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The Expansionist
Monday, September 29, 2008
Jews to Bring Economy Down? The bailout/rescue plan for the financial system failed in the House today, and House leaders won't even work on amendments to present to Congress tomorrow because Congress is planning to take off Rosh Hashanah, a Jewish holiday observed by at most 2% of the people of this country. For the sake of observing that absolutely unimportant, inconsequential holiday in a CHRISTIAN country in which there are more Moslems now than Jews, Congress is perfectly willing to let the economy collapse into a new Great Depression! — rather than go back to work tomorrow, as they would if they had any regard for the Nation or the world. But Jews are the be-all and end-all of the United States Congress nowadays, and if the whole planet has to plummet into Depression in order for Congress to honor the Jews, that is a small enuf price to pay. So, apparently, think the Jews, and their slaves in Congress.
Congress simply cannot take off two f*kin' days to accommodate the Jews. That's insane. The national economy is in meltdown. Congress has no right to take off two days at a time of extreme crisis for a Jewish holiday. If the U.S. economy crashes into a Great Depression, and Europe, Japan, even China and India fall into grave, long-term economic distress because of the Jews, how much support can Jews expect for Israel? You let us go down the tubes? We'll let Israel go down the tubes.
Economic Dogma More Important than People. The refusal of Republicans to sign on to the rescue plan caused the stock market to drop by more than 777 points, a cost, if that loss stands, of $1.1 TRILLION, more than half again as much as the rescue plan was pegged at — in one day. Brilliant. My own retirement account, which I need to draw upon now and then, because I am now retired, is down by at least 7 percent from last week. Thank you so much, Congress! And Democrats share the blame, because only 60% of Dems voted for it. Yes, 68% of Republicans voted against it. But if 100% of Democrats had voted for it, along with the 32% of Republicans who did, it would have passed.
Nancy Pelosi, who is a TERRIBLE Speaker of the House, was blamed by some irresponsible Republicans, because she needlessly, and STUPIDLY, attacked the 'Bush economic policies' in a speech that alienated some Republicans. The reality, however, is that those Republicans abandoned their own President, that same "Bush" the attack upon whose policies supposedly infuriated those Republicans. They defied their own President, Vice President, and the President's Chief of Staff. They ignored their own Presidential candidate. All of the aforementioned Republican "leaders" urged them to vote FOR the bill. John McCain supposedly regarded a rescue plan as so important that he 'suspended his campaign' for a couple of days and declared for all to hear that he would not resume his campaign until a plan had been implemented. He urged his fellow Republicans to vote for the bill the House voted down today. So what are we to say about the leadership abilities of the Republican who would be the next President? John McCain says he will reach across the aisle to achieve bipartisanship, but he can't even rally his own side of the aisle! Oh, and in case you hadn't noticed, he resumed his campaign without rescue legislation having been passed. So he has broken his word and rendered his theatrics into nothing more than nonsensical grandstanding.
The No-Talk Express. Lost in the whirlwind of news coverage of House madness is the huge story that the Palin state administration in Alaska is refusing to heed subpoenas to testify at an official inquiry into Troopergate. They don't want to talk, so just won't show up. How very interesting. Republicans don't think subpoenas apply to them. They are above the law. Reminds me of Leona Helmsley's remark, "Only the little people pay taxes." Today's Republican version is "Only the little people pay attention to subpoenas."
This bunch of lawless Alaska officials is the administration that Sarah Palin heads. Plainly she is behind this. Plainly she intends to be similarly arrogant in Federal office if she is elected Vice President. And we will have an even more imperial Presidency, and even more secretive White House that refuses to answer to anyone, going far beyond any reasonable interpretation of "executive privilege". I happen to believe that the President, and thus his inner circle, cannot be subpoenaed by Congress, because Congress is not superior to the President. But that is the Federal Constitution. States' laws do not have the majesty of the Federal Constitution, and the news stories I have seen do not say that the people refusing to testify have invoked "executive privilege" at the state level but simply asserted that the subpoenas are not valid.
Admission of Guilt. Even absent a subpoena, if the people in the Palin administration were interested in letting the public hear the truth, they would nonetheless voluntarily appear before that legislative committee. They won't. The conclusion is inescapable that Palin is guilty as charged, and everyone who refuses to testify is in cahoots with her in her criminal activity. That constitutes an astonishing conspiracy in a government that, far from having been cleaned up by imitation-squeaky-clean Little Miss Moose Guts, is filthy with scandal from the top down. Why have the Democrats not landed on this like a ton of bricks?
Not only does Palin not talk to the media, but she has also plainly instructed people in her administration not to talk to their own state legislature! If Palin wanted the truth to come out, she would publicly urge and officially instruct all members of her administration to give testimony before the Troopergate committee. She has the authority to do that. She may not have the legal authority to compel her own husband, who also refused a subpoena, to go before the committee anyway. But isn't the executive authority of any government supposed to enforce subpoenas? On anyone? If you, I, or any ordinary citizen is served a subpoena by our state legislature, we have to go, or we risk being arrested and sent to JAIL. Why should it be any different for Todd Palin, members of his wife's administration, and even that bitch herself? Serve her with a subpoena, and if she refuses to appear, throw her skinny butt in jail.
Again, the Democrats show themselves to be only an imitation opposition party. They do not really contest the power of the Republicans. When Bill Clinton was President, his behavior was almost indistinguishable from that of the Republicans in Congress. His claim was that he was "a different kind of Democrat", and he was: a Republican. The Democrats are now the Good Cop to the official-Republicans' Bad Cop in a con to make us think that we have a chance with one that we don't have with the other. In actuality, alas, we have very little chance of being treated right by either of the major parties. And the Democrats make sure they never get a veto-proof majority, so they can never be held to account for why they never pass the legislation we want.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website Antiwar.com is 4,175 — for Israel.)

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