Friday, June 09, 2006
Death of a Villain. One Villain. The people of Iraq, who have suffered so much, so long, got some good news yesterday. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Jordanian lunatic who seemed to believe that killing innocents is God's work, was killed by a U.S. airstrike.
Unfortunately, there are many more such loons in the Moslem world. There appears to be something fundamentally wrong with Islam that it lends itself so easily to mass murder as God's command.
Algerian Islamists were able, somehow, to justify in their minds, killing pregnant women and their unborn child by cutting the child from his mother's belly while the mother still breathed. God's work. Their God told them to do that, to bring God's Kingdom to Earth.
If that is truly the God of Islam, the world will have to exterminate Islam. But the mainline Islamic leadership says that is most definitely not at all what the God of Islam wants for the world. They had better get that message thru to their followers, in a hurry, because the rest of the world is getting very sick of mass-murderous Islamism.
Let Islamists consider this: which way will you face if the United States destroys both Mecca and Medina with not one, not two, but three hydrogen bombs each, one after the other, and renders both unfit for human habitation for 10,000 years because of saturation with plutonium. If any part of the Kaaba survived, no one would be able to march around it for 10,000 years, and long before that, all Moslems around the world will have died of old age or converted to some less insane religion.
In the battle of the Gods, our God, the one with thermonuclear weapons, is better than your God. But of course a lot of the people who developed nuclear weapons were rationalists, not superstitious nuts of any kind. At the time they did so, there was rational cause to take that step, because the world was in the midst of mass insanity, the worst and widest war in history. They understood that the human race is a bunch of violent nuts who can be held in check only by superior violence.
The debate about whether it was proper to use nuclear weapons against Japan just heated up a bit, with the assertion by a recent documentary that not only did Japan itself have a nuclear program but even that Japan actually tested, successfully, a nuclear device off the coast of northern Korea, around the same time the U.S. dropped its bombs on the Japanese home islands. Tho I am very suspicious of the claim of a successful test after all, if they had a working bomb, why would they not use it against U.S. forces in the Pacific? especially coming 61 years late, I do not doubt that Japan would have developed and used such a device if it could have. The same documentary offered a different, interesting piece of information I hadn't heard.
Toward the end of the war, Japan sent balloons laden with incendiary devices or anthrax and other biological agents up into the jet stream to attack the U.S. mainland. Some actually reached the U.S. I knew about that. What I did not know is that at least some of those balloons (a) were made of paper (b) by schoolchildren! If true, that is devastating information for those who like to pretend that Japanese civilians were "innocents" we ruthlessly murdered in dropping atomic bombs on Japanese cities.
Plainly the Japanese population was wholly in collusion with its government in Japan's hideous crimes against the entire region. Unless there are more documentaries yet to be developed from heretofore undisclosed information, there was no Japanese "Resistance", no sabotage at munitions plants, no attempts to assassinate the Emperor or the other top leaders of the Imperial Japanese war machine, no mutinies by soldiers or sailors refusing orders to commit crimes against humanity.
There comes a point where passivity in the face of savagery comes to constitute complicity. The complicity of the Japanese people brought Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What will the complicity of Moslem populations bring?
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 2,489.)