Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Disingenuosness on Impeachment. Last nite, MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann discussed the courageous attempt yesterday by diminutive Cleveland Congressman Dennis Kucinich to get the House of Representatives to move on impeaching Dumbya. Olbermann pointed out that the House leadership has done everything in its power to block impeachment of this criminal 'President' and his core advisors (what I call the Real Presidency, as distinct from the Puppet Presidency of George W. Bush himself, who is merely the teflon posterboy for a collective leadership, the faceless cabal that is the Actual Presidency of the United States today). Olbermann expressed/feigned surprise at the unwillingness of even Democrats to remove this stain from our national honor, and explored issues such as what, if anything, can be done to Bush once he is permitted to leave the White House without legal disgrace on January 20th. Olbermann also feigned puzzlement over the absolute lack of a groundswell of support for impeachment from opinion leaders in media, even Liberal mainstream media.
Oh, please. Let's stop pretending that anything will ever be done by the people now in charge of the U.S. Government and media over the war against Iraq. The war was for ISRAEL, pure and simple, and every single important player in the United States Government and major media is a SLAVE to Israel. They dare not say a WORD against Israel, not even to exert themselves to prevent the NEXT war for Israel, against Iran!
According to the "crawl" on CNN or Fox (I watch so much news I can't keep sources straight mentally unless I can attach a name or face of an on-air personality), Israel is making very strident, very public noises that an attack upon Iran is damned near inevitable. Israel apparently expects to get away with any attack of its own upon Iran, and even to draw the United States into a full-scale air war or even ground invasion if Iran dares to do anything at all in reaction to an attack upon its sovereign territory by Radical Zionists. The major media of the United States, which are completely under the thumb of Zionist Jews, will do NOTHING to stop yet another war for Israel. No, that will be consigned to poorly organized and almost completely unfunded Liberal-Leftists, with absolutely no support from any major figure in the U.S. Government, in either party, or any major publication or broadcaster. Israel owns the U.S. Government lock, stock, and barrel, and dominates ALL major U.S. media, without so much as a single exception.
So the United States Congress will do nothing to punish Radical Zionists in the White House who attacked Iraq at Israel's orders, and the American people, furious and disgusted with how absolutely unrepresentative and unresponsive Congress has become, will be unable to do a thing to stop Radical Zionists from launching yet another war for Israel, even if that should escalate within days or mere weeks into World War III. If we do not march resolutely into WW III for Israel, we will stand aside and permit Israel to attack yet another of its neighbors — it has attacked every single country on its borders, and even countries over 1,000 miles distant — with impunity. We will continue to ship $3 billion of U.S. tax moneys to Israel each and every year to pay for its endless war upon all its neighbors. For our Government's insane actions, the people of the United States will be targeted for death. Yet, to borrow a now-hackneyed phrase, "None dare call it treason"!
Olbermann called upon Howard Fineman of Newsweek to offer his thoughts. Howard Fineman is Jewish. He said nothing about a Jewish hand behind the silence of the Congressional leadership. Why would he? In every discussion in newstalk television, on every topic, Jews are hugely overrepresented. Jews are 2% of the U.S. population, which means that only 1 in 50 commentators we see should be Jewish. In fact, the figure is more like 1 in 4, or even more.
Fineman and Olbermann (by the way, Wikipedia says that Olbermann is "of German ancestry", and thus probably not himself Jewish) mention David Axelrod, Barack Obama's campaign manager, but leave out one key piece of information: David Axelrod is Jewish. That couldn't possibly have any impact on his views nor Obama's regarding the "permanent war" that Israel has set us on, against a billion Moslems. No, of course not.
The New York Times did a story April 1, 2007 on Axelrod's relationship to Obama. Neither "Jew" nor "Jewish" occurs in that story. You are not to know that Obama's top advisor is Jewish.
Nor are Americans in general to know how many key figures in media, corporate and editorial areas both, are Jewish. If Americans knew that, they might wonder if we are getting disinterested and honest reports about the Middle East or being endlessly inundated by Zionist propaganda.
The pretense is that we should not be concerned that a person's Jewishness might affect his national and political loyalties. Oh? The Australian Jewish News on May 8, 2007 quoted the new President of France, thus:
IN an interview Nicolas Sarkozy gave in 2004, he expressed an extraordinary understanding of the plight of the Jewish people for a home: "Should I remind you the visceral attachment of every Jew to Israel, as a second mother homeland? There is nothing outrageous about it. Every Jew carries within him a fear passed down through generations, and he knows that if one day he will not feel safe in his country, there will always be a place that would welcome him. And this is Israel."Sarkozy himself is Catholic, but half of his ancestry is Jewish. The AJN story details that family history, and in no way disowns or tempers the statement that "Every Jew ... knows that if one day he will not feel safe in his country, there will always be a place that would welcome him. And this is Israel." Quite the contrary, it praises Sarkozy for showing "extraordinary understanding" of the Jewish mind. If that is not a forthrite justification for dual loyalty, or even treason to the country any Jew may have been born into and superior loyalty to Israel, what is?
Where would the rest of us go if things turned bad in our own country? How many of us feel that our very life may depend on preserving another country, so that loyalty to that country is a "visceral" need, relating to self-preservation, and thus the very highest loyalty, indeed, biological imperative?
Preserving Israel as a Jewish country, no matter the cost, is thus the most important thing in the world to Jews. Should it be to anyone else whatsoever?
The creation of Israel has produced catastrophic consequences, drained hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars from American taxpayers; produced attacks on our soil that have killed almost 3,000 Americans; produced attacks on U.S. interests around the world that have killed hundreds more; produced the war against Iraq that has killed almost 4,100 American soldiers and unknown numbers of civilian contractors (not to mention the literally uncounted thousands, or tens or scores of thousands, of Iraqis killed in that ongoing massive crime); threatens to produce another war for Israel, this time against Iran; and might even produce WW III if the attack on Iran (or some other future action by Israel's governing loons) escalates out of control.
But we apparently feel trapped, with no means of escape, because the idea that there is an alternative to the continued existence of Israel is unthinkable for the Jews. And the Jews control the United States. You are not to think that, no matter that it is completely true.
How are we to know who's a Jew and who is not? Some American Jews are perfectly content to have their Jewishness known, probably because they are not secret Israelis but wholehearted Americans. But what of covert Israeli agents in media and government? How are we to judge whether they are working for us or for Israel? Plainly, we need more information.
How would Americans react if every Jew in media were identified with a star of David alongside his or her name in the credits of news programs, movies, and news stories? What if every member of both houses of Congress who is Jewish were also so identified? Would Americans accept with equanimity that masses and masses of Jews are found everywhere in media, and that Jews have something like 6 TIMES their proportion of the population, in Congress? Of course, to show the disproportion we would first have to explode the ridiculous myth that Judaism is "one of the three great religions of the United States", which suggests that Catholics, Protestants, and Jews are represented in the population by a 33%-33%-33% split. Very few Americans understand that Jews are actually only 2% — TWO PERCENT — of the U.S. population. How would Americans react if they were to discover that Jews are astonishingly over-represented?
The Jerusalem Post (do I really need to point out that that is a Jewish newspaper?) reported on January 4, 2007, under the headline, "Most Jews ever set to enter Congress":
A record number of Jewish members will enter Congress Thursday, but more remarkable are the unparalleled positions of power they will hold on committees related to Israel, many local Jewish activists say.Let's do some calculations. There are 435 members of the House and 100 in the Senate, for a total of 535. Six new plus 37 old Jewish members = 43 Jews, of 535 total members = 8%, 4 times what a 2% Jewish minority should have, randomly speaking. In the Senate, it's even worse. The Jewish Virtual Library says:
Six new Jewish legislators will be joining 37 familiar faces as the 110th Congress convenes, making the total the highest-ever, according to Doug Bloomfield, a former legislative director for AIPAC. ***
The 110th U.S. Senate will have a record number of Jews — 13 — with the electionThe math here is easy. 13 of 100 members = 13% — 6½ TIMES what Jews could be expected to have, given their proportion of the population. BOTH Senators from the Nation's most populous state, California, are Jews, indeed, Jewish WOMEN. California is 3.3% Jewish, yet 100% of its representatives in the United States Senate are Jewish. To whom does that make sense?
of Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD) and Bernard Sanders (I-VT), who both served as
Representatives in the 109th Congress. All Jewish incumbents running in the 2006
election were elected for another term in the Senate.
By contrast, the Senate is 1% black — well, actually only 0.5% black, in that the ONLY "black" Senator is Barack Obama, and he is only HALF black. Blacks comprise over 12% of the total population but have 1 Senator. What about Hispanics, who comprise more than 14% of the population?
Hispanics should have 14 to 15 Senators in the U.S. Senate. The reality is that today, Hispanics have ZERO Senators representing them in the U.S. Senate.So the enormous over-representation of Jews in Congress comes at the price of enormous under-representation of major segments of the population.
How can I bring home how bad Jewish over-representation is for society? If blacks, instead of being horrendously under-represented, were as over-represented as the Jews, 78% of the Senate would be black. If Hispanics were as over-represented as the Jews, 97.5% of the Senate would be Hispanic! Would we believe such a body to be representative of the Nation, and have the Nation's best interests at heart? After all, black Americans and Hispanic Americans are all Americans, right? Surely they'd watch out for us if they controlled the Government. After all, the whites who control the Government have taken such good care of blacks and Hispanics, haven't they?
U.S. policies, in the Mideast and every other area of geography and subject matter, reflect not the views and interests of the people of the United States but of the people who occupy public office. It is their concerns and their biases that matter, not yours, not mine. Jews care about Jewish interests and push those interests, no matter whether they be in the best interest of the United States or NOT. And because they hold key positions of power on foreign-policy matters, Jews have even more disproportionate power in the formation of U.S. policy in the Middle East. If, as Sarkozy suggests, they are all at least subconsciously devoted to the preservation of Israel above all else, the people of the United States are being seriously misused by people who do not have our best interests at heart.
Thus, dissolving the Israeli government and merging Israeli territory into a United Palestine is absolutely unthinkable to the Jews who control U.S. Middle Eastern policy. Even evacuating safely to the United States every single Jew who wants to leave Palestine before or immediately following reunification of Palestine is not an acceptable alternative for American Jews because of the subconscious fear Sarkozy spoke to.
• What happens if Americans wake to the insanity of the New Theology in which Christianity IS Judaism and all Christians have an obligation to defend Israel to the death or, even if Israel is abolished and the Jews moved to the United States, Christians wake to the insult to themselves of the Jews calling themselves God's "Chosen People" and thus asserting expressly that Christians are NOT "Chosen"?
• What if Americans start tallying up the costs of U.S. support for Israel, and when the hard figures stare out from white paper or video monitors, they are appalled?
• What if Americans decide that tolerating the Jews is far more trouble than it's worth, and start cracking down on Jewish religious expression in public, in private, anywhere?
• What if Americans decide that Jews cannot be trusted because they are intrinsically disloyal, feeling loyalty only to other Jews, not to the United States? In an assimilationist society, people who refuse to assimilate can easily be viewed as rejecting society, which moves many people to reject them in turn.
"Then what?", think these Jews. So no, Israel cannot be abolished, even if not a single Jew is killed in the process. It must go on, no matter how high the costs in blood and treasure, even if the Jews must fite the Moslems to the last Christian!
Thus it is that not one major medium in the United States has ever said aloud editorially, nor even hinted, that the creation of Israel was a horrendous, abysmally and contemptibly STUPID mistake that has led to endless war, and that the only way out of this ever-worsening nitemare is to un-create Israel and merge it into a multiethnic, multireligious, multiparty, democratic United Palestine. Not one.
Every single major publication and broadcaster in the United States is militantly Zionist or cowed into silence by the Jews. Every single one. Not one major political commentator, in government or media, is courageous enuf to say
"I am American. I have no loyalty to any foreign country. Not one. Not Israel, not Ireland, not Canada, Mexico, Britain, Italy, Russia, China, Japan, Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, nor any other on Earth. I am American, and I will not sell out my country to Israel or any other country. If the interests of the United States require us to cut all ties to Israel, I have no problem with that. The interests, and principles, of the United States are the only interests and the only principles I care about. Anybody who doesn't think that, is free to leave this country any time they want. In fact, they would be well advised to leave. Pronto."
Both major parties are completely subservient to the Israel lobby. No criticism of Israel is permitted in print or aloud on any major medium, unless the requisite obeisance to the "right of Israel to exist" is very prominently made.
No one is permitted to say that the Palestinians are right, the Jews wrong, and there will never be peace on the basis of imposing perpetual injustice upon Arabs and according perpetual supremacy to Jews. If anyone compares the position of Jews in Palestine to the position of whites in the U.S. South in the era of segregation or of whites in South Africa during the apartheid era, s/he is condemned as a simple-minded "anti-Semite", which closes off all discussion. "Anti-Semitism" is, in a thoroughly Judaized United States, the very worst of all possible insults, and anyone so labeled will be forbidden access to the airwaves or to print in major media, and all discussion of what s/he has said or might say if asked questions is forbidden.
Unless the ability of Radical Zionists to silence all criticism of Israel is broken; unless Americans can actually debate the wisdom or folly of preserving Israel at all costs, even if trying to do so should produce World War III, we will continue to suffer all the consequences of permanent war and the risk of escalation at any time, from one catastrophic miscalculation to another all the way up to full-scale intercontinental war which, even if fought with conventional weapons, could kill scores of millions of people, and perhaps even hundreds of millions of people — including the bulk of the population of Israel.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 4,095 — for Israel.)