Thursday, September 23, 2004
Two Short Items. Item 1: Antiwar Tack. Dick Morris, a right-wing former advisor to President Clinton (!), is delited that John Kerry has supposedly taken a full-out antiwar stance on Iraq, claiming that this ensures his defeat. First, I suspect Morris has, like most rightwingers, exaggerated Kerry's dissent on Iraq, since rightwingers aren't known for their honesty and seem to operate on the assumption that saying something makes it true: that simply saying that Kerry is going to lose, will make him lose, by the magic of self-fulfilling prophecy! It doesn't work that way.
Second, I'm sure there are a lot of Americans who now have very serious doubts about staying on and on and on in Iraq.
I responded to Morris's column in the New York Post today ("The Anti-War Turn Is a Loser") with the following short letter to the Post:
RIGHT-WING liars may think that Americans still believe that murdering Iraqis and seeing our sons killed in an unending guerrilla war -- and yes, that is what it now is, a guerrilla war, and we're not very good at fighting guerrilla wars -- is necessary to the defense of "Main Street", but most Americans know there is no such linkage. We are disgusted by the war and the lies that got us into it. We know that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, and all claims by the evil liar Bush that it did, show him to be a slimeball embarrassment to the Presidency. The Iraq war has INCREASED terrorism, not reduced it, and everybody knows it. If Bush is re-elected, we will STILL be fighting in Iraq in 2008!
Americans who had lived and worked in the Arab world safely for years have been kidnapped and killed beheaded! since Bush's war made all Americans, even pro-Arab Americans, targets of Moslem rage. We are more at risk now than before Bush's war.
The Democrats must poison the slogan "Four more years" by making sure that every time an audience hears Republicans chant "Four more years", every listener will silently add, "of war in Iraq". Chant it everywhere: "Four-more-years of war-in-Iraq!" That's what you'll get if you vote Republican. "Four-more-years of war-in-Iraq!"
Item 2: Ray Romano's Wealth. The star of the enormously popular CBS sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond said, in an interview published today online at, of his decision to do one more season: "The whole thing wasn't the money, as much as it is [$1.8 million an episode] and I apologize for that to everybody out there." The interview also concludes with an apology: "Once again, I apologize for my salary."
Well, Raymond, it's very nice of you to apologize for your salary, but you are content to take it, aren't you? While typical working people in many parts of this country and in many industries make $25,000 a year, you will make $39.6 million this year not counting any work you do apart from the sitcom. For play-acting. That's obscene.
Forbes Magazine reports that there are now 313 BILLIONAIRES in the United States! more than ever before. 313 BILLIONAIRES. They make Ray Romano's forty mill look like chump change by contrast. If Ray Romano, a mere multimillionaire, feels embarrased about his preposterous salary, what must BILLIONAIRES feel?
Let's help Ray Romano and all those billionaires get over the guilt they must feel for their obscene wealth, by raising income tax rates on the hugely rich to 99% on everything above $5 million a year. That should help a lot of decent rich people sleep better at nite.