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The Expansionist
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Blaming the Victim, Zionist-Style. The Radical Zionists who refused to recognize the triumph of democratically elected members of Hamas to the parliament of Palestine managed to inflict a cutoff of all U.S. and European Union aid to the Palestinian Authority immediately after those elections. The result has been that that fatally weakened government fell to assault by Hamas, which was able to force it out of Gaza, as gave control of the entire Gaza Strip to, we are to believe, "extremists".
Oh? They are extremists, are they? And what, exactly, are the U.S. Government and European Union, which cut off aid to the Palestinian Authority, and Israel, which impounded scores of millions of dollars in Palestinian revenue payments and refused to hand them over to the Palestinian government to which they were due? Who is to blame when a government starved of money with which to improve the lot of miserable, economically and politically oppressed people, and defend itself against armed thugs, is overthrown? The people who voted for change and didn't get it? The people who had no resources with which to fite the 'thugs'? Or the 'people' who did everything in their power to keep the Palestinian people miserable and thus force them to violent revolution?
Let's be clear: George Bush, the European Union, and, of course, as always, the monsters who control "Israel", are wholly to blame for the takeover of Gaza by Hamas militants. Now, too late, the U.S. and EU are lifting their boycott of the Palestinian Authority, which has already lost Gaza, to prevent it from losing the West Bank too. What a bunch of morons. Will the Israeli government now also unhand the Palestinian tax revenues it has withheld? Will it pay interest? Don't bet on it.
Israel actively connived in military actions against Hamas, and lost, just as it lost its war with Hezbollah last July and August! Two lost wars in one year! How are the mighty fallen (2 Samuel 1:27), indeed.
Meanwhile, the enemies of Islam and truth (two separable matters, to be sure, but here united) are running off at the mouth with nonsense. Ralph Peters, the New York Post's resident bloodthirsty psychopath, whose solution to all things in the Middle East is to slaughter ever larger numbers of Moslems, ranted recently about the bankruptcy of Islamic civilization, as 'proved' by the collapse of Iraq and Palestine. Huh? The United States invaded Iraq and destroyed its government, but Islamic civilization 'collapsed' under its own weight? And foreign Jews, backed by outsiders with hundreds of billions of dollars, invaded Palestine, stole more than half of it outrite, then reduced the remainder to penury, but the "collapse" of Palestinian civilization is all the fault of the Palestinians? In what universe?
Why not talk about the collapse of Anglo-Saxon civilization and ignore William the Conqueror? The comparison is apt, and hopeful, because out of the Norman Conquest came a new civilization, greater than the old. Its greatest feature, the magnificent "English" language, combined the richness of Rome with the directness of Germany and created a synthesis that is proving irresistible all around the world. Can we hope that from the trials of today, a new Middle Eastern civilization will emerge that will be more brilliant, adaptive, and constructive than any that that region has seen in a thousand years?
Stranger things have happened. Like a ragtag bunch of loons from Central Europe persuading the greatest Empire in the history of the world to turn over part of the Arab homeland to Jews, as thus to produce unending war in a vital area of the planet; then persuading a country that originally opposed the creation of that homeland (precisely because it would produce endless war) becoming its greatest champion, and spending two trillion dollars to keep it going, even to the point of accepting thousands of deaths on its behalf. No one is keeping careful, public track of how many Americans overall have died for Israel, but one tally appears at the end of every entry to this blog. Add to that, other tallies: American soldiers killed in Afghanistan; American contract workers killed in Iraq; Americans killed in the Beirut barracks attack of 1983, the Khobar Towers attack in Saudi Arabia in 1996, the U.S.S. Cole attack, and on, and on, all around the world. Plus, of course, a little thing known affectionately as "9/11".
But no price is too high to pay for Israel, even the end of the world. In fact, a large portion of the Americans most stridently in favor of U.S. violent support of Israel (so-called "Christian Zionists") devoutly pray for the Armageddon they are sure our devotion to Israel will bring. Then whose civilization will have collapsed?
Unfortunately for the "Last Days" loons, Israel is likely to produce — before it is destroyed by US, the United States, as Rome was finally forced to destroy Judea — only millions of deaths, not billions, as the 'Christian' Zionists want. Jesus will not return to rule for a thousand years no matter how many Moslems the Jews and their lackeys in the U.S. Government kill. We will just disgrace ourselves with a guilt that will crush our spirit and bring us terrible shame when we finally regain our senses from the madness into which we have plunged. But we got over the colonial-era Salem witch trials and smallpox-infected blankets for Indians, Andersonville, Wounded Knee, suppression of Philippine independence in 1898, inaction in the face of British and French maintenance of the blockade of defeated Germany after World War I, which starved hundreds of thousands, the Dresden bombing, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, My Lai, the Highway of Death "turkey shoot", and many other disgraces to the honor of a people that likes to think itself honorable, no matter how many crimes it consents to have committed in its name. And we're not bothered in the slitest, so far, by the endless violence that U.S. destruction of Iraq's government has produced.
Conscience is for sissies. We'll be fine.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 3,559 — for Israel.)

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