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The Expansionist
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Billing Evacuees. The Bush Administration is evacuating some of the 25,000 Americans believed to be in Lebanon, but billing them for that service! I guess that's what Bush means by "compassionate conservatism", his version of "fiscal conservatism". He will run up a deficit in the hundreds of billions of dollars a year, then make up for his profligacy by billing Americans whose very lives his policies put at risk in the Middle East. He backs Israel to the hilt, even as it kills 8 Canadians and attacks an entire country without any regard for innocents, be they 25,000 Americans or anyone else. Why would Israel give a damn about Americans who would live in an Arab country? Plainly they are The Enemy. So a few non-Jewish Americans — or a few dozen — might be killed by Israel's attacks. So what? Bush will excuse it. U.S. media will downplay it, and we'll just go on making excuses for Israeli barbarism.
Meanwhile, those enemies of Israel will be billed for putting the Zionist U.S. Government to the trouble of pretending to care about them. They don't like it? They shouldn't have been in an enemy of Israel to begin with. If Arabs succeed in launching radioactivity-coated missile warheads into Israeli cities and the many "Americans" in Israel need to be evacuated, will the Bush Administration bill them too? Not bloody likely. But perhaps Congress will balk, and demand equal treatment for evacuees from Israel, so they too will be billed.
What next? Billing people rescued by the Coast Guard for accidents at sea or rescued by the fire service from wildfires? You've gotta love good old Dubya, huh? Oh. No. That's wrong. You've got to hate George Bush and everything he stands for.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 2,553.)

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