Thursday, January 25, 2007
Odd Man Out, Good Man In, Odd Man In; Killing "Shovvez". The unspeakable bore John Kerry has dropped out of active pursuit of the Democratic nomination for President in 2008. Good. He stood almost no chance of winning either the nomination or the office anyway.
Bill Richardson, the half-Hispanic Governor of New Mexico with the Anglo name, has announced his intention to seek the Democratic nomination, and rightly touts his remarkable "CV" (curriculum vitae; that's résumé ('rezzumay') to you and me). Now, if only he were from the North rather than West, I could easily support him. But, tho he attended school in the North, he is still from the West, and we have had too many Western (and Southern) Presidents of late. It's time for a Northern perspective to control the White House. Of the present Democratic contenders, Barack Obama is the only acceptable Northerner to me. I have no use for Hillary Clinton, a woman who can't be trusted because she is suddenly pretending to be what she has never been seen to be, a moderate conservative.
On AOL today, I saw a banner ad for an organizing committee for the oddest man in major American politics, the lunatic John McCain. I don't know if he was insane before he was taken prisoner by the Communists of North Vietnam, and confined to the Hanoi Hilton for years of misery and brainwashing. But he's clearly just plain nuts today, and must never be permitted near The Button that could launch World War III. His politics are all over the map, and tho he is affable, an affable loon with no discernible consistency on principles, who takes mutually contradictory stands on issues and leaders, is utterly unworthy of public respect or support.
Now, you may be thinking that World War III is no longer a real possibility, since the Soviet Empire fell. You'd be wrong. Communist China and it is still "Communist China", not simply "China" very recently conducted a successful test of a satellite-destroying missile. There is no other explanation for such an adventure than that Communist China is preparing to make war upon the United States. Destroying U.S. reconnaissance and communications satellites is essential for a successful war against the United States, be it a full-scale (world-spanning) military war or a limited war against the technological infrastructure that powers our economy, preparatory to a major ground war to carve out a sphere of Chinese dominance over Asia that will be perpetually free from U.S. interference.
I am not privy to the minds of China's leaders, so do not know how far China's ambitions go. Do the Chinese aspire only to hegemony over East Asia and the Pacific to, say, Hawaii? All of Asia? The Middle East and Africa too? The world? I don't know. Perhaps they will start with one, relatively modest objective and, if resistance is lite, move up a step or two, or four or seven, and drive for total world domination. What I do know is that the United States does indeed face military war against Communist China within at most 20 years, and probably as little as a decade and we are paying for China's military buildup against us with our massive transfer of wealth from the pockets of consumers to the war chest of the People's Liberation Army.
Closer to home, Venezuela's nutjob President, Hugo Chavez, is about to become the first new dictator in Latin America in decades if we let him.
That's CHOV-veS, not SHOV-veZ, as so many stupid, stupid people in media say. How can so many people in a country bombarded by Spanish every day, and in which Hispanics are the largest minority, not know that Spanish says CH the way English says it? Why do so many morons insist on pronouncing every damned foreign language as tho it were French? BaeZHing. Chinese is French, you know. SHovezz. Spanish is French, you know (except of course if "Chavez" were French, the Z would be silent!). FaluZHah. Arabic is French, you know. Every language on Earth but English is French!
Oh, no, that's wrong. Only French is French.
When we write a non-romanic language (a language that does not write itself in the Roman alphabet) in English, we use the conventions of English pronunciation. Thus, the J in "Beijing" (which should be written "Bayjing") is pronounced like English-J, not French-J. The J in Falujah is the English-J, not French-J.
Spanish is written in the same alphabet as English, but has its own sounds, not those of French. By coincidence, the CH in Spanish is the same as the CH in English ("church"), not the same as the French CH in "chercher" ('shairshay'). But stupid people in this country can't be bothered to learn multiple sound systems for multiple foreign languages. It is so much easier just to apply the sound system of one, French (as tho they know that one), to all foreign languages! Morons.
Anyway, Hugo Chavez aspires to become absolute dictator over Venezuela. His supporters seem about to give him that power. The United States should, today, say very forthritely that we won't allow that: "The day of dictators in Latin America is over, and we will kill any dictator that rises anywhere in our Hemisphere."
We won't have to invade. We need just commence a "Shock and Awe" campaign against Venezuela, bombing and destroying every place he might conceivably be until he is dead, whether it takes one sortie or 600. We will kill him. And if a few thousand Venezuelan supporters of his dictatorship happen to die with him, so much the better.
There is one thing democracy cannot do: end democracy. If Venezuela's elected representatives are weary of democracy, they should resign, and let people who will preserve democracy take their place, not turn over their powers to a dictator. Of course, if they are dead, there will need to be new elections to replace them, won't there? Huge CHavez should be on notice: if you accept dictatorial powers, it will be the last thing you ever do.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 3,065 for Israel.)