Monday, July 31, 2006
Murderers and Liars. At 2 a.m. today, Israel announced a 48-hour (two-day) suspension of airstrikes. Within mere hours (exactly how many hours is not stated in the story I have seen), Israel had resumed airstrikes, in flagrant violation of its pledge. Israel apparently believes that Americans, on whom its very existence depends, will credit them with their pledge of a suspension, and ignore their violation of that pledge. The mere fact that Israelis are liars who say one thing and do another is never to be held against them. And the worthless scum who control American society never do hold them to account.
Is there no indignation in this country over Israel's endless crimes? Or is there a lot of anger in the general population that is not reflected in the statements of our 'moral leaders'? If it is just the leadership elite that is slime, we can fix that. New leaders can assert themselves and force the evil present lot out. But if the entire society has lost its conscience, then decent people will have to hope that "terrorists" can somehow kill off, for us, the present crop of monsters so we might then cleanse ourselves of our collective national guilt in co-conspiring in Israel's mass murders.
Collective guilt justifies collective punishment. "Terrorism" inflicts collective punishment. It looks increasingly appropriate that the United States is targeted for terrorist attack. I just hope that if, not when, terrorists break thru, they kill the right people: the President, Vice President, Cabinet, generals, Congress, and select media (Fox News Channel, the New York Post, CBN) that are the bulwark of Israeli mind control over American society and leave the rest of us out of it.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 2,578.)