Saturday, May 03, 2008
BaLack Obama. Pundits feign surprise that North Carolina, a Southern state despite its name, is showing a supposed change of heart regarding Barack Obama. What a surprise! Southerners thinking about NOT voting for a black man! Who on Earth would have anticipated such a thing?
(Imitation) Feminism affords cover for white racists, whereby they can pretend to be progressives by hiding their racism behind a preference for white women who are cast as a "minority" who need to be "liberated", and so it's not that they are rightwing, regressive scum, no!, they're just decent, open-minded human beings opening their hearts to downtrodden women. Of course they are — but only when the alternative is hiring black men, voting for black men, etc. When there is no pressure to hire "minorities" (and of course women are the majority of the population, not a minority at all) and women won't work cheaper, white employers will hire white men every time. But if women will work cheaper, then employers are happy to employ docile, obedient women who only want to get thru the workday and get home to their family, rather than men, even white men, who expect something from a job other than a "job". Men might aspire to a "career". Most women just want a job for a paycheck to take care of their kids.
Women who aspire to a career of a kind that requires dedication often have to prove that they will take their job seriously and put it FIRST. That's easy enuf for single women, but almost entirely unacceptable to married women with children. An employer wants all employees on the job every workday, on time, with their mind fully on their work. They can't have a woman staying out of work at inopportune times to take care of a sick kid or elderly parent. The result is that even a substantial proportion of "career women" who accept that they want kids, "stop out" for several years to raise their children past infancy, and may then find themselves at a stark disadvantage when trying to return to the workforce, especially in a field in which technology has changed.
But if a racist pressured to hire a "minority" applicant has to choose between a black, single man who is current on the appropriate technology and ready to devote more than 35 hours a week to diligent pursuit of his job responsibilities, on the one hand, and a white woman who has some catching up to do in the technological area, and may need some flextime to take care of family responsibilities, on the other hand, he will hire the white woman. Because you can teach a white woman new technology, and work around some minor scheduling problems, but you can't change a black man's race.
BaLack Obama cannot be elected President of the United States in 2008. It ain'ta gonna happen, despite the pretense of media pundits that with a war that's going badly and an economy in recession and a dollar that has fallen like a stone and all the other things that have gone wrong, it should be a "slam-dunk" for ANY Democratic nominee to defeat ANY Republican, and especially a Republican who stands by some of the hugely unpopular President Bush's policies. Except for three things: race, gender, and the fact that John McCain is NOT President Bush, and everybody knows that.
There is of course an attempt by people to portray John McCain as George Bush in different clothing, just as there is an attempt to portray BaLack Obama as Jeremiah Wright hiding black rage. But the people aren't stupid. They know that McCain is not Bush and Obama is not Wright. They also know that Obama is BaLack and McCain is White. And Hillary Clinton is not any of those people, tho she does wear men's clothing to try to impress people that she is as tuf (butch) as any man. But one thing "Hillary" is, is BILL Clinton, the only reason her candidacy is taken in the slitest seriously. So whereas BaLack and John are different from each other and the current President, Hillary CLINTON is NOT 'her own woman' but her husband, hidden. Were she, by some appalling miracle, to become the Democratic nominee, she would be trounced for her gender and for her husband, who disgraced the Nation for years of sexual scandals, scandals the Nation does not want to return to. No, we'll take a nice old man with a pretty younger wife, thank you very much.
(Indeed, if by some incomprehensible accident Billary were to be elected President, someone would have to sue to rule them out of taking office because of the 22nd Amendment. Perhaps a group of Congressmen could assert standing to challenge an illegal candidacy.)
So the knives have come out, and the "race card" has been dealt from the bottom of the deck by the Clinton campaign. No matter. If they didn't do it, the Republicans would.
(Media Stupidity. I had to reboot my computer after installing some new software, so turned on TV and watched some news while waiting. CNN was trying to cover the Guam Presidential primary — which, more than incidentally, should never have been permitted, since Guam has no electoral votes so cannot vote for President — and, at the same time, a live appearance by Barack Obama. They had subtitling across the bottom of the screen, with the CNN logo above that to the left. And then they put up a box, 'Where They Stand' on the left, and put up info about various of Obama's stances, the bottom words of which appeared BEHIND the CNN logo, where, that is to say, you could not read them! Is everybody in media an idiot?)
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 4,066 for Israel.)