Friday, July 25, 2008
'Elitist'? How About Idiotic? Barack Obama made an amazingly dense error in promenading thru Europe as tho already elected President. The arrogance and presumptuousness of that tour was glossed over by the media, which fawned over Obama as looking 'presidential'. Actually, he looked like a pretentious, "uppity n(asterisk)r". To associate himself with Europeans when trying to be elected President of the United States is a HUGE misstep, an astonishing misunderstanding of what ordinary people in this country (and not just The Heartland) feel about Europe. Those of us who don't hate Europe outrite have very serious reservations about a subcontinent that three times in the 20th Century forced the United States to intervene to stop Europeans from killing each other: World War I, World War II, and Bosnia.
Most Americans descend from people who LEFT Europe for very good reasons: Europe was viciously unfair, and some of our ancestors had little choice but to leave or suffer very badly. In the case of many Irish emigrés (I am 1/4 Irish), they could leave for America or stay in Ireland and literally starve to death.
Others could stay in Europe and live, but as "the little people" oppressed by an unjust social order dominated by the rich and powerful — kings, aristocrats, and landowners — or toss aside everything they were born to and cross an ocean at a time when trans-Atlantic voyages were nothing like today's cruises. Many had to spend hours a day on deck, even in winter weather, just to escape the cramped, extremely unhealthy conditions of steerage, or the miserable little cabins that people one step above abject poverty were able to afford.
Altho some people feign fondness for "the Old Country", very few ever move 'back'. Some of the original immigrants did return, in their old age. But their children stayed behind, feeling NO connection with Europe. They weren't born there. Most did not speak the language. And few to none saw themselves as anything but Americans.
Now Barack Obama, a self-identified black man, is cozying up to the ruling classes of Europe, bending over backward in effect to show himself WHITE, without telling anyone, of course, that he is now emphasizing the white half of his heritage. Will this long escape blacks?
Do blacks really like interracial hookups that produce interracial 'gray' babies? In general, they do not. Many blacks HATE to see or even think about black-white couples. It makes them uneasy and angry. Consider how Obama would fare if he were married to a white woman.
So, is there a risk that blacks will now wonder exactly how black-identified Barack Obama is? Will they see him as making nice to the Ofay?*
Obama also kissed Israel's ass big-time, a great big, juicy French kiss with his tongue all the way up Israel's (asterisk)hole. How is that going to go over with blacks who have had decades of bad experiences with Jewish slumlords?
How about Hispanic Catholics, who do not see themselves as Reform Jews but as Catholics whose culture derives from the country that expelled the Jews in 1492 and went on to become the greatest power on Earth for over 200 years?
There is in fact no love lost between Hispanics — and other Catholics — and Jews. Obama is clearly trying to curry favor with Radical Right so-called "Christian Zionists". Those same people, however, hate Europe, and many "End Times" preachers see the European Union as the homeland of the Antichrist! Does Obama know that?
Does Obama understand that his insistence that an Obama Administration would be perfectly prepared to attack Iran if diplomacy fails in what he claims is a nuclear arms program by Iran (even tho the International Atomic Energy Agency has to date found no evidence of any such thing) plays perfectly into the prophecy of John Hagee?
You see, Christ can't come back to Earth to rule for 1,000 years unless there is first Armageddon, and Israel will produce Armageddon, which is why so-called "Christian Zionists" back Israel in its most warlike behavior. Poor stupid Jews, however, think that the Radical Right of Christendom has now repented its hatred of the Jews for killing Christ, and seem to believe that Christians now realize that they are all really just Jews who have wandered from the one true faith into heresy/blasphemy. What they don't seem to understand about "End Times" prophecy is that all Jews who do not accept Jesus will DIE in the End Times, and go directly to hell. So, Zionists, be careful about the friends you choose. I'd caution Obama to do the same, but I want him to lose, so am offering him no advice that might help him win — as tho it is possible for him to win, which it is not. (As for advice to Zionists, there's no problem with advising them. They won't heed any advice from non-Jews, because they are "God's Chosen People" so listen only to themselves.)
Does Obama have any chance of winning to his cause any significant number of evangelicals? I don't think so. And for that useless quest, he may be turning off Catholics and members of other mainline denominations. Not smart, especially when "ethnic" white Catholics (Poles, Irish, Italians, etc.) voted overwhelmingly against him in key states like Pennsylvania.
As for prancing around Europe trying to get his picture taken with European bigwigs, I hope it backfires bigtime, as Americans decide they resent it, and resent him for doing it.
I am reminded of a black comedienne's remark (approximate quotes here) that, "I've been to Europe. But I came right back." And her further remark that "I've been to Africa too. But I came right back." I feel exactly the same. I've been to Europe — indeed, to three of my ancestral countries. I felt absolutely no connection to any of them, and "I came right back." Yes, I have also been to Africa, tho only Egypt, and yes, I came right back from there too. But since I'm white, I would not be expected to identify with Africa, even tho there are white portions of Africa, since none of my ancestors who came to (what became) the United States was from Africa.
The Schoonmakers came to the New World long before there was a United States. They arrived in the port of Nieuw Amsterdam (later "New York") and moved up the Hudson within Nieuw Nederland. A few decades later, the British took over. And 112 years after that, the Thirteen States declared themselves independent. My great...grandfather was a private in the Continental Army that, with the aid of France — and, less consequentially, the Netherlands and Spain — threw the British out of here. I have never for an instant forgotten that without France, there would have been no United States. So I have never for an instant indulged the anti-French bigotry that produced, for a while, a stupid "freedom fries" linguistic revolt against France, and I deeply resent the consistent, hackneyed, and unwarranted anti-French remarks by Jay Leno and other TV comedians. (That has very little to do with my having one French great...grandmother, 9 or 10 generations ago.)
But, tho I have visited France and studied the French language to the point where I can read newspapers and websites (at least with a dictionary), I do not identify with France, nor the Netherlands, nor Germany, nor any of the other European countries from which I derive. I was OFFENDED by Obama's pretentious and presumptuous European grandstanding, his behaving, as many observers have noted, like a President rather than a candidate. Offended. And I am surely not alone.
So how wise was this outrageous grandstanding? How many Americans of all races did it alienate?
Blacks may feel trapped into staying with Obama, as the only black face in the 'race'. No one else is trapped.
Liberals may feel that the U.S. can use the experience of European countries in crafting a universal healthcare program for our own country, but in general we feel that Europe has very little to teach anyone about anything. When I was born, the bulk of Continental Europe outside the Soviet Union was Fascist/Nazi, and the rest was Communist! After "the War" (which still, despite all the other wars we have had, means for most people WWII), East Europe was turned from Nazi domination to Communist domination, not an advance. Spain, Portugal, and, for a while, Greece, were all lowercase-F fascist. That didn't leave much of Europe as part of the "Free World". But Europe has much to teach us? I don't think so.
Obama's triumphal procession thru Berlin, Paris, and London may appeal to Europhiles, but not to ordinary Americans who, frankly, have very little use for Europe, and find it embarrassing, if not actually humiliating, for a candidate to go to Europe and, especially, Israel to kiss foreign ass. What is the ratio between Europhiles and Europhobes? Between lovers of Israel and haters of the mess that Israel has made for us in that entire part of the world? Between people who want to curry favor with Europe and Israel, and people who don't give a flying f(asterisk) what Europe and Israel think about anything or anyone?
Obama has made a serious mistake.
* From the American Heritage Dictionary:
Word History: The commonly seen etymology of ofay—Pig Latin for foe—is of less interest than the more likely story of this word's origins. The word, which is first recorded in the first quarter of the 20th century, must have been in use much longer if it is, as some scholars think, borrowed from an African source. Although this source has not been pinned down, the suggested possibilities are in themselves interesting. One would trace it to the Ibibio word afia, "white or light-colored." Another would have it come from Yoruba ofe, a word that was said in order to protect oneself from danger. The term was then transferred to white people, regarded as a danger to Black people throughout the wretched days of slavery and beyond.That doesn't make any sense. To transfer a word AGAINST something dangerous TO the thing that is thought dangerous is contrary to common sense. Applying Ochum's razor (the simplest explanation is usually the correct one), it seems most reasonable to assign "ofay" to an attempt by some black speakers to obscure the sense "foe" from whitey by putting this one word into Pig Latin. A whole phrase in Pig Latin would allow "ofays" to decipher "ofay", but throwing one Pig Latin word into a conversation in ordinary English would not.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 4,124 — for Israel.)