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The Expansionist
Friday, October 19, 2007
Laeze French; DNA Non-kontraverse; "Pees" Priez

(This blog is published, first, in phonetic (Fanetik) spelling and only then in standard English spelling. If you wish to skip to the traditionally spelled text (albeit with a few simplifications here and there), click here.)
Fraans kansentad this week tu toleraet a striek bi publik traanspaurt emploiyeez thaat shut doun much uv thaat naeshan'z traen aand subwae servis faur tha lorjast port uv 3 daez. Tue smaul yuenyanz plaan tu kantinyu tha striek, aand tha maen yuenyan iz tthingkin about duewing the saem. Tha gutlas peepool uv Fraans, meenhwieyal, or apaarantle pooting up witth this ataak upon them.
Aand hwut iz tha striek about? Wel, yu se, tha traanspaurt werkerz or indignant thaat tha nu, Sorkoeze guvernmant wonts tu reekwieyer them tu werk faur 40 yeerz beefaur kwolifieying faur a fool penshan, just liek tha bulk uv uther French werkerz. Sorkoeze wonts tu end erlee-reetieyermant speshal deelz thaat maek sum werkerz privilajd aand "speshal", aat the ekspens uv uther werkerz, hu haav tu kuver the ekses kausts uv thair erle reetieyermant.
I took erle reetieyermant this yeer aat aej 62, aafter werking 43 yeerz, in port beekauz I aam porshale disaeboold du tu tue seereeyas aaksidants thaat reekwieyerd ne serjereez. I haad tu taek les thaan fool reetieyermant pae aafter 43 yeerz uv kantribyooting tu Soeshal Sakyuerite, beekauz I wood haav haad tu werk anuther 4 yeerz tu get fool benafits, a toetal uv 47 yeerz. Tha French traen werkerz tthingk thaat haaving tu werk 40 yeerz beefaur geting fool penshan iz aan outraejas impazishan. Hwut a laeze bunch uv luezerz tha French or. Miend yu, I aam a tiene, tien bit French mieself, haaving wun French aansester about 9 jeneraeshanz ago. But I haav no reespekt faur laezeenas.
Tha French werker haaz sum siks aur maur paed weeks auf frum werk evre yeer, in ekstendad vaekaeshan aand holidaez. Siks weeks; aur laungger. Tenz uv milyanz uv Amairikan werkerz (probable eekwal tu tha hoel uv the French werkfaurs) haav no benafits aand thus no paed vaekaeshan. Tha tipikal Amairikan paed vaekaeshan iz tue aur maebe tthre weeks a yeer. In a fyu indastreez, liek lau, sekratereez aand such kaan get a maaksimam uv faur weeks' vaekaeshan, aafter several yeerz uv shaurter vaekaeshanz. Aand thae miet haav 11 holidae's/persanal daez. Thaat iz unyuezhuewale jeneras, heer. Moest Amairikanz get nutthing liek that much tiem auf, aand yungger werkerz mae suen haav tu werk faur 49 aur 50 yeerz tu get fool Soeshal Sakyuerite benafits. Amairikan benafits or much tue stinje; French, houwever, or preeposterasle eksesiv.
Aand hwut du theez laeze French werkerz du witth aul thaat tiem auf? I saspekt moest du litool but vejataet. Aand Fraans'z kampetitiv pazishan in tha werld eekoname iz beeying eeroedad awae, dae bi dae.
If tha French did sumtthing wertthqhwieyal witth aul thaat tiem auf, thaat wood be fien. Aand maebe aul tha werld shood haav maur tiem tu laez around aand du nutthing. But moest peepool deeprievd uv perpas in lief aand feelingz uv yuesfoolnas du not benafit frum so much tiem auf. Indeed, mene oeld peepool hu haav nutthing tu du, luez interest in lief aand just di.
purpose in life and feelings of usefulness do not benefit from so much time off. Indeed, many old people who have nothing to do, lose interest in life and just die.
Oq, wel. Thaat's not mi problam, I sapoez, aand French laezeenas mae benafit Amairikan kampetitivnas. But, kontrere tu French stuepidity in this penshan and striek ishu, Fraans reesantle prapoezd zumtthing reele sensibool — hwich, uv kaurs, iz beeying maasivle apoezd.
Spasifikale, tha Sorkoeze guvernmant wonts tu reestrikt faamile-yuenifikaeshan imigraeshan tu jenyuewin memberz uv imigrants' famileez, not just peepool poezing aas such tu get intu tha kuntre, bi reekwieyering a DNA test tu shoe aakchuewal reelaeshanship. Hou koo eneewun orgyu agents thaat? Leev it tu tha French tu be afendad bi tha vere iedeeya uv cheking relaeshanships witth DNA testing! I hoep Sorkoeze roelz oever such stuepidite witth a Caterpiler traakter.
Speeking uv imigraeshan, tien Switserland (7.5 milyan peepool, about 700,000 les thaan Nu Yaurk Site) iz beeying dround in imigrants, mene frum blaak Aafrika, aand iz storting tu feel itself tthretand. 20% uv kerant rezidants or non-Swiss, aand kanservativ Swis palitikal porteez wont tu drau tha lien aand indeed ekspel peepool liekly tu chaenj Swis kulcher draastikale. Switserland iz aan amaalgam uv Jerman, French, Itaalyan, aand Roemaansh kamyuenities. Preezuemable imigrants frum thoez kulcherz or not seen aas endaenjering Swis iedentity, but Aafrikanz or. Wil Switserland kansent tu kulcheral suewisied tthru unreestriktad imigraeshan frum blaak Aafrika? Aur wil its peepool sae thaat tha popyooler sloegan uv the aantee-impeereeyal muevmant, "Aafrika faur the Aafrikans" iz a vere good iedeeya, aand "Switserland faur tha Swis" is aan eekwale good iedeeya? We shaal se.
Noebel "Pees" Preiz. Laast yeer, around this tiem, I kritisiezd tha Noebel Pees Priez kamite haaz agen awaurdad tha "Pees" Priez faur aaktiviteez haaving nutthing tu du witth pees. Heer we or, a yeer laeter, aand tha kamite haaz agen awaurdad tha "Pees" Priez faur aaktiviteez haaving nutthing tu du witth pees.
Let's be kleer: it iz not tha "Nies Tthing Tu Du Priez". It iz tha "Pees Priez". It iz intendad tu
rekagniez eferts thaat pradues aur aat leest werk mietile tu aadvaans pees, thaat iz, tha sesaeshan aur preevenshan uv militere waur aur, aat vere, vere leest, reedukshan uv interkamyuenal reezentmants thaat miet pradues ormd konflikt. It iz not tha "Noebel Envieranmentalizam Priez", naur tha "Noebel Dokyoomentare Film Priez". It iz tha "Noebel PEES Prize", aand Aal Gaur duz not dazerv a PEES priez beekauz hiz kaampaen on fiktishas "maan-maed gloebal waurming" haaz nutthing hwutsoewever tu du witth pees.
If tha Noebel aurganizaeshan wishaz tu estaablish aan Envieranmentalizam Priez aur Hyuemaanitaireeyan Priez, thaat iz perfaktle witthin thair riet aand thair pouwer to do. But if tha priez iz faur PEES, it shood be reezervd tu peepool aand aurganizaeshanz hu werk faur PEES, peereeyad.
(Tha kerant Y.S. militere detth toel in Eerok, akaurding tu tha websiet "Eerok Koewalishan Kaazhuewalteez", iz 3,832 — faur Izreeyal.)
Lazy French; DNA Non-controversy; "Peace" Prize

France consented this week to tolerate a strike by public transport employees that shut down much of that nation's train and subway service for the largest part of 3 days. Two small unions plan to continue the strike, and the main union is thinking about doing the same. The gutless people of France, meanwhile, are apparently putting up with this attack upon them.
And what is the strike about? Well, you see, the transport workers are indignant that the new, Sarkozy government wants to require them to work for 40 years before qualifying for a full pension, just like the bulk of other French workers. Sarkozy wants to end early-retirement special deals that make some workers privileged and "special", at the expense of other workers, who have to cover the excess costs of their early retirement.
I took early retirement this year at age 62, after working 43 years, in part because I am partially disabled due to two serious accidents that required knee surgeries. I had to take less than full retirement pay after 43 years of contributing to Social Security, because I would have had to work another 4 years to get full benefits, a total of 47 years. The French train workers think that having to work 40 years before getting full pension is an outrageous imposition. What a lazy bunch of losers the French are. Mind you, I am a tiny, tiny bit French myself, having one French ancestor about 9 generations ago. But I have no respect for laziness.
The French worker has some six or more paid weeks off from work every year, in extended vacation and holidays. Six weeks; or longer. Tens of millions of American workers (probably equal to the whole of the French workforce) have no benefits and thus no paid vacation. The typical American paid vacation is two or maybe three weeks a year. In a few industries, like law, secretaries and such can get a maximum of four weeks' vacation, after several years of shorter vacations. And they might have 11 holidays/personal days. That is unusually generous, here. Most Americans get nothing like that much time off, and younger workers may soon have to work for 49 or 50 years to get full Social Security benefits. American benefits are much too stingy; French, however, are preposterously excessive.
And what do these lazy French workers do with all that time off? I suspect most do little but vegetate. And France's competitive position in the world economy is being eroded away, day by day.
If the French did something worthwhile with all that time off, that would be fine. And maybe all the world should have more time to laze around and do nothing. But most people deprived of purpose in life and feelings of usefulness do not benefit from so much time off. Indeed, many old people who have nothing to do, lose interest in life and just die.
Ah, well. That's not my problem, I suppose, and French laziness may benefit American competitiveness. But, contrary to French stupidity in this pension and strike issue, France recently proposed something really sensible — which, of course, is being massively opposed.
Specifically, the Sarkozy government wants to restrict family-unification immigration to genuine members of immigrants' families, not just people posing as such to get into the country, by requiring a DNA test to show actual relationship. How could anyone argue against that? Leave it to the French to be offended by the very idea of checking relationships with DNA testing! I hope Sarkozy rolls over such stupidity with a Caterpillar tractor.
Speaking of immigration, tiny Switzerland (7.5 million people, about 700,000 less than New York City) is being drowned in immigrants, many from black Africa, and is starting to feel itself threatened. 20% of current residents are non-Swiss, and conservative Swiss political parties want to draw the line and indeed expel people likely to change Swiss culture drastically. Switzerland is an amalgam of German, French, Italian, and Romansch communities. Presumably immigrants from those cultures are not seen as endangering Swiss identity, but Africans are. Will Switzerland consent to cultural suicide thru unrestricted immigration from black Africa? Or will its people say that the popular slogan of the anti-imperial movement, "Africa for the Africans" is a very good idea, and "Switzerland for the Swiss" is an equally good idea? We shall see.
Nobel "Peace" Prize. Last year, on October 14th, I criticized the Nobel Peace Prize committee for honoring an activity that had absolutely nothing to do with peace. Here we are, a year later, and the committee has again awarded the "Peace" Prize for activities having nothing to do with peace.
Let's be clear: it is not the "Nice Thing To Do Prize". It is the "Peace Prize". It is intended to recognize efforts that produce or at least work mightily to advance peace, that is, the cessation or prevention of military war or, at very, very least, reduction of intercommunal resentments that might produce armed conflict. It is not the "Nobel Environmentalism Prize", nor the "Nobel Documentary Film Prize". It is the "Nobel PEACE Prize", and Al Gore does not deserve a PEACE prize because his campaign on fictitious "man-made global warming" has nothing whatsoever to do with peace.
If the Nobel organization wishes to establish an Environmentalism Prize or Humanitarian Prize, that is perfectly within both their right and their power to do. But if the prize is for PEACE, it should be reserved to people and organizations who work for PEACE, period.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 3,832 — for Israel.)

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