In actual deaths, the total Israeli death toll from 9/2000 thru 8/2004, an entire year longer than the time from the WTC attacks to today, is about 700, according to this website, 868 according to the Israeli Government. It doesn't make much different. Both figures are much smaller than the 3,850 Americans dead for Israel in a period shorter by a year. If deaths were evenly distributed over that period, then in the three years since 9/11 only some 525 Israelis acording to the pro-Israeli website or perhaps 651 according to the Israeli Government website have died for Israel, whereas some 3,850 Americans have died for Israel! That's between 5.9 and 7.3 TIMES as many Americans as Israelis dying for Israel! Does that make any sense to anyone at all but Radical Zionists? Why should 6 or 7 times as many Americans die for Israel as Israelis? It's insane.
Are Israelis grateful for this massive sacrifice of CHRISTIAN lives for Zionism, something in which not one Christian has any stake at all? Not as far as anyone could tell.
The U.S. "asks" Israel to do things that might make our stance against the world even a tad easier, and Israel refuses. Why should Israel give in so much as one iota, ever, to any demand by the United States, just because without the U.S. Israel would not exist and the bulk of Israelis would be lucky to find themselves deported from Palestine rather than executed for their endless crimes against humanity? Israel acts as tho U.S. aid is irrelevant, and Israel could stand against the world without U.S. protection. Try it, you arrogant, ungrateful bastards! Try it! Tell us to take our money and shove it up our ass. We'll take our money, to be sure, but we won't shove it up our ass. Maybe we'll give it to Yasser Arafat. Maybe we'll train Palestinians to be an effective armed force to destroy Israel.
Israelis' stance seems to be, "So, Israel's endless viciousness causes Americans to be attacked around the world and even at home, so what? So, a few thousand goyim [gentiles, i.e., non-Jews] die because of their support of Israel, so what?"
What does that matter to Israel? Gentiles aren't Jews. Their lives don't matter. Gentiles don't count for anything. Nobody matters to Israel but Jews.
The only concern Israel had when the World Trade Center towers cascaded into rubble was "How is this going to affect U.S. support for Israel?" Even worse, they actually feared being blamed for bringing this disaster onto Americans, as of course they did, and feared a violent anti-Jewish backlash. They headed that off by offering this crazy alternative reality, that ARABS attacking the United States was an "attack upon freedom"!
They didn't care one bit that 2,800 Americans had died for Israel. Radical Zionists will gladly fight the Arabs to the last American.
All that mattered was finding some way to keep the obvious truth of the matter from Americans: Arabs attacked the U.S. because the U.S. attacks Arabs in backing every outrage committed by Israel against Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians, Egyptians, Iraqis — even Tunisians, 1,500 miles from Jerusalem — always in the name of "self-defense"! Aside from any harm to the U.S. “alliance” that alone keeps Israel from being destroyed, why would Israel care that thousands of Americans are killed by Arabs? Gentiles aren't human. They're not Jews! Neither are Arabs. So, Arab gentiles kill Christian gentiles — of what conceivable importance is that to Israel?
Israel can build a fence that dwarfs the Berlin Wall and the U.S. doesn't dare raise the tiniest objection. Where is a Reagan-like call to the Israelis?, "Mr. Sharon, tear down this wall!"
If George Bush somehow managed to borrow the balls to issue such a call, how would Israelis answer? "Go fuck yourself, you stupid, hillbilly goy!"
How would Bush react to such a flat, insulting rejection? "Oh, OK. I suppose it's really none of my business what you do in your own country, even tho we have bought and paid for that worthless dirt several times over. You're right. I'm wrong. Go right back to religious segregation and murderous discrimination that we'll be blamed for and terrorists will kill Americans for. I shouldn't have said a word."
Here in New Jersey, a dirty Israeli bastard rooked a Christian gay man into helping him immigrate to the United States and get a number of fabulous, extremely highly-paid jobs ($110,000 a year) for which he had no qualifications whatever; strung him along sexually; then threatened to "out" him and sue for "sexual harassment" if he didn't pay him $5 million (say the reports); and even denied being gay and asserted that he was 'terrified' of going to work because this horrible, out-of-control degenerate gayboy/goyboy 'hit on him'.
Golan Cipel, the Israeli creep in question, is slime, the perfect Israeli: use people, blackmail people, expose them to ruin, but never accept any responsibility. Cipel should be Prime Minister of Israel. Let's help him find his way back to his beloved Israel: DEPORT the bastard.
While we're at it, let's deport every other Israeli from the United States, and every Zionist of every national origin; renounce all support for Israel; go over to the Palestinian side; destroy Israel's entire military establishment and every last nuclear facility in a "shock and awe" campaign of two or three weeks’ duration; proclaim Yasser Arafat President of all of (Re-)United Palestine; and let his government decide which Jews may live in Palestine, which must die for their crimes, and which must leave Palestine forever. Then we will have peace in Palestine and peace between Islam and the United States. And probably not before.

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