Thursday, January 26, 2006
Viva Hamastan! This is a great day. The people of Palestine have elected a government that stands up proudly against Israel and does not accept the right of Jews or the Zionist-dominated Government of the United States to tell them how to vote, how to live, how to deal with the violent occupation of their land by mass murderers backed to the hilt by outsiders who have done them wrong for 50 years. Palestinians are mad as hell, and they're not going to take it anymore.
Nor should they.
Hamas won 76 seats in the 132-member parliament, while Fatah, which controlled Palestinian politics for four decades, won 43 seats, said Hanna Nasser, head of the Central Election commission. The 13 remaining seats went to several smaller parties and independents. * * *
[Shithead George W.] Bush said the United States will not deal with Palestinian leaders who dispute Israel's right to exist.
"If your platform is the destruction of Israel, it means you're not a partner in peace, and we're interested in peace," Bush said. [Of course you are, even if peace should require the dissolution of Israel and the creation of a multiethnic, religiously neutral United Palestine in its place, right?]
Israel's acting foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, asked the EU not to deal with a "terror government." * * * [Wow. That's certainly the pot calling the kettle black.]
"You cannot have one foot in politics and another in terror," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said.
Benjamin Netanyahu, leader of the opposition Likud Party, condemned the vote. "Today Hamastan was formed," he said. Labor Party politician Ami Ayalon said Israel might have to change the route of its West Bank security barrier to take Hamas' victory into account. * * *
Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi [the short-haired English-speaking woman we have seen on TV dozens of times over the years] said Fatah's corruption, Israel's tough measures and international indifference to the plight of the Palestinians were to blame for Hamas' strong showing.
Zionists feign indignation that anyone might deal with the sovereign government of Palestine if leaders who believe in the power of violence take control, all the while Israel rules by violence and the United States has armies occupying two entire countries! What hypocrisy!
No one on Earth believes that the governments of Israel and the United States forswear the use of violence. They use violence every day. What's sauce for the goose really is sauce for the gander, you hypocritical bullshit artists!
Hanan Ashrawi says plainly that "international indifference to the plight of the Palestinians" has produced desperation and militancy in the people of Palestine, so George Bush's response is to threaten further to isolate Palestine and worsen the conditions Palestinians suffer under. He won't be satisfied until every single Moslem in the world takes up arms against us.
Bush and other Israelis (yes, Bush is for all practical purposes an Israeli) are fiting a valiant war for segregation, and seem to believe in a brilliant future for segregation. Israel is building a "security barrier", a literal wall of separation between Jews and Moslems, and trusts that such segregation will bring "security". It's as tho Mississippi built walls down the middle of every town in the state to keep "coloreds" away from "decent white folk". And the U.S. taxpayer is paying for it.
Segregation is no more the "wave of the future" than was Communism. Modernity is diversity, and the future is about inclusion rather than exclusion, equality rather than supremacism, be it white supremacism, Jewish supemacism, Moslem supremacism, or any other. When will people get that thru their heads?
Bush and other Israelis pretend that destroying Israel means exterminating Jews. That is bullshit. The United States destroyed thirteen colonies. It did not exterminate the people of those colonies. It just changed their form of government and the terms of their relationships with Britain.
Palestinians can destroy Israel without exterminating the Jews who live there. All that needs to be done is to erase the border and disestablish Israel as a "Jewish state", instead to merge it back into a United Palestine. Jews who accept that Moslems and Christians are their exact equal and are willing to live as Jewish Palestinians with no more rights or privileges than any of their fellow citizens can stay in Palestine. Those who are not willing to live as equals will have to leave. But I don't want them here. We didn't take in the heroes of apartheid when South Africa eliminated its racist state. We mustn't take in the heroes of Zionism when Palestine eliminates its racist state.
Why are we so blasé about a "Jewish state", but terrified by the thought of a "Moslem state"? Onetime presidential candidate John B. Anderson said he'd like to see the United States proclaim itself a "Christian country", but he was denounced for that. So "Christian country" and "Islamic republic" are utterly unacceptable to decent, modern people, but "Jewish state" is fine? Not with me it's not.
There are proportionately 10 times as many non-Jews in "the Jewish state" (20%) than there are Jews and Moslems in the United States (2%), yet we can't call ourselves a "Christian country" but Israel can call itself a "Jewish state". Not acceptable.
We rejected the idea of calling ourselves a "Christian country" because we understood that to do so would tell the tiny minority who do not identify at least culturally and ethically as Christians that they are not real Americans and have no right to be here. We rejected that idea. But it's okay with us if Israel calls itself a "Jewish state", even tho that plainly says to the 20% of its residents who are not Jewish that they are not real Israelis and have no right to be there.
We even send billions of taxpayer dollars a year, year after year after decade to the tune of $100 billion so far, and climbing at over $3 billion each and every year to bolster that kind of bigotry. We have sent 160,000 troops into Iraq and spent over $300 billion (and counting) on destroying Israel's worst enemy at the time, Iraq, and are thinking about invading Syria and maybe even Iran for the exact same purpose, to make Israel safe in its vicious bigotry. Has the leadership elite of the United States lost its mind? Apparently so.
Maybe we can do something about that in November, if some people who aren't Zionist loons will run for Congress.
The wonderful result in Palestine explodes the myth that democracies cannot go to war against each other, and we need to bring home to the fools in Washington and Europe that it is justice, not democracy, that produces peace.
Any truly representative democracy will reflect the actual concerns of the voters, and the voters of Palestine, as those of Iraq, have horrendous problems caused by foreigners. The Hamas victory in Palestine is the first shoe to drop. A militant, anti-Zionist government in Iraq is the second shoe, which has not yet dropped only because the government of Iraq has not yet been able to come together. But the naive, infantile belief of the Zionists who control U.S. foreign policy, that if only we bring democracy to the Middle East we will have peace, because democracies would have to accept the right of Israel to exist (as a racist, religiously discriminatory and segregationist state) has been shown to be moronic.
The result in Palestine should also serve as warning to the empire-builders in Europe who want to create a European superstate to challenge the United States for world preeminence. If they think that the mere fact that both the EU and U.S. are democratic precludes war between them, they are dead wrong.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 2,239.)