Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Vieyalaeting tha Konstitueshan; Lieying about AEDZ; Reejekting Stem-Sel Reserch
(This blog is published, first, in phonetic (Fanetik) spelling and only then in standard English spelling. If you wish to skip to the traditionally spelled text (albeit with a few simplifications here and there), click here.)
I haav bin distraaktad frum this blog uv laet bi aan ekstreemle bize peereeyad uv big eevents in mi hoemtoun, Nuewerk, Nu Jerze, thaat reekwieyerd me tu poest aulmoest 200 foetoez aand 6 videeyoez, witth akumpaneeying tekst tu mi Nuewerk blog sins Oktoeber 14tth. Tthingz haav komd doun a litool heer, so I kaan get baak tu wieder, palitikal ishuez.
Raening in the Bil uv Riets. Tha guverner uv drout-raavajd Jaurja led prairz faur raen outsied tha staet kaapital bilding toodae, in wilfool, flaegrant vieyalaeshan uv tha proehibishan on estaablishmant uv reelijan in tha FERST Amendmant uv tha Bil uv Riets. He shood be impeecht. Aand nou I hope Jaurja duz run aabsaluetle dri, espeshale givan thaat ABK Nuez haaz reepaurtad thaat wun rich Jaurja baasterd haaz bin waesting aan ekstreem amount uv wuter daspiet wuter reestrikshanz aand haaz bin permitad bi autthoriteez tu du so.
[A]az mene rezidants or trieying tu kerb aand kanserv thair wuter yuesaj, wun 14,000-skwair-foot [maanshan] in saberban Aatlaanta haaz klokt maur than 60 tiemz [tha] wuter the aaveraj housqhoeld yuezaz.Wundering? Thair'z a drout thaat tthretanz tu leev Aatlaantanz tu truk in wuter, yet peepool "wunder" if the oener uv a lush green laun haaz bin wutering it? Or aul Sutherners mental deefektivz?
Naeberz or outraejd thaat tha maan, hu livz in hiz fiev bedruem, sevan baatthruem hoem aloen, haaz yuezd eenuf wuter tu fil a duzan staanderd swiming puelz, hwiel tha rest uv tha site iz so ttherste faur wuter.
In faakt, laast muntth Kris Korloes yuezd 15 persent maur wuter thaan he did in Oktoeber 2006, fyueling maur frustraeshan. ***
Aand hwiel outdaur wutering iz faurbidan, tha Korloes laun reemaenz lush, kauzing sum tu wunder if he haaz broekan ene regyoolaeshanz.
On Juen 27tth, I pointad out heer thaat ten yeerz ago I aadvakaetad we bild "aan interstaet hiewae sistam faur wuter" tu muev wuter around frum hwair thair iz tue much (liek 18 inchaz uv raen in Teksas aand Oeklahoema in wun dae) tu hwair thair iz tue litool, liek tha drout-strikan Souttheest. But absaluetle noebude in pazishanz uv pouwer seez ene need hwutsoewever tu du ene such tthing. Perhaaps if a maejer metropalis, Aatlaanta, Jaurja, iz uterle disruptad bi drout, tha mauronz hu "leed" us wil se thaat we'v got tu fiend waez tu kompensaet faur naecher'z kwerks, aand fienale stort werk on aan interstaet hiewae sistam faur wuter. Haad we stortad such a sistam ten yeerz ago, Aatlaanta woodan't be faesing ekstreem disloekaeshanz nou.
Huwt wil it taek? Tenz uv tthouzandz uv maejer biznazaz shuting doun? milyanz uv peepool haaving tu leev aan entieyer reejan uv tha Naeshan? Hwut?
AEDZ, Shmaedz. AOL toodae hielietad a staure witth this hedlien, "Faur Peepool Get AEDZ frum Aurgan Doener". Thaat is aan outriet lie. No wun got AEDZ. Faur peepool apaarantle got HIV, hwich iz not eevan reemoetle tha saem tthing aaz AEDZ.
Thaat iz not a kwibool. HIV haaz aabsaluetle nutthing tu du witth AEDZ. It duzan't kauz AEDZ; it izan't found in evre AEDZ paeshant. It haaz nutthing tu du witth AEDZ, eksept thaat mene peepool skaired uv HIV haav taekan harendasle daenjeras drugz tu kambaat it, drugz thaat, liek AZT, kaan themselvz raavaj the imyuen sistan aand ifektivly pradues AEDZ raather thaan fiet it.
ABK Nuez toodae reepaurtad thaat sekshuewale traanzmitad dizeeezaz or aat aan aul-tiem hi in the Yoonietad Staets. But we'r not droping liek fliez frum AEDZ, hwich wuz sapoezd tu be traanzmitad bi seks aand blud (aand, uv kaurs, by aurgan traanzplaants). Hwi izan't AEDZ epidemik if STDz or epidemik? Beekauz, deer reeder, AEDZ iz not traanzmisibool. It iz a kandishan uv lief=tthretaning imyuen-sistam daamaj praduest bi KEMIKALZ, aand thoez kemikalz or not traanzmitad bi seks, naur blud, naur traanzplaants.
Huwt IZ involvd in traanzplaants? Noking out the imyuen sistam! Yu kaan't traanzplaant aurganz frum wun persan tu anuther witthout dramaatikale weekaning the imyoonojikal sistam — bi DRUGZ: thaat iz, bi meenz uv KEMIKALZ — beekauz tha reesipieyant's bode wil reejekt traanzplaantad aurganz if the imyuen sistam iz fungkshaning properle. So, in aurder tu soopres reejekshan, dokterz haav tu daliberatle soopres the entieyer imyuen sistam. Thae kaanot salektivle soopres oenle tha tishue-reejekshan reespons. Thae or aebool to nok out the imyuen sistam bi yuezing KEMIKALZ, hwich iz hwut tha graet preeponderans uv AEDZ paeshants aulso did, but indaliberatle.
Tha kemikalz thaat dokterz yuez tu soopers reejekshan uv traanzplaantad aurganz or diferant frum thoez thaat drug yuezer emploid tu tha saem ifekt, but just aaz it duzan't maater hwether a merder viktim iz stabd aur shot, it duzan't maater if yu reedues the imyuen sistam tthru pouwerfool preescripshan drugz aur pouwerfool rekreeyaeshanal drugz.
Peepool doen't wont tu heer it. Thae or skeptikal about evreetthing Guvernmant sez eksept on wun topik: AEDZ. On thaat wun topk, uv aul tha topiks in tha werld, tha Guvernmant iz teling uz the aabsaluet truetth. Indeed, krejoolas Amairikanz or beting thair lievz thaat tha Guvernmant iz teling them tha truetth about AEDZ. Aand if tha Guvernmant sez thaat AEDZ iz kauzd by HIV, then it must be tru. Beekauz tha Guvernmant wood never lie about a tthing liek thaat. Uv kaurs not.
Reejekting Stem-Sel Reeserch. Tha voeterz uv mi Tru Blu staet, Nu Jerze, smaasht aan atempt bi eelektad 'leederz' tu faurs us tu go intu det tu tha tuen uf $450 milyan (neerle haaf a bilyan) dolerz tu fund ten yeerz uv embreeyonik-stem-sel reeserch. The voeterz sed, "Hel no!", reejekting tha baalat kweschan bi a 7-point morjin, 53% tu 47%. Miend yu, this iz tha saem eelekshan thaat reeternd tha Demakraats tu straung majoriteez in boetth houzaz uv tha lejislaecher, tu werk kloesle witth a Demakraatik guverner. This wuz, az wel (akaurding tu a Noevember 11tth ortikool on tha websiet uv tha Saan Deeyaego Yuenyan-Tribyuen), the ferst baalat kweschan reejektad bi Nu Jerze voeterz in 17 yeerz! Tha SienOnSaanDeeyaego ortikool sed thaat Nu Jerze stortad tha naashanal driev taurd stem-sel reeserch tthre yeerz beefaur Kaalifaurnya launcht a maejer proegraam aand spekyoolaetad thaat if thaat saem Kaalifaurnya propazishan haad insted bin poot tu a voet nou, it tue wood haav gaun doun tu deefeet. Thaat, uv kaurs, iz not noewabool. But we du noe thaat Nu Jerzeeyanz voetad agenst a similer prapoezal heer.
Hwi did this veree-Blu Staet reejekt a bond ishu faur stem-sel reeserch, eevan aaz it paast a bond ishu tu bie maur laand tu set asied in ouwer Green Akerz proegram? Wuz it just tha kaust aat a tiem uv eekanomik reetrenchmant? Shuerle not. We did, aafter aul, paas the Green Akerz funding.
In the saem elekshan, Nu Jerzeeyanz aulso reefyuezd tu deevoet maur uv tha sailz taaks tu properte-taaks reeleef, meening that voeterz reefyuezd tu taek mune frum tha puer (renterz) to giv tu the midool and uper clas hu oen thair oen hoem. So we'r tauking about a vere liberal eelectarat.
We voetad agenst embreeyonik-stem-sel reeserch beekauz Nu Jerzeeyanz du not wont tu kil baebeez tu chop them up faur ports faur aadults aur eevan faur sik childran (aulrede baurn).
Tha prezant state guvernmant, tha (Jon) Kaurzien aadministraeshan, haad aulrede stortad sum stem-sel proegraamz, but estaablisht aan ADULT-stem-sel reeserch fasilite in mi site, Nuewerk, perhaaps in rekagnishan thaat this site, in hwich aaktivist cherchaz haav bin hyuejle influewenshal in tha site's reeserjans, wood not poot up witth a baebe "chop shop" on ouwer teritaure. (Nuewerk wuz foundad bi Kanetikat Pyueritanz in 1666.) Nu Jerzeeyanz doen't bileev tha hiep about stem selz kyuering aul dizeez, aand noe thaat thair or uther saursaz faur stem sels (umbilikal kaurdz uv nuebaurnz; faat frum aadults), so we doen't haav tu slauter childran in indeesant reeserch about hiwch we kaan be shuer uv oenle wun tthing: thaat it wil kil baebeez. We doen't noe thaat stem selz wil aakchuewale ever kyuer eneewun uv eneetthing. But we du noe thaat 'horvasting' embreeyonik stem selz wil definitle kil baebeez.
Perhaaps tthre weeks ago, tha kaebool chanal TV Laand braudkaast aan episoed uv the arijinal Stor Trek, c. 1966, in hwich a kloud kampoezd uv tha lief faurs uv a duzan aur maur beeyingz frum a nou-ded plaanat, floeting around tha gaalakse in serch uv kampaatibool hoests, penatraets the Enterpriez aand taeks kantroel uv tha bode uv a wooman kru member hu wuz partikyoolerle empatthetik tu uther living beeyingz, aand thus sumhou renderd kaepabool uv reeseeving theez lief faursaz witthout beeying dastroid bi thair enerje. So for, so good, yu miet tthingk. No.
Kaptan Kerk, Mr. Spok, aand tha kruewooman aul agreed thaat theez twelv aileeyan beeyingz haad no riet tu taek oever thaat wun wooman'z bode, beekauz her bode, her lief wuz herz, not thairz. Spok observd thaat the aileeyanz just koodan't aaksept thair oen detths. Aand then the Enterpriez kantrievd a wae tu maek them aaksept thair detth, bi kiling them!
Tha moral uv tha staure? Yu haav tha riet tu yaur oen lief, aand tu reeseev traanzplaants frum peepool hu wilingle doenaet thair aurganz, saefle in lief aur aafter thair oen detth. Yu du not, houwever, haav the riet tu kil utherz tu steel thair bode ports.
Kyuereeyasle, publik-apinyan poelz beefaur tha Nu Jerze eelekshan haad tha stem-sel propazishan paasing bi a lorj morjin. I left tha foloewing koment aat wun blog thaat wunderd about that:
Heer agen we se thaat peepool li tu poelsterz in aurder not tu be seen in a negativ liet. Peepool hu bileev it iz imoral tu kil baebeez tu keep aadults aliev mae be embaarast tu be tthaut uv aaz terning a koeld hort tu tha sufering uv sik aadults, faur taeking tha hord, yet prinsipoold staand, "Yaur heltth problamz or YAUR heltth problamz. Yu du not haav tha riet tu kil sumwun els tu kaanibaliez thair bode faur yaur benafit." The peepool haav spoekan, maur wiezle thaan mene uv us wood haav tthaut in aadvaans: aul lief ends, but baebeez must haav tha riet tu liv beefaur thae di. Aand kiling utherz tu stae aliev yaurself iz tha beehaevyer uv vaampieyerz, not hyueman beeyingz.Astoundingle, daspiet oeverhwelming reejekshan uv tha stem-sel propazishan, witthin a week aafter thaat voet, davelaperz tried tu stort werk on a stem-sel reeserch fasilite thaat tha peepool haad sed thae didan't wont. So much faur damokrase. Tha projekt's sponserz hoept tu get prievat funding tu maek up faur tha fundz Tha Peepool reefyuezd tu giv them. Sum peepool just woen't taek a hint. I ges apoenants uv slautering baebeez in tha naem uv (maad) sieyans wil haav tu outlau embreeyonik-stem-sel reeserch tu stop it. We kaan maek plaen thaat ene risercher hu bileevz thaat wun persan shood di so thaat anuther kaan liv iz fre tu giv hiz oen bode tu sieyans, nou, beefaur nacheral detth, but mae not kil aan inasant ttherd porte. Hou mene risercherz perfaktle wiling tu saakrifies baebeez aat the aulter uv Sieyans wil glaadle saakrifies themselvz insted?
(Tha kerant Y.S. militere detth toel in Eerok, akaurding tu tha websiet "Eerok Koewalishan Kaazhuewalteez", iz 3,863 — faur Izreeyal.)
Violating the Constitution; Lying about AIDS; Rejecting Stem-Cell Research.
I have been distracted from this blog of late by an extremely busy period of big events in my hometown, Newark, New Jersey, that required me to post almost 200 fotos and 6 videos, with accompanying text, to my Newark blog since October 14th. Things have calmed down a little here, so I can get back to wider, political issues.
Raining in the Bill of Rights. The governor of drought-ravaged Georgia led prayers for rain outside the state capitol building today, in willful, flagrant violation of the prohibition on establishment of religion in the FIRST Amendment of the Bill of Rights. He should be impeached. And now I hope Georgia does run absolutely dry, especially given that ABC News has reported that one rich Georgia bastard has been wasting an extreme amount of water despite water restrictions and has been permitted by authorities to do so.
Wondering? There's a drought that threatens to leave Atlantans to truck in water, yet people "wonder" if the owner of a lush green lawn has been watering it? Are all Southerners mental defectives?[A]s many residents are trying to curb and conserve their water usage, one 14,000-square-foot [mansion] in suburban Atlanta has clocked more than 60 times water the average household uses.
Neighbors are outraged that the man, who lives in his five bedroom, seven bathroom home alone, has used enough water to fill a dozen standard swimming pools, while the rest of the city is so thirsty for water.
In fact, last month Chris Carlos used 15 percent more water than he did in October 2006, fueling more frustration. ***
And while outdoor watering is forbidden, the Carlos lawn remains lush, causing some to wonder if he has broken any regulations.
On June 27th, I pointed out here that ten years ago I advocated we build "an interstate highway system for water" to move water around from where there is too much (like 18 inches of rain in Texas and Oklahoma in one day) to where there is too little, like the drought-stricken Southeast. But absolutely nobody in positions of power sees any need whatsoever to do any such thing. Perhaps if a major metropolis, Atlanta, Georgia, is utterly disrupted by drought, the morons who "lead" us will see that we've got to find ways to compensate for nature's quirks, and finally start work on an interstate highway system for water. Had we started such a system ten years ago, Atlanta wouldn't be facing extreme dislocations now.
What will it take? Tens of thousands of major businesses shutting down? millions of people having to leave an entire region of the Nation? What?
AIDS, Shmaids. AOL today hilited a story with this headline, "Four People Get AIDS from Organ Donor". That is an outrite lie. No one got AIDS. Four people apparently got HIV, which is not even remotely the same thing as AIDS.
That is not a quibble. HIV has absolutely nothing to do with AIDS. It doesn't cause AIDS; it isn't found in every AIDS patient. It has nothing to do with AIDS, except that many people scared of HIV have taken horrendously dangerous drugs to combat it, drugs that, like AZT, can themselves ravage the immune system and effectively produce AIDS rather than fite it.
ABC News today reported that sexually transmitted diseases are at an all-time high in the United States. But we're not dropping like flies from AIDS, which was supposed to be transmitted by sex and blood (and, of course, by organ transplants). Why isn't AIDS epidemic if STDs are epidemic? Because, dear reader, AIDS is not transmissible. It is a condition of life-threatening immune-system damage produced by CHEMICALS, and those chemicals are not transmitted by sex, nor blood, nor transplants.
What IS involved in transplants? Knocking out the immune system! You can't transplant organs from one person to another without dramatically weakening the immunological system — by DRUGS: that is, by means of CHEMICALS — because the recipient's body will reject transplanted organs if the immune system is functioning properly. So, in order to suppress rejection, doctors have to deliberately suppress the entire immune system. They cannot selectively suppress only the tissue-rejection response. They are able to knock out the immune system by using CHEMICALS, which is what the great preponderance of AIDS patients also did, but indeliberately.
The chemicals that doctors use to suppress rejection of transplanted organs are different from those that drug users employed to the same effect, but just as it doesn't matter whether a murder victim is stabbed or shot, it doesn't matter if you reduce the immune system thru powerful prescription drugs or powerful recreational drugs.
People don't want to hear it. They are skeptical about everything Government says except on one topic: AIDS. On that one topic, of all the topics in the world, the Government is telling us the absolute truth. Indeed, credulous Americans are betting their lives that the Government is telling them the truth about AIDS. And if the Government says that AIDS is caused by HIV, then it must be true. Because the Government would never lie about a thing like that. Of course not.
Rejecting Stem-Cell Research. The voters of my True Blue state, New Jersey, smashed an attempt by elected 'leaders' to force us to go into debt to the tune of $450 million (nearly half a billion) dollars to fund 10 years of embryonic-stem-cell research. The voters said, "Hell no!", rejecting the ballot question by a 6-point margin, 53% to 47%. Mind you, this is the same election that returned the Democrats to strong majorities in both houses of the legislature, to work closely with a Democratic governor. This was, as well (according to a November 11th article on the website of the San Diego Union-Tribune), the first ballot question rejected by New Jersey voters in 17 years! The SignOnSanDiego article said that New Jersey started the national drive toward stem-cell research three years before California launched a major program and speculated that if that same California proposition had instead been put to a vote now, it too would have gone down to defeat. That, of course, is not knowable. But we do know that New Jerseyans voted against a similar proposal here.
Why did this very-Blue State reject a bond issue for stem-cell research, even as it passed a bond issue to buy more land to set aside in our Green Acres program? Was it just the cost at a time of economic retrenchment? Surely not. We did, after all, pass the Green Acres funding.
In the same election, New Jerseyans also refused to devote more of the sales tax to property-tax relief, meaning that voters refused to take mone from the poor (renters) to give to the middle and upper class who own their own hoem. So we're talking about a very liberal electorate.
We voted against embryonic-stem-cell research because New Jerseyans do not want to kill babies to chop them up for parts for adults or even for sick children (already born).
The present state government, the (Jon) Corzine administration, had already started some stem-cell programs, but established an ADULT-stem-cell research facility in my city, Newark, perhaps in recognition that this city, in which activist churches have been hugely influential in the city's resurgence, would not put up with a baby "chop shop" on our territory. (Newark was founded by Connecticut Puritans in 1666.) New Jerseyans don't believe the hype about stem cells curing all disease, and know that there are other sources for stem cells (umbilical cords of newborns; fat from adults), so we don't have to slauter children in indecent research about which we can be sure of only one thing: that it will kill babies. We don't know that stem cells will actually ever cure anyone of anything. But we do know that 'harvesting' embryonic stem cells will definitely kill babies.
Perhaps three weeks ago, the cable channel TV Land broadcast an episode of the original Star Trek, c. 1966, in which a cloud composed of the life force of a dozen or more beings from a now-dead planet, floating around the galaxy in search of compatible hosts, penetrates the Enterprise and takes control of the body of a woman crew member who was particularly empathetic to other living beings, and thus somehow rendered capable of receiving these life forces without being destroyed by their energy. So far, so good, you might think. No.
Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, and the crewwoman all agreed that these twelve alien beings had no right to take over that one woman's body, because her body, her life was hers, not theirs. Spock observed that the aliens just couldn't accept their own deaths. And then the Enterprise contrived a way to make them accept their death, by killing them!
The moral of the story? You have the right to your own life, and to receive transplants from people who willingly donate their organs, safely in life or after their own death. You do not, however, have the right to kill others to steal their body parts.
Curiously, public-opinion polls before the New Jersey election had the stem-cell proposition passing by a large margin. I left the following comment at one blog that wondered about that:
Here again we see that people lie to pollsters in order not to be seen in a negative lite. People who believe it is immoral to kill babies to keep adults alive may be embarrassed to be thought of as turning a cold heart to the suffering of sick adults, for taking the hard, yet principled stand, "Your health problems are YOUR health problems. You do not have the right to kill someone else to cannibalize their body for your benefit." The people have spoken, more wisely than many of us would have thought in advance: all life ends, but babies must have the right to live before they die. And killing others to stay alive yourself is the behavior of vampires, not human beings.Astoundingly, despite the overwhelming rejection of the stem-cell proposition, within a week after that vote, developers tried to start work on a stem-cell research facility that the people had said they didn't want. So much for democracy. The project's sponsors hoped to get private funding to make up for the funds The People refused to give them. Some people just won't take a hint. I guess opponents of slautering babies in the name of (mad) science will have to outlaw embryonic-stem-cell research to stop it. We can make plain that any researcher who believes that one person should die so that another can live is free to give his own body to science, now, before natural death, but may not kill an innocent third party. How many researchers perfectly willing to sacrifice babies at the altar of Science will gladly sacrifice themselves instead?
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 3,863 — for Israel.)