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The Expansionist
Saturday, February 03, 2007
S 'n M (Sickos in Media). For reasons beyond the comprehension of decent people, the media have been playing 911 calls from people caught in deadly storms in Florida. What kind of deviant wants to hear people in danger calling 911 in alarm and fear? I refused to listen to that non-news, audio descent into evil. There is no legitimate news purpose in broadcasting 911 calls unless there is a question as to what was actually said (as in a dispute over a crime), whether the 911 operator handled the call correctly, or some other case where the actual words are essential to resolving a controversy. No such issue was involved in this vile display of media sado-masochism. Everyone responsible for the decision to broadcast such calls, on every single media outlet that aired such audio — with, in many cases, subtitles for clarity! — should be fired immediately and barred from media for life.
There are enormous numbers of decent people who would love to work in media. We need not be captive to degenerates.
Multiply by 12. Just a note to remind readers how horrendous the death toll of Iraqis from George Bush's war is. To make the daily numbers more meaningful for Americans, you need to multiply by 12 to get a figure comparable to a similar incident's or day's toll in the United States, because the U.S. has 12 times as many people as Iraq. Most of us don't remember our 12X table, except perhaps for 12 x 12 = 144. That particular multiple is useful for today's toll, 121 people killed in one suicide bombing in a food market. 12 x 121 = 1,440 (12 x 120) + 12, or 1,452. In like fashion, we can break down 12 into 10 and 2, and thus ease mental multiplication of future death tolls. 58 dead? 10 x 58 = 580; 2 x 58 = 116; + 580 = 696.
So, in case 121 dead in a single incident in Baghdad doesn't make a big enuf impression, think about how we'd feel about 1,452 dead in Washington, DC in a single day. That is George Bush's war.
But the Democrats won't cut off funding for that war. They want it to go on almost as much as do the Republicans. Why? Because as long as Iraqis and other Arabs are fiting among themselves, they won't make a united attack upon Israel. Fatah and Hamas are fiting? Great! Sunnis and Shia are fiting? Fantastic! The more dead Arabs, the happier the Zionists who control both major parties of the United States.
If that is not what the people of this once-decent country want, they will have to take to the streets, write millions of emails to the White House and Congress, and otherwise take back their government from the Zionists who are disgracing us.
By contrast with the horrendous carnage Iraqis are suffering, the numbers for Americans killed there are trivial. Somehow Americans think those numbers meaningful nonetheless. Check the total as of today, below.
That's for more than three years. The equivalent of 1,452 dead in one day for Iraq approaches half our total for three years. For whom do you feel more sympathy? I have no trouble in mourning the hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis more than the piddling numbers of U.S. dead from their (all-volunteer) participation in an unprovoked war of aggression.
Will we be sending politicians to memorials in praise of those "heroes" 60 years from now, as Japan's leadership today sends politicians to the Yasukuni Shrine to Japan's World War II dead? That Japan's (drafted) "heroes" slaughtered millions in a war of unprovoked aggression is something the Japanese do not admit, do not accept, and do not apologize for. Will Americans still be denying, 60 years hence, that our "heroes" too are criminals?
How long will our national conscience remain silent?
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 3,097 — for Israel.)

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