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The Expansionist
Monday, December 18, 2006
Restore the N!, You moroN! The present U.S. Army Chief of Staff isn't fooling anyone in pretending that he's not a "Schoonmaker" by spelling his name "Schoomaker". The world is smarter than he is. Even the New York Post spells his last name the way I spell mine: Schoonmaker:

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Peter Schoonmaker Thursday called for more active-duty troops and for the authority to make greater use of National Guard and Reserve troops in Iraq.

But Schoonmaker was talking about the short run. What about the long-term problem created by the need to fight a global War on Terror?

You're out of luck. You share the same last name with me, a vehement opponent of everything you're doing. I won't say I'm your "enemy", because we are both Americans, and almost certainly both derive from a very long line of American patriots, dating back to the Revolutionary War, when we took up arms to force the British out of OUR country. We are, or assuredly should be, allies. We care about OUR country, the United States. Do not serve Israel, which is not your country. Your sole allegiance, not just your priority, as a general of the United States, must be the United States, not Israel.
Plug in any country: Canada, our nearest neighbor geographically, and in most ways the closest of all countries on Earth to us; Britain, our New Best Friend, once Canada tossed us aside and said it couldn't stand by us if we were going to be militarist morons; the Philippines, our one-time colony, whose people love what we did in creating them into an English-speaking, wide-angle extension of our magnificent culture, but who resent our abandoning them in 1946; ANY country, be it France, which remains part of NATO despite our trying to crack the whip over that alliance and require it to do our bidding everywhere on Earth; or any other country, anywhere on this planet.
There is no country but Israel for which the United States would throw over every single principle it supposedly stands for, yet pledge permanent, obsequious obedience to the requirement that we defend that hideous monstrosity of a country against ALL righteous retribution for its crimes.
I am at once both ashamed and astonished that the United States has bought into the insanity. We're not Jews. Why would we buy into the idea that all Jews must defend Israel to the death?
There have recently surfaced suggestions that the Moslem world will, within the next few years, be able to bring the war home to us by detonating a "dirty bomb" or suitcase-sized nuclear device in an American city, perhaps one (like Sioux City, IA or Rapid City, SD) that isn't even thinking about such an attack. There have also been suggestions, from websites such as www.samsonblinded.com, that we need both to understand that that can happen, and indeed probably WILL happen, AND that we need to ACCEPT nuclear attack, in one form or another, upon our own territory, in order to defend Israel.
NO American should accept nuclear or any other form of destruction of ANY American city for the sake of Israel. The idea of creating a Jewish state in an Arab land was insane when it was first put forward, in about 1891, and it remains insane today. Nothing has changed with 115 years. The area in which "Israel" was established is still predominantly Arab and non-Jewish, indeed ANTI-Jewish. NO ONE in that entire region accepts that "Israel" is legitimate. EVERYONE there, except Jews, understands that Jews immigrated not as grateful refugees but as conquerors. They brought with them the power of insane outsiders. Compare this to today. How would we feel if Communist China, Russia, and every other power resentful of U.S. predominance in world affairs, sponsored immigration of tens of millions of Mexicans and encouraged them to break off the Southwest from our Nation, threatening the U.S. with full-scale nuclear war if we did not accede to those demands?
That might give you a sense of what it is to be a Palestinian today — except that there isn't a single power anywhere on Earth willing to stand up for Palestine, and they can't adequately defend themselves, so their situation is, if anything, vastly worse than would be that of the United States trying to defend against a worldwide alliance to rip the Southwest from us and give it to Mexico. Or to expel all white and black people and GIVE BACK what is now our country to the Indians.
I'm ashamed of my country for its behavior in the Middle East. The United States, I have always believed, or wanted to believe, from as early as I understood this to be one country (not many separate countries agreeing, for convenience, to work together), born from Revolution against unfairness, and dedicated to justice, always stood for right against wrong. We must always favor the underdog against abuse. We must always stand for the right, no matter how powerful the forces of the Wrong might be. That is the country I love. That is what I have always felt we should be willing to fite for abroad and risk death at home to achieve. Not Zionism. Not UNfairness. Not INjustice. JUSTICE. For ALL. EVERYwhere, in Palestine as much as Mississippi.
And that is what I will continue to believe until I die and am rolled into a retort and cremated, so my body merges with the sky.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 2.949 — for Israel.)

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