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The Expansionist
Saturday, November 06, 2004
World Vote. My sister Trina sent out this map she found on the Internet, of how the world might have voted had everyone been entitled to elect the President of the United States.

But seriously, folks, a survey of ten nations a week before the election showed an additional country for Bush. Russians preferred Bush by a slight margin. Israel, shown correctly on the map, tho you might have to magnify the image to see, favored Bush by a huge margin, 75% to 25% for Kerry! Small wonder. Bush did, after all, attack Iraq for Israel.
One hears, from time to time, assertions that foreigners should have some input into the election of President, because he is the most powerful man on Earth and his behavior will affect the entire planet for four years. Fine. Join the Union. We'll let you vote. Just yield your separate sovereignty to joint sovereignty with the rest of us, take your place within our market, conform your laws to our Constitution, and you can send Senators and Congressmen to the Capitol and vote for President and Vice President. What could be fairer?

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