Thursday, January 20, 2005
"Not One Damn Dime" Day. Remember that today everyone who is unhappy or angry about the inauguration of George W. Bush should show their displeasure by refusing to spend any money at all.
If you have already spent a little something at a local coffee shop or in a vending machine from which moneys will not be collected today, that's one thing. You might assume that a small business's owners aren't Bushites. You might be wrong. A lot of businesspeople are deluded that they can become as rich as the Republicans want them to think they can, even tho for most it will never happen, and their dreams are just used to promote the interests of the obscenely rich. So unless you know with certitude that a smallbusinessperson is hostile to the Republican agenda, don't buy anything from anyone today!
Certainly do not spend any money in major stores, especially those like Wal-Mart that contributed heavily to the Bush victory, pay low wages, provide poor benefits, and import heavily from Communist China as to undercut American workers and even Mexicans who were supposed to benefit from NAFTA.
Here in New Jersey, where the high is supposed to be at the freezing mark and the low down to 10 degrees, it's easy just to hibernate a day and leave shopping trips to balmier weather. People in warmer climes should have on hand at home, already, enuf of everything to get thru one day without spending a cent. Not one damn dime? Hell not one cent!