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The Expansionist
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Some Good News, for a Change. The headline on an AOL news hilite this afternoon read, "Super-Lawyer Dies at Age 67". It should have read "Evil Shyster Finally Gets His Due".
The shyster in question was the monster Johnny Cochran, accessory-after-the-fact in the double murder committed by O.J. Simpson, who co-conspired with Simpson to get away with slashing two (white) people to death. Cochran actively participated in one of the Nation's most divisive trials, the result of which led to seared-in memories of a black audience jumping to their feet in joy that an obvious black murderer got away with stabbing two white people repeatedly and mercilessly until they died. That cheering enraged the bulk of the people of this Nation, and has never really been either forgotten or forgiven.
Most blacks now accept that O.J. was of course guilty. We've had a lot more experience with DNA evidence since then, and it has freed a lot of people who shouldn't have been convicted, and convicted a lot of people who otherwise might also have gotten away with murder, as O.J. did because the jury didn't give DNA evidence the weight it deserved.
But black acceptance of O.J.'s guilt has been quiet. Very quiet. Where's our apology?
Many of the same blacks who cheered when O.J. was acquitted demand "reparations" from white people for slavery, even tho they were never slaves themselves, in part because they feel an apology is due them, even from white people who never held slaves and whose ancestors weren't even in this country when slavery existed! I guess white people will get their apology for racist joy over O.J.'s acquittal around the same time blacks get "reparations" for slavery.
Johnny Cochran did a little rap/rhyme thing in the O.J. trial that should be chiseled on his tombstone so that when O.J. is finally universally accepted as guilty — and may even have confessed on his deathbed (soon, one hopes) — it will stay as a perpetual stain on his memory: "If it does not fit, you must acquit." The "it" was a glove stiff from dried blood. Even if it had been a perfect fit before being wetted with blood, it might have been very hard to put on after drying with blood still in it. But Cochran wasn't content to gamble that shrinkage and stiffening of the leather would suffice to ensure that it wouldn't fit O.J.'s hand. No.
He got away with one of the most outrageous and preposterous moves in the history of trials: he demanded that O.J. be allowed to put on a rubber glove before he tried on the blood-stiffened glove, pretending concern that pathogens might be in the glove and infect his 'innocent' client. So even if the glove had fitted snugly to begin with, before it was bloodied, it assuredly wouldn't fit at all afterward, over a SECOND glove.
But the feeble-minded jury (all of whom should now be rounded up and repeatedly stabbed until they bleed to death; justice is harsh) acquitted O.J., despite a mountain of evidence, including DNA evidence. And Cochran lived ten more years, as tho a respectable human being. But fate struck him down by means of a tumor that attacked his brain. Poetic. Now he joins Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. He should have been sent to them the way they went.
Another prominent black rhymester, the "Reverend" Jesse Jackson, poked his nose into another matter that doesn't concern him today. He showed up in Florida to support the Schindler sh*theads in trying to get politicians to "save" the dead woman Terri Schiavo. We have seen quite enuf of the adulterer Jesse Jackson. At least he is now involved in something that doesn't stand a 'prayer' of success. The Nation is tired of Terri Schiavo and tired of Jesse Jackson. They should both join Johnny Cochran as soon as possible.
If you think that unkind to the poor 'victim' Terri Schiavo, consider that the stupid bitch brought this entire mess upon herself with bulimia. She was self-destructive and achieved her end. Good riddance. I'll save my sympathy for decent people who are struck down long before their time — for instance kids who get cancer or are shot dead by Israelis for the capital crime of throwing rocks.
One last note: Johnny Cochran died only two years after the current Social Security retirement age for his age group. If retirement age were 67, as the Republicans want (mine is already 66, the age having been raised for my group), he would have been eligible for Social Security for only a few months before he died. In his case, that's fine, because he didn't need Social Security, tho he probably took it anyway. But there are decent, hardworking people whom the Republicans would rob of any retirement at all. Nature has stopped Johnny Cochran. The electorate must stop the Republicans.

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