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The Expansionist
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Highest Treason. The globalists who control the present U.S. Administration have no allegiance to the United States whatsoever. Many are Radical Zionists whose only devotion is to Israel. The bulk of the rest are corporationists, people whose devotion is to the interests of megacorporations, multinationals that pursue their own interests and subordinayte national interests, human rightseverything — to the best long- or short-term interests of the only entity really sacred to them. It is not the church/mosk/synagog/temple, nor the God/s beyond. Not the nationstate nor multiethnic and multireligiously diverse national union. No, their sole devotion is to The Corporation and the sacred obligation of corporate boards to pursue total power over planet Earth for the sake of Divine Efficiency in the service of Holy Profit. Their creed is Cost-Effectiveness, their Holy of Holies. People? People mean nothing.
Only when you understand that there really are 'people' out there in the corporate boardroom who believe, with almost religious zeal, in a corporative form of natural order, and survival of the fittest, can some of the things we see emerging around us be understood.
The Dubai Ports deal is a perfect example that makes plain the corporationist ideal held dear by the current leadership of the Bush Administration — which, however, is not held dear to the slightest degree by the great preponderance of even the Republican Party they use nor the American people they abuse.
Corporations have no nationality, no national allegiance, no nationalism, no religion, no ethics, no decency, only an ideal of functionalism: what works for the benefit of the corporation and its shareholdersor management (on this alone is there disagreement) — should be done, no matter the cost to people who are outside the ownership/management structure.
In their view, corporations are the ultimate achievement in human organization. They achieve the greatest efficiencies in terms of cost, and the only thing of importance is profitability. If that means you move operations from one country to another, you do it, no matter how many people you hurtemployees, neighbors dependent upon the payroll disbursed locally, local governments, state governments, national governments — anything.
If you need to cut costs to turn an ever-higher profit for the shareholders and bring ever-more-obscene bonuses to management, you do so, no matter what you have to do to achieve that. Declare bankruptcy to void labor contracts? No problem. Default on pension obligations? No problem. Cut your retirees off without medical insurance? No problem. Slash medical coverage for current employees? No problem. Slash wages and all benefits of whatsoever description for current employees (other than top management, of course)? No problem. Cheat on taxes? No problem. Move every conceivable operation that can be moved out of high-wage areas where laws control hours, wages, benefits, and occupational safety standards as might limit profit? No problem. Turn over operations essential to national security to corporations that don't care about national security? No problem.
Make no mistake: if they could get away with it, the people who control Bush (because he is only a puppet, not really President at all) would outsource EVERYTHING to the lowest-cost provider. Every single function in this country, from manufacturing to bookkeeping to security, would be shipped overseas, or, if a function cannot actually be moved physically, it could at least be performed by immigrants willing to work for the lowest possible wage — or nothing save room and board. If current immigration laws don't permit that, change the immigration laws!
Every single government department would be manned by Chinese or other semi-starving foreigners paid the tiniest pittance and given no benefits of consequence, at every level up to top management, which of course would pay richly and be reserved to the elite. Americans, Canadians, Britons, Germans — everyone — would work for 50 cents an hour or die. And the 'people' at the top would reap obscene rewards in money of their own and all the things that corporate money can buy: free housing in several homes around the world, free travel, free hookers, free booze (tho drugs are frowned upon because they cut into efficiency), free caviar and champagne, free clothes, art, concerts, and every other luxury that the Owners Of The World may desire. Everyone else would scurry around like ants tending the queen.
That is the world we are moving toward under the current leadership of the Republican Party. That is the ultimate meaning of globalism as top Republicans see it: not "One world, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All" (the slogan of the Expansionist Party), but one world where the few own everything and the rest are slaveswage slaves and debt slaves afraid to object to the abuse they are endlessly subjected to lest they be severed from all income and all government safety-net resources, and literally starve to death if they will not submit, and serve the masters on suchever terms as the masters may decide.
Interlocking directorates are as nothing as against today's global corporationists. Unless we wake up very soon, the interlocking fingers of the worldwide corporationist conspiracy will titen around our throats and force us to our knees. We will end up grateful if the fingers loosen so we are not murdered, and then give the corporationists everything they wish.
That's not my kind of world. If it's not yours either, you need to recognize that the Bushites are corporationists, and they want you subservient or dead.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 2,290.)

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