Sunday, December 05, 2004
Kissing Israel's Ass. I sent the following letter to the New York Post today.
The Post is, as usual, wrong in its editorial comment that it is "Hard to argue" with the assertion by [New York] State Senator Serphin Maltese that "[The UN] has evolved into an anti-Israel, anti-Semitic group of petty, sniping bigots who are pursuing an anti-freedom, anti-democratic, anti-American agenda. To authorize an expansion of their headquarters (in NYC) would be a slap in the face of American citizens." What a load of crap. And does he really think that French-kissing Israel's butt is going to win progressive New York Jews to the Republican Party? He's a fool, and so is the Post.
"Semitic" means "speaker of a Semitic language", and the great preponderance of all speakers of Semitic languages are ARABS. The UN is not anti-Arab. The New York Post is anti-Arab, as is the Government of the United States, but the UN reflects the wide world's hatred of Zionism, which is not "freedom" or "democratic" but enslavement of Palestinians under a brutal, anti-democratic occupation marked by endless death and injustice 100 times worse than segregation in the U.S. South ever was. Improving Palestinians' status to that of blacks in 1956 Mississippi would be a huge advance, but the U.S. instead backs every obscene violation of human rights committed by Zionists who never heard of the Ten Commandments, including the building of a WALL to keep Palestinians in their place that makes the Berlin Wall look like a white picket fence.
New York should be extremely flattered that, despite the criminal behavior of the U.S. Government in the Middle East (and, alas, elsewhere, as for instance in shipping $125 billion a year to the Butchers of Beijing thru unfair trade), that august body wants to add to its New York presence and spend more money here. I'd rather have that money spent Tristate than in Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, or anywhere else. New York City and State should embrace the UN's plans for expansion in Manhattan, and the U.S. should follow the UN's lead to end the dream-turned-nightmare of Zionism by disestablishing Israel and uniting all the peoples of Palestine in a single, pluralistic, and tolerant nation fit to call itself the "Holy Land".
Responsive to editorial, "Annan's Bad Week", New York Post, December 5, 2004)