Saturday, September 22, 2007
Nu Direkshan; Naming Pandas; Subtitles; Hypocrisy on Iran; World More Violent Than Ever?; Thieves in the Mailbox. Frequent readers of this blog will have noted that I have in recent months posted much less often than I used to. In part, that is because I am so busy with other things that I just don't have the time or energy to write this. The key thing to bear in mind, however, is that I get greater personal satisfaction from those other things, particularly my Newark fotoblog. It engages my visual creativity more than just my desire to tell people about the interesting things I discover about Newark every day, or experience in living a semi-urban but also semi-suburban lifestyle here.
This blog, my political blog, enables me to get some political and mass-cultural things off my chest, but nothing else, and I see little impact to my efforts. The bad guys (and gals) are still in power and haven't changed a thing.
Among my other projects is spelling reform, and I have come to believe that the only way spelling reform is going to get anywhere is if people use reformed spelling in publishing outside of spelling-reform societies and related websites.
So today I decided to add a dimension to this blog: phonetic respelling in my Fanetik reform. I hope that will be the extra element that makes this project more interesting for me. And maybe for some of you. I may not have time nor energy enuf to do so for every post, but from now on I plan to publish this blog in two versions, phonetic (Fanetik) and standard (Traditional Orthography, "T.O."). Don't worry, tho I plan to put the Fanetik version first, I will also put a link to the T.O. version at the top of each blog entry so anyone who doesn't want to see how I spell — and, thus, how I speak — can always skip to the T.O. text.
To give you an idea of how difficult or easy it will be to read Fanetik text, I will now rewrite this introduction in Fanetik, and then proceed to the other topics mentioned above, also in Fanetik, but place at that point too a link down to the T.O. text. In general, I will use standard Fanetik, without accents for syllabic stress, tho if a word's pronunciation might not be clear, as in very long words, I might put one or more of the familiar accents from French on the stressed vowel (on the first letter if the vowel sound is shown by two letters): the acute accent for primary stress (anói, deefráud, intáakt); grave for secondary stress (jèeyagráafikal), and circumflex for tertiary stress, on unusually long words (ìnkomprehênsibílite). Fanetik with accents is "Augméntad Fanétik". If you're not interested in the Fanetik text but wish to see the other topics discussed below in T.O., click here.
Nu Direkshan; Naeming Paandaz; Subtietoolz; Hipokrase on Eeron; Werld Maur Vieyalant thaan Ever?; Ttheevz in tha Mailboks. Freekwant reederz uv this blog wil haav noetad thaat I haav in reesant muntths poestad much les aufan thaan I yuezd tu. In port, thaat iz beekauz I aam so bize witth uther tthingz thaat I just doen't haav the tiem aur enerje tu riet this. Tha ke tthing tu bair in miend, houwever, iz thaat I get graeter persanal saatisfaakshan frum thoez uther tthingz, partikyoolerle mi Nuewerk foetoeblog. It engaejaz mi vizhuewal kreeyaetivite maur thaan just mi dizieyer tu tel peepool about the interesting tthingz I diskuver about Nuewerk evre dae, aur ekspeereeyans in living a semee-erban but aulso semee-saburban liefstieyal heer.
This blog, mi palitikal blog, enaeboolz me tu get sum palitikal aand maas-kulcheral tthingz auf mi chest, but nuthing els, aand I se litool impaakt tu mi eferts. Tha baad giez (aand gaalz) or stil in pouwer aand haavan't chaenjd a tthing.
Amung mi uther projekts iz speling reefaurm, aand I haav kum tu bileev thaat the oenle wae speling reefaurm iz goewing tu get eneehwair iz if peepool yuez reefaurmed speling in publishing outsied speling-refaurm sasieyateez aand relaetad websiets.
So toodae I deesiedad tu aad a dimenshan tu this blog: fanetik reespeling in mi Fanetik reefaurm. I hoep thaat wil be the ekstra elamant thaat maeks this projekt maur interesting faur me. Aand maebe faur sum uv yu. I mae not haav tiem naur enerje eenuf tu du so faur evre poest, but frum nou on I plaan tu publish this blog in tue verzhanz, fanetik (Fanetik) aand staanderd (Tradishanal Autthografy, "T.O."). Doen't were, tho I plaan tu poot tha Fanetik verzhan ferst I wil aulso poot a lingk tu tha T.O. verzhan aat tha top so eneewun hu duzan't wont tu se hou I spel — aand, thus, hou I speek — kaan aulwaez skip tu the T.O. tekst.
Tu giv yu aan iedeeya uv hou difikult aur eeze it wil be tu reed Fanetik tekst, I wil nou reeriet this intradukshan in Fanetik aand then proeseed tu the uther topiks menshand abuv, aulso in Fanetik, but plaes aat thaat point tue a lingk doun to tha T.O. tekst. In jeneral, I wil yuez standerd Fanetik witthout aaksents faur silaabik stres, tho if a werd's pranunseeyaeshan miet not be kleer, aaz in vere laung werdz, I miet poot wun aur maur uv tha familyer aaksents frum French on tha strest vouwal (on tha ferst leter if tha vouwal sound iz shoen bi tue leters): the akyuet aaksent faur priemere stres (anói, deefráud, intáakt); grov faur sekandere stres (jèeyagráafikal), aand serkamfleks faur tersheeyere stres, on unyuezhuewale laung werdz (ìnkomprehênsibílite). Fanetik witth aaksents iz "Augméntad Fanétik". If yau'r not interestad in tha Fanetik tekst but wish tu se the uther topiks diskust beelo in T.O., clik heer.
Naeming Paandaz. Zu Aatlanta iz runing a kontest tu naem a baebe paanda baurn thair September 6tth. Haapile, mene uv tha sagjeschanz or faur Amairikan naemz. I aam reele tieyerd uv aul tha Chieneez naemz givan tu paandaz. Thae mae kum frum jeeyagraafik Chiena, but thae or not Chieneez, du not speek Chieneez, aand haav no kulcheral kanekshan tu Chiena. Hou about just kauling a boy Paanda "Aande" aur "Saande", a goorl "Saandee" aur "Kaandee", aand haav dun witth it?
Hwi No Subtietoolz on Spaanish Nuez? Aaz I riet, I haav mi TV tuend tu Spaanish staeshanz (swiching baak aand faurtth in tha nuez frum Univisión tu Telemundo duering kamershalz), tu akustam mi eer tu tha laanggwaj in tha baakground. I doen't ekspekt tu understaand much; I'd haav tu pae vere kairfool atenchan tu du thaat, aand I'm bize witth this. But I aam stortoold bi tha toetal aabsans uv Ingglish-laanggwaj subtietoolz in theez nuez proegraamz ("noticieros"). Eevan kloezd kaapshaning iz in Spaanish oenle. I doen't seem tu haav a Sekandere Audeeyo Proegraaming (SAP) kaepabilite on this inekspensiv TV, tho I need tu fiend tha maanyoowal tu be shuer. Stil, if Spaanish braudkaasterz wer wiez, thae wood run Ingglish-laanggwaj subtietools tu thair maejer proegraamz tu inkrees thair audeeyansaz, ferst, tu the Ingglish-dominant childran uv Laatin imigrants, aand sekand, tu tha jeneral Amairikan audeeyans.
Mene Amairikanz or interestad in eevents in Laatin Amairika, a reejan thaat iz maenle ignaurd bi Ingglish-laanggwaj braudkaasterz. But ouwer Spaanish, if ene, izan't good eenuf tu get maur thaan a vaeg ideeya uv hwut aan angker aur reepaurter iz talking about. I haav herd thaat sum Amairikans aulso liek tha telenovela [tèél.a] faurm uv Spaanish soep opera, so wood glaadle woch if thair wer Ingglish subtietoolz. Stuedants uv Spaanish hu or les thaan fluewant wood aulso liek tu woch aul kiendz uv Spaanish TV, aand chek tha subtietoolz faur eneetthing thae doen't understaand.
This seemz aan eeze aand relativle inekspensiv wae tu buest wun'z audeeyans bi milyanz, eevan tenz uv milyanz (hwich wood permit them tu inkrees aadvertiezing raets). I wunder hwi neether Univisión naur Telemundo haaz dun this.
(A Jean-Claude Van Damme/Rob Schneider [Zhonn-Kloed Von Doma/Rob Shnieder] mueve, apaarantle Nok Auf, tho kauld "Complot en Hong Kong" in tha Spaanish verzhan, kanfyuezd me hwen it stortad witth Ingglish subtietoolz, sins tha preeseeding film, witth Cantinflas, haad no subtietoolz. It ternz out thaat thair wer apaarantle Ingglish subtietoolz in the Amairikan verzhan, beekauz sum uther laanggwag (Chieneez?) wuz herd onskreen. I wuz ternd auf bi tha miendlas vieyalans uv thaat film, so ternd tu Sabado Gigante [Sób.o.tho Khee.gón.tae].)
Hipocrise on Eeron. The Y.S. Guvernmant aand meedeeya preetend tu be kansernd about waurliek intenshanz frum Eeron. But tha Prezidant uv Eeron, in Nu Yaurk faur the YN Jeneral Asemble, wontad tu lae a reetth aat Ground Zeero, to ekspres the Ironeeyan peepool'z simpatthe faur tha viktimz uv 9/11. He wuz reefyuezd permishan. So much faur wonting Eeron tu be peesful taurd us. Tha reeyaalite iz thaat the Y.S. Guvernmant aand meedeeya wont waur witth Eeron, not pees. Oenle a hoelhortad kanverzhan tu Raadikal Zieyanizam wil win Eeron saefte frum ataak — aur a reevoelt bi the Amairikan eelektarat agenst the endlas kraap we or fed bi Zieyanists.
Werld Maur Vieyalant thaan Ever? Ouwer teknoloje haaz outstript ouwer hyuemaanite. Mene peepool, in thair yuetth, ekspekt thaat aaz tha werld beekumz maur teknalojikale aadvaanst, it wil aaz wel beekum maur siviliezd. A "kiender, jentler" werld haaz, alaas, eevaedad us, aand evre teknolaje seemz tu haav its vieyalant yuesaz, frum niet-vizhan gogoolz yuezd bi snieperz tu selfoen detanaeterz faur korbomz. Tha "hyueman" raes reele iz just hoeplas, monstras, vieyalant sliem. It duzan't maater hwut kuntre yu tauk about. I woch nuez in Ingglish, Spaanish, aand French. Evreehwair around tha gloeb, a signifikant paurshan uv "hyeman" beeyingz or robing, raeping, beeting, aand slautering eech uther. If gunz or taekan awae, thae staab eech uther witth knives aur speerz, smaash eech uther with klubz, paur poizan intu eech uther'z dringks aur fued, aand utherwiez seek tu kil aur maem. Eevan "tha best aand tha brietast" lend themselvz tu maeking biger aand beter bomz, maur aakyarat siets faur snieperz aand bomberdeerz, aur giedans sistamz faur misoolz. Hwut ever haapand tu the iedeeya uv sivilizaeshan?
Ttheevz in tha Mailboks. Evre dae, Amairikanz or ataakt bi unkountabool tthouzandz uv ttheevz frum aul oever tha werld, tthik aaz swaurmz uv naats. No guvernmant seez ene need tu du eneetthing about it. I haav herd not wun singgool kaandidaet for Prezidant, frum eether maajer porte, sae so much aaz wun singgool werd about kantroeling Internet kriem, aaz tthru kanvoeking a speshal meeting uv the Yoonietad Naeshanz tu kreeyaet a werldwied rejiman uv aantee-fraud eferts maandataure apon aul member staets. Miend yu, I haav not wocht tha deebaets werd-faur-werd but reelied apon nuez reepaurts. No nuez reepaurt I haav seen sez eneetthing about Internet fraud beeying diskust bi ene Prezidenshal kaandidaet. Hwi not? This, aaz so much els, shoez thaat aul kaandidaets uv boetth maejer porteez or kampleetle out uv tuch witth tha tthingz thaat reele kansern tha peepool. Nun uv them haaz tha fogeeyast iedeeya hwut it iz tu liv aaz aan aurdinere hyueman beeying in tha 21st Senchere. Nun uv them iz fit tu leed us; moest kaan't eevan folo us, beekauz thae woen't lisan tu us, beekauz thae doen't kair about us. Thae or runing faur reezanz uv eego, pyuer aand simpool. Aand thaat's not good eenuf.
Thae wont tu be Prezidant beekauz thae wont tu be Prezidant, not beekauz thae haav ene reel reezan tu be Prezidant, palitikale aur etthikale. Thae haav no proegraam, no kruesaed, no moral deevoeshan tu persu. Thae just won tu be Prezidant beekauz thae or siekalojicale neede peepool hu need pramiskyuewas atenchan. Eevan negativ atenchan feedz thair eegoez. Uv kaurs, the adauring kroudz, the aplauz, tha cheerz feed thair needz, but it wil never be eenuf. Beekauz insikyuer peepool kaan never beekum sikyuer frum outsied atenchan. Sikyuerite iz insied tha persan, not outsied.
Peenis-enlorjmant skaamz or nou beeying shoen on Spaanish-laanggwaj TV in the Yoonietad Staets, not just Ingglish. Guvernmant seez nutthing. Se no fraud, heer no fraud, speek uv no fraud. Tha politishanz uv the Yoonietad Staets or wilfoole ignarant. Thae doen't wont tu heer about fraud, beekauz then thae'd haav tu du sumtthing about it. Thair sekratereez saurt tthru thair mail aand eemail, eeliminaeting obveeyas skaamz. Yu doen't haav a sekratere aur uther aed tu pratekt yu frum fraud, aand eevan frum tha need tu spend sevral minits a dae saurting tthru eemailz tu deeleet skaamz? Thaat's tuf. It's yaur fault thaat yu oran't rich; yaur fault thaat yu or pouwerlas. Yu dizerv tu be deefraudad. If yu or so stuepid aaz tu faul faur peenis-enlorjmant promisaz aur tu tthingk yu won a lotere yu didan't enter, yu dizerv tu be skaamd. Thaat's thair staand.
Maur, if yu or so disonast aaz tu dair plaes yaurself in tha pazishan uv tha nekst uv kin uv a ded milyanair, yu dizerv tu be deefraudad. Aaz tha kon ortists sae, self-servingle, "Yu kaan't skaam aan onast maan." Uv kaurs, thaat's not tru. Onast peepool or deefraudad evre dae. Sumtiemz thae or misled bi sob staureez — tha puer, dieying reesant konvert tu Kristeeyaanite hu haaz isofajeeyal kaanser aand wonts tu giv awae hiz aur her faurchan tthru a persan huez deesanse aand chaarite s/he herd about frum tthouzandz uv mieyalz awae, yaur repyootaeshan iz thaat sterling. Yu kaan be tha servant uv God in direkting tha konvert's il-gotan gaen tu tha dizerving, aand if deevoeting a lorj paurshan uv yaur tiem tu this efert shood kauz yu tu luez inkum, yu kaan kompensaet yaurself a reezanabool amount frum tha proeseedz. Thaat's oenle riet.
Tha ttheevz hu send out skaurz uv bilyanz uv skaam eemailz evre yeer shood be treetad liek tha naats aur maskeetoez thae or, aand kild. Round them up, tishue-tiep them, then slies thair eevool hedz auf aand chop them up faur ports faur deesant peepool.
Yu woen't heer ene kaandidaet faur Prezidant frum tha maejer porteez tauk about thaat. No, thae or aul moderats. Toleraeting maas fraud iz moderaeshan. Ending it iz ekstreemizam. I aam proud tu be aan ekstreemist.
(Tha kerant Y.S. militere detth toel in Eerok, akaurding tu tha websiet "Eerok Koewalishan Kaazhuewalteez", iz 3,797 — faur Izreeyal.)
Naming Pandas. Zoo Atlanta is running a contest to name a baby panda born there September 6th. Happily, many of the suggestions are for American names. I am really tired of all the Chinese names given to pandas. They may come from geographic China, but they are not Chinese, do not speak Chinese, and have no cultural connection to China. How about just calling a boy Panda "Andy" or "Sandy", a girl "Sandi" or "Candy", and have done with it?
Why No Subtitles on Spanish News? As I write, I have my TV tuned to Spanish stations (switching back and forth in the news from Univisión to Telemundo during commercials), to accustom my ear to the language in the background. I don't expect to understand much; I'd have to pay very careful attention to do that, and I'm busy with this. But I am startled by the total absence of English-language subtitles in these news programs ("noticieros"). Even closed captioning is in Spanish only. I don't seem to have a Secondary Audio Programming (SAP) capability on this inexpensive TV, tho I need to find the manual to be sure. Still, if Spanish broadcasters were wise, they would run English-language subtitles to their major programs to increase their audiences, first, to the English-dominant children of Latin immigrants, and second, to the general American audience.
Many Americans are interested in events in Latin America, a region that is mainly ignored by English-language broadcasters. But our Spanish, if any, isn't good enuf to get more than a vague idea of what an anchor or reporter is talking about. I have heard that some Americans also like the telenovela form of Spanish soap opera, so would gladly watch if there were English subtitles. Students of Spanish who are less than fluent would also like to watch all kinds of Spanish TV, and check the subtitles for anything they don't understand.
This seems an easy and relatively inexpensive way to boost one's audience by millions, even tens of millions (which would permit them to increase advertising rates). I wonder why neither Univisión nor Telemundo has done this.
(A Jean-Claude Van Damme/Rob Schneider movie, apparently Knock Off, tho called "Complot en Hong Kong" in the Spanish version, confused me when it started with English subtitles, since the preceding film, with Cantinflas, had no subtitles. It turns out that there were apparently English subtitles in the American version, because some other language (Chinese?) was heard onscreen. I was turned off by the mindless violence of that film, so turned to Sabado Gigante.)
Hypocrisy on Iran. The U.S. Government and media pretend to be concerned about warlike intentions from Iran. But the President of Iran, in New York for the UN General Assembly, wanted to lay a wreath at Ground Zero, to express the Iranian people's sympathy for the victims of 9/11. He was refused permission. So much for wanting Iran to be peaceful toward us. The reality is that the U.S. Government and media want war with Iran, not peace. Only a wholehearted conversion to Radical Zionism will win Iran safety from attack — or a revolt by the American electorate against the endless crap we are fed by Zionists.
World More Violent than Ever? Our technology has outstripped our humanity. Many people, in their youth, expect that as the world becomes more technologically advanced, it will as well become more civilized. A "kinder, gentler" world has, alas, evaded us, and every technology seems to have its violent uses, from nite-vision goggles used by snipers to cellphone detonators for carbombs. The "human" race really is just hopeless, monstrous, violent slime. It doesn't matter what country you talk about. I watch news in English, Spanish, and French. Everywhere around the globe, a significant portion of "human" beings are robbing, raping, beating, and slautering each other. If guns are taken away, they stab each other with knives or spears, smash each other with clubs, pour poison into each other's drinks or food, and otherwise seek to kill or maim. Even "the best and the britest" lend themselves to making bigger and better bombs, more accurate sights for snipers and bombardiers, or guidance systems for missiles. What ever happened to the idea of civilization?
Thieves in the Mailbox. As an example of how technological advance has merely empowered evil people to do evil more efficiently and over greater distance, Americans are attacked every day by uncountable thousands of thieves from all over the world, thick as swarms of gnats. No government sees any need to do anything about it. I have heard not one single candidate for President, from either major party, say so much as one single word about controlling Internet crime, as thru convoking a special meeting of the United Nations to create a worldwide regimen of anti-fraud efforts mandatory upon all member states. Mind you, I have not watched the debates word-for-word but relied upon news reports. No news report I have seen says anything about Internet fraud being discussed by any Presidential candidate. Why not? This, as so much else, shows that all candidates of both major parties are completely out of touch with the things that really concern the people. None of them has the foggiest idea what it is to live as an ordinary human being in the 21st Century. None of them is fit to lead us; most can't even follow us, because they won't listen to us, because they don't care about us. They are running for reasons of ego, pure and simple. And that's not good enuf.
They want to be President because they want to be President, not because they have any real reason to be President, politically or ethically. They have no program, no crusade, no moral devotion to pursue. They just want to be President because they are psychologically needy people who need promiscuous attention. Even negative attention feeds their egos. Of course, the adoring crowds, the applause, the cheers feed their needs, but it will never be enuf. Because insecure people can never become secure from outside attention. Security is inside the person, not outside.
Penis-enlargement scams are now being shown on Spanish-language TV in the United States, not just English. Government sees nothing. See no fraud, hear no fraud, speak of no fraud. The politicians of the United States are willfully ignorant. They don't want to hear about fraud, because then they'd have to do something about it. Their secretaries sort thru their mail and email, eliminating obvious scams. You don't have a secretary or other aide to protect you from fraud, and even from the need to spend several minutes a day sorting thru emails to delete scams? That's tuf. It's your fault that you aren't rich; your fault that you are powerless. You deserve to be defrauded. If you are so stupid as to fall for penis-enlargement promises or to think you won a lottery you didn't enter, you deserve to be scammed. That's their stand.
More, if you are so dishonest as to dare place yourself in the position of the next of kin of a dead millionaire, you deserve to be defrauded. As the con artists say, self-servingly, "You can't scam an honest man." Of course, that's not true. Honest people are defrauded every day. Sometimes they are misled by sob stories — the poor, dying recent convert to Christianity who has esophageal cancer and wants to give away his or her fortune thru a person whose decency and charity s/he heard about from thousands of miles away, your reputation is that sterling. You can be the servant of God in directing the convert's ill-gotten gain to the deserving, and if devoting a large portion of your time this effort should cause you to lose income, you can compensate yourself a reasonable amount from the proceeds. That's only right.
The thieves who send out scores of billions of scam emails every year should be treated like the gnats or mosquitos they are, and killed. Round them up, tissue-type them, then slice their evil heads off and chop them up for parts for decent people.
You won't hear any candidate for President from the major parties talk about that. No, they are all moderates. Tolerating mass fraud is moderation. Ending it is extremism. I am proud to be an extremist.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 3,797 — for Israel.)