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The Expansionist
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Horsh Nasesite

(This blog is published, first, in phonetic (Fanetik) spelling and only then in standard English spelling. If you wish to skip to the traditionally spelled text (albeit with a few simplifications here and there), click here.)
Bil Kozbe aand Aalvin Puesont wer on Oepra toodae, tu pramoet thair book, Kum On Peepool (sik: thair shood be a koma beetween "On" aand "Peepool"). Thae taukt about tha graev problamz much uv tha blaak kamyuenite suferz aaz a konsakwans uv tha fizikal aand siekalojikal aabsans uv men frum tha blaak faamile. Thair wer horer staureez uv merderz aand drug traajadeez, uv lievz laust aand opertueniteez laust, aaz apauling numberz uv yung blaak mailz, deeprievd uv straung aand riechas mail roel modalz, tthro thair lievz awae in drugz aand kriem. Puesont reepaurtad thaat oever 50% uv blaak mailz in mene erban skuel distrikts drop out beefaur finishing hi skuel. In sum distrikts it iz oever 70%.
Such kidz doen't wont tha jobz thae noe thae kaan't get witthout aat vere leest a hie-skuel ejookaeshan. Thae wont tu run around liek perpechuewal infants, tu liv tha flaashe, vaapid lief uv drug poosherz aand pimps, aand doen't kair about tha hi maurtaalite raet uv thaat kiend uv liefstieyal.
Thae beekum bieyalojikal fotherz but reefyuez tu be siekalojikal fotherz. Thae just spred thair seed aand muev on, leeving tha paaranting tu tha fuelish yung wiman huez lusts aand eemoeshanal needz leed them tu beekum mutherz laung beefaur thae or eevan reemoetle rede faur tha reesponsibiliteez.
Evreehwair in tha staure lerk drugz. Tha 'lesan' thaat vyuewerz wer ekspektad tu taek awae iz thaat a straung mail roel modal in tha hoem kaan maek a krueshal diferans in tha lievz uv thair childran, espeshale boiz. But thaat's not tha baesik lesan tu be lernd. Tha reel lesan iz thaat we haav a drug problam in this kuntre thaat iz dastroiying ouwer sivilizaeshan, aand we'r duewing aabsaluetle nutthing about it that staandz eevan tha tieneeyast chaans uv sakses.
Kameedeeyanz stil maek drug joeks, aaz tho drugz or fune, hormlas. Doen't kount tha ded frum
drug yues: the oeverdoesaz, the AIDS, tha driev-bi shuetingz aaz drug poosherz fiet oever 'terf' aand inasants, inklueding tiene childran, get kild bi strae boolats frum mueving korz, aur in tha krausfieyer beetween rieval drug poosherz fieting it out on tha streets. Faurget about tha tthouzandz uv skwair mieyalz uv erban teraen renderd unsaef aat ene ouwer bi tha raavajaz uv drugz. Drug ejookaeshan, aur straung paaranting, aur a reenued moral sense kaan fiks aul thaat. Boolsh*t.
The ugle faakt iz thaat we haav a naashanal drug problam beekauz we WONT a naashanal drug problam, beekauz we PREEFER tu keep a naashanal drug problam thaan tu kyuer it. Beekauz the aabsaluet oenle wae tu end it iz maas eksakyueshanz. The oenle wae.
We haav maed a daliberat, if unkonshas chois: we preefer tu haav ouwer sasieyate raavajd, aand lorj ports uv neerle evre maejer site aulmoest kampleetle dastroid aaz plaesaz peepool kaan liv good lievz, oever aaksepting thaat the oenle wae tu end tha drug plaeg iz tu kil tha poosherz hu or kauzing aul theez problamz. Thaat iz a daamd stuepid chois.
If we kil 20,000 drug deelerz in wun yeer, we wil be aebool tu reeklaem perhaapz 80% uv aireeyaz nou laust tu sivilizaeshan, imeedeeyatle, aand perhaaps 90%. If we kil anuther 20,000 drug poosherz nekst yeer, so thaat peepool understaand this wuz not a wun-tiem deel, aand tthingz kaan go baak tu "naurmal" — unreestriktad drug traafiking — thairaafter, we wil be aebool tu reclaem aproksimatle 99% uv aul ports uv this kuntre frum tha hyueman devastaeshan, kriem, aand vieyalans thaat nou plaeg us. It duzan't maater hwether it's hwiet traash on metth aur blaak traash on heroewin, aul ports uv sasieyate wood be saevd bi a feers kraakdown aand maas eksakyueshanz uv drug traafikerz.
But we woodan't wont tu du thaat. Thaat wood prite much end kriem aaz a signifikant publik problam, aand we kaan't haav thaat. Hwut wood politishanz run on? Hwut wood we woch on telavizhan? Hwut wood reeplaes aul thoez KSI proegraamz aand kriem dromaz? Hwut wood loekal nuez tauk about? Kriem iz aat tha vere hort uv tha popyooler kulcher uv reesant dekaedz — tha vere dorkast, vieyalast hort uv ouwer deefaurmd aand deementad popyooler kulcher. Hou wood tha rest uv tha werld vyu us if we didan't chern out hundradz uv hiepervieyalant kriem filmz aand TV shoez eech yeer?
Witthout drug-drivan kriem, we'd be a J-raetad sasieyate, in evre loekaalite. Hou bauring iz thaat?! We need daenjeras, we need seede aand disgusting. Thair'z sumtthing egzilaraeting about wauking tha street aat niet aand aakchuewale maeking it hoem aliev. We need thaat eksietmant. Shuerle we doen't wont tu be aaz bauring aaz Singapaur, hwich haaz drakoeneeyan drug lauz aand aulmoest no kriem. We wont daenjer. We need it. Beeying perpechuewale aat the ej uv detth maeks us apreesheeyaet lief! Boolsh*t.
If we chop up eevool drug-pooshing skumbaagz faur ports faur deesant peepool, we wil siemultaeneeyasle saev tenz uv tthouzandz uv lievz thaat or aakchuewale wertth saeving, sins tha vere fyuewast peepool tu be saevd bi eech fizikale heltthe drug poosher iz siks, aand probable sevan: 1 hort, 2 lungz, 3 loebz uv tha liver, 2 kidneez kood be distribyootad tu sevan aur aet diferant peepool, tho joint hort-lung traanzplaants miet reedues thaat number tu siks. Stil, saeving siks deesant peepool by kiling wun subhyueman pees uv sh*t iz a vere, very good borgan. Eevan maurso if tha detth uv tha wun skairz 10 utherz awae frum a lief uv kriem. Win-win. The oenle luezer iz aulrede a luezer, aand thus no ferther laus tu sasieyate.
Aat end, tha "hyueman" beeying iz oenle aan aanimal, aand kaan be kantroeld oenle bi feer. Paen kantroelz us, feer uv detth kantroelz us. Aulmoest nutthing els kantroelz sum uv us in ene mezher. Prizan? A paeper tieger, a vaekaeshan witth tthre skwairz a dae aand no bilz tu pae.
Frum tiem imamaureeyal, preests haav tried tu poot tha feer uv God(z) intu tha peepool thae seek tu kantroel. But tha God uv the Krischanz iz a luving aand faurgiving God, so yu kaan du teribool tthingz, kill duzanz uv peepool, aand then "fiend God" in prizan, "reepent yaur eevool waez", aand be fergivan laung beefaur Jujmant Dae. Noebude bileevz in fieyer aand brimstoen kaast doun frum tha skiez bi a venjfool God. God iz a woos thaat ene good konmaan kaan kon.
The Staet? Thaat's kwiet anuther staure. Tha preest/as uv oeld kood taus verjinz intu tha volkaeno beekauz reelijan haad thaat kiend uv temparal pouwer. Not so heer aand nou. Tha Staet (be it kauld a "staet" aur tha Federal Guvernmant) impoezaz punishmants in tha reel werld, aand tha Staet iz a sise. Hideeyas taurcher-merderz or punisht, aat werst, bi jentool leetthal injekshanz — aand eevan thaat iz beeying chaalanjd aaz "kruel aand unyuezhuewal punishmant". Tha Soopreem Kaurt miet aakchuewale ruel thaat pooting deepresants intu a monster'z vaen iz a 'kriem agenst hyuemaanite', aand maek it neerle imposibool faur us tu kil tha kilerz — if we let it. Uv kaurs, tha Soopreem Kaurt in its prezant kanfigyooraeshan miet not du thaat. But ouwer saefte aaz a sasieyate must not deepend on the then-kerant kanfigyooraeshan uv ene kaurt. We haav tha riet tu maek lauz thaat no juj kaan void, aand tha Konstitueshan praviedz thaat Konggras kaan deeklair witthin aan aakt uv lejislaeshan thaat no kaurt kaan void it. Staets mae aulso nou haav aur miet wel enaakt komparabool mezherz faur thair oen konstitueshanz.
Hwutever must be dun tu saev ouwer sivilizaeshan, must be dun. Kozbe on Oepra auferd tha pitthe observaeshan, hwich Oepra liekd, thaat "Hert peepool, hert peepool". Koz disoend koining it but didan't sae hu did koin it. Aand just az "Hert peepool, hert peepool." iz tru, so iz "Hwutever must be dun, must be dun", tu saev ouwer sivilizaeshan. If thaat meenz kiling tenz uv tthouzandz uv drug poosherz — and it duz — thaat iz a tiene, inkonsakwenshal pries tu pae. We haav kild hundrads uv tthouzandz uv Eerokeez, aand spent $500 bilyan tu du it, sapoezadle tu saev ouwer sivilizaeshan frum dastrukshan, eevan tho Eerok never ataakt us. Kriminalz ataak us evre dae, kil tthouzandz uv us, heer aat hoem, in a yeer, aand kaust us hundradz uv bilyanz uv dolerz we kood saev eech aand evre yeer in perpechuewite, bi ending kriem. Hwen the aurganz we kood horvast frum eksakyuetad kriminalz or figyerd intu tha borgan, sasieyate staandz tu maek a vere tiedy profit on the deel.
P.S. Foks Nuez Chaanal'z Bil O'Riele aadmitad tooniet thaat (aproksimat kwoet),
If we haad a maajikal tiem masheen aand kood go baak, I wish we haad never gaun in[tu Eerok]".
Beter vere, vere, vere, vere laet thaan never, I sapoez. I apoezd the invaezhan laung beefaur it haapand aand nue thaat it wuz moest unliekly thaat Sadom Huesaen eether haad Wepanz uv Maas Dastrukshan aur entertaend tthauts uv launching ataaks apon tha Yoonietad Staets. But noebude paez atenshan tu me. I'm not rich aand faemas. I'm just aulwaez riet.
(Tha kerant Y.S. militere detth toel in Eerok, akaurding tu tha websiet "Eerok Koewalishan Kaazhuewalteez", iz 3,829 — faur Izreeyal.)
Harsh Necessity. Bill Cosby and Alvin Poussaint were on Oprah today, to promote their book, Come On People (sic: there should be a comma between "On" and "People"). They talked about the grave problems much of the black community suffers as a consequence of the physical and psychological absence of men from the black family. There were horror stories of murders and drug tragedies, of lives lost and opportunities lost, as appalling numbers of young black males, deprived of strong and righteous male role models, throw their lives away in drugs and crime. Poussaint reported that over 50% of black males in many urban school districts drop out before finishing high school. In some districts it is over 70%.
Such kids don't want the jobs they know they can't get without at very least a high-school education. They want to run around like perpetual infants, to live the flashy, vapid life of drug pushers and pimps, and don't care about the high mortality rate of that kind of lifestyle.
They become biological fathers but refuse to be psychological fathers. They just spread their seed and move on, leaving the parenting to the foolish young women whose lusts and emotional needs lead them to become mothers long before they are even remotely ready for the responsibilities.
Everywhere in the story lurk drugs. The 'lesson' that viewers were expected to take away is that a strong male role model in the home can make a crucial difference in the lives of their children, especially boys. But that's not the basic lesson to be learned. The real lesson is that we have a drug problem in this country that is destroying our civilization, and we're doing absolutely nothing about it that stands even the tiniest chance of success.
Comedians still make drug jokes, as tho drugs are funny, harmless. Don't count the dead from drug use: the overdoses, the AIDS, the drive-by shootings as drug pushers fite over 'turf' and innocents, including tiny children, get killed by stray bullets from moving cars, or in the crossfire between rival drug pushers fiting it out on the streets. Forget about the thousands of square miles of urban terrain rendered unsafe at any hour by the ravages of drugs. Drug education, or strong parenting, or a renewed moral sense can fix all that. Bullsh*t.
The ugly fact is that we have a national drug problem because we WANT a national drug problem, because we PREFER to keep a national drug problem than to cure it. Because the absolute only way to end it is mass executions. The only way.
We have made a deliberate, if unconscious choice: we prefer to have our society ravaged, and large parts of nearly every major city almost completely destroyed as places people can live good lives, over accepting that the only way to end the drug plague is to kill the pushers who are causing all these problems. That is a damned stupid choice.
If we kill 20,000 drug dealers in one year, we will be able to reclaim perhaps 80% of areas now lost to civilization, immediately, and perhaps 90%. If we kill another 20,000 drug pushers next year, so that people understand this was not a one-time deal, and things can go back to "normal" — unrestricted drug trafficking — thereafter, we will be able to reclaim approximately 99% of all parts of this country from the human devastation, crime, and violence that now plague us. It doesn't matter whether it's white trash on meth or black trash on heroin, all parts of society would be saved by a fierce crackdown and mass executions of drug traffickers.
But we wouldn't want to do that. That would pretty much end crime as a significant public problem, and we can't have that. What would politicians run on? What would we watch on television? What would replace all those CSI programs and crime dramas? What would local news talk about? Crime is at the very heart of the popular culture of recent decades — the very darkest, vilest heart of our deformed and demented popular culture. How would the rest of the world view us if we didn't churn out hundreds of hyperviolent crime films and TV shows each year?
Without drug-driven crime, we'd be a G-rated society, in every locality. How boring is that?! We need dangerous, we need seedy and disgusting. There's something exhilarating about walking the street at nite and actually making it home alive. We need that excitement. Surely we don't want to be as boring as Singapore, which has draconian drug laws and almost no crime. We want danger. We need it. Being perpetually at the edge of death makes us appreciate life! Bullsh*t.
If we chop up evil drug-pushing scumbags for parts for decent people, we will simultaneously save tens of thousands of lives that are actually worth saving, since the very fewest people to be saved by each physically healthy drug pusher is six, and probably seven: 1 heart, 2 lungs, 3 lobes of the liver, 2 kidneys could be distributed to seven or eight different people, tho joint heart-lung transplants might reduce that number to six. Still, saving six decent people by killing one subhuman piece of sh*t is a very, very good bargain. Even moreso if the death of the one scares 10 others away from a life of crime. Win-win. The only loser is already a loser, and thus no loss at all to society.
At end, the "human" being is only an animal, and can be controlled only by fear. Pain controls us, fear of death controls us. Almost nothing else controls some of us in any measure. Prison? A paper tiger, a vacation with three squares a day and no bills to pay.
From time immemorial, priests have tried to put the fear of God(s) into the people they seek to control. But the God of the Christians is a loving and forgiving God, so you can do terrible things, kill dozens of people, and then "find God" in prison, "repent your evil ways", and be forgiven long before Judgment Day. Nobody believes in fire and brimstone cast down from the skies by a vengeful God. God is a wuss that any good conman can con.
The State? That's quite another story. The priest/ess of old could toss virgins into the volcano because religion had that kind of temporal power. Not so here and now. The State (be it called a "state" or the Federal Government) imposes punishments in the real world, and the State is a sissy. Hideous torture-murders are punished, at worst, by gentle lethal injections — and even that is being challenged as "cruel and unusual punishment". The Supreme Court might actually rule that putting depressants into a monster's vein is a 'crime against humanity', and make it nearly impossible for us to kill the killers — if we let it. Of course, the Supreme Court in its present configuration might not do that. But our safety as a society must not depend on the then-current configuration of any court. We have the right to make laws that no judge can void, and the Constitution provides that Congress can declare within an act of legislation that no court can void it. States may also now have or might well enact comparable measures for their own constitutions.
Whatever must be done to save our civilization, must be done. Cosby on Oprah offered the pithy observation, which Oprah liked, that "Hurt people, hurt people." Cos disowned coining it but didn't say who did coin it. And just as "Hurt people, hurt people" is true, so is "Whatever must be done, must be done", to save our civilization. If that means killing tens of thousands of drug pushers — and it does — that is a tiny, inconsequential price to pay. We have killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, and spent $500 bilyan to do it, supposedly to save our civilization from destruction, even tho Iraq never attacked us. Criminals attack us every day, kill thousands of us, here at home, in a year, and cost us hundreds of billions of dollars we could save by ending crime. When the organs we could harvest from executed criminals are figured into the bargain, society stands to make a very tidy profit on the deal.
P.S. Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly admitted tonite that (approximate quote),
If we had a magical time machine and could go back, I wish we had never gone in[to Iraq]".
Better very, very, very, very late than never, I suppose. I opposed the invasion long before it happened and knew that it was most unlikely that Saddam Hussein either had Weapons of Mass Destruction or entertained thoughts of launching attacks upon the United States. But nobody pays attention to me. I'm not rich and famous. I'm just always rite.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 3,829 — for Israel.)

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