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The Expansionist
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Thumping for War. Radical Zionists are trying hard to get the United States to crush the new government of Palestine and invade Syria and Iran before their emerging alliance succeeds in destroying Israel (and replacing it with a united, multireligious and multiethnic Palestine). Their propaganda machine is moving into high gear, and looks soon to hit fever pitch. The pro-Israel lobby is willing to do anything to inflame U.S. opinion into embarking upon another hugely costly and destructive war for Israel, as they fite Islam to the last American.
Two op-ed pieces today in Radical Zionism's U.S. mouthpiece, the New York Post, address different parts of the self-same puzzle: how to destroy the threats to Israel, first by manipulating U.S. power into destroying a democratically elected government in Palestine (so much for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars being to bring democracy to the Middle East), then into invading both Syria and Iran.
The first piece, by the stupid Jewish columnist John Podhoretz (who got his job only because he is the son of a man who earned his own distinction), reports that Israel is withholding $50 million a month of taxes, paid by Palestinians, from the government those taxes were supposed to go to. I sent the following short emailed letter to the editor about that.

Israel is stealing Palestinian tax moneys and pretends it has the right to do so. Not content with stealing over $3 billion a year from American taxpayers, it is now (according to John Podhoretz) also stealing $600 million a year from Palestinian taxpayers! And Israelis wonder why the entire world, except for the ruling class and "End Times" fundamentalist Christians in the United States only, hates Israel. How, pray, is the Palestinian government supposed to enforce the laws, give Palestinians hope that peace can work by providing them economic opportunity, and restrain terrorists without money?
Plainly Israel does not want peace. It wants Palestine. It claims to want the Palestinian Authority to control terrorism, but at the exact same time prevents it from doing so by actually blowing up police stations and now stealing the tax moneys the Palestinians need to create the rule of law. When Palestinians endlessly frustrated by Israeli two-facedness erupt in rage, the Israelis will use that as pretext to murder children for the capital offense of throwing rocks, in order to push back the day when Arabs outnumber Jews in Occupied Palestine. But that day is coming, Jews are leaving, and the insane, stupid Zionist experiment will end in failure, after killing untold tens of thousands of people, almost all of them Arabs, for nothing. While Israel, which is in its End Times, hangs on, Americans will be required to turn over billions of dollars and sacrifice thousands of its young people on the altar of Zionism.
How long will it be before every single American understands that Zionism is irredeemably evil?

(Responsive to "Phantom 'Break'", column by John Podhoretz in the New York Post of February 21, 2006)
The second anti-Moslem piece is by the Iranian exile Amir Taheri, an ostensible Moslem whom the Post trots out regularly to prove that it is not anti-Moslem, tho of course it is. I sent this emailed comment to the letters department.

Amir Taheri may think it clever to call the former government of Saddam Hussein "Saddamites", which is presumably to be read exactly as tho written "Sodomites", but is it really a good idea to use antihomosexual bigotry to inflame anti-Arab bigotry? Hasn't it occurred to him, and the Post, which published that disgraceful epithet, that if you want American opinion to unite against Iran's ambitions, then making anti-Iranian activism equate with antihomosexual bigotry might be counterproductive? Apparently not. You have apparently made the judgment that defending Israel (after all, no one in the U.S. would give a damn about Iran if it were where North Korea is rather than within striking range of Israel) can be done only by waging full-scale war against Iran -- another ground invasion by hundreds of thousands of American troops, costing another $400 billion and thousands more dead Americans — and American liberals will never go for that, so you must roll right over them using the tank of antigay viciousness to keep the lunatic notion of another war over 7,000 miles from our shores from being rejected out of hand. Zionists really are crazy.

(Responsive to "Bad Ideas for Stopping Iran", column by Amir Taheri in the New York Post of February 21, 2006)
Americans must understand that Radical Zionists will try to make the United States invade every country that remotely endangers Israel. They don't care how many Americans die. They don't care if we have to spend trillions of dollars and consign the next ten generations of Americans to a crushing national debt. As far as Zionists are concerned, there is no price too high for Americans to pay.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 2,277.)

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