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The Expansionist
Saturday, January 10, 2009
The Poor and Middle Class Have Sacrificed More Than Enuf. I was offended by Barack Obama's saying today that everyone must sacrifice to solve our current economic crisis. No! So I sent this message to his transition team by feedback form at Change.gov. (I used block-caps for not knowing if any other type of emphasis was available in that feedback form.)

The idea that everyone must sacrifice in the current economic crisis is absurdly untrue and insanely unfair. The poor and middle class did NOTHING to produce this problem. It is all the result of misbehavior, even crimes committed by the RICH. And the rich have so much money, despite the problems they themselves caused, that they can pay for EVERY REMEDY easily. Donald Trump, when he was thinking of running for President, said the rich are SO rich they could pay off the entire national debt (as at 1999) with a one-time income-tax surcharge. The rich really are that rich.
You must RAISE TAXES ON THE RICH to keep the deficit from growing — especially in that deficit spending must be paid for by the little guy, to the rich, who OWN the national debt. Indeed, you could almost certainly BALANCE THE BUDGET by raising taxes on the rich, no matter how much you have to spend to counter the recession/depression CAUSED BY the rich. They are the ones who PRODUCED this mess. THEY are the ones to CLEAN IT UP. Nobody else.
Don't stop at returning to the tax rates before the current Administration's tax cuts. Return to the tax rates BEFORE REAGAN. It is the Plutocratic Revolution started by the Reagan Administration that underlies the current nitemare of debt and economic devastation. Reagan and Bush 41 quadrupled the national debt, and Dumbya further doubled it. So if Republicans complain about fiscal irresponsibility, just throw their own record at them: they OCTUPLED the national debt! (The unusual word "octupled" will draw attention to that fact. Use it.)
You must UNDO THE PLUTOCRATIC REVOLUTION with an ECONOMIC FAIRNESS REVOLUTION. Restore the income-tax rates before Reagan, say, in 1985 or 1978 (whichever were higher). How can conservatives oppose returning to income-tax rates of the past? Truly progressive tax rates, and resulting wide distribution of wealth, are the American tradition. The progressive income tax in this country was started by Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican! Attempts to destroy it are, thus, RADICAL, not conservative, whereas a move to restore income-tax progressivity to achieve the ends of socioeconomic equality and truly adequate funding of Government the Nation needs, are genuinely conservative, "All-American".
In no other area of life — not height, weight, life expectancy, appearance, intelligence: nothing — is one person 100,000 TIMES (or more) as fortunate as another. Bill Gates has over 4 MILLION times as much money as the typical recipient of Social Security. We cannot have social democracy with Third World economic inequality. You MUST raise taxes on the rich and make them literally "pay" for their economic crimes.
Distractions. I know that I had, at one time, some small following for this blog but may have lost much of it to having reduced the number of posts due to other commitments, especially to my Newark (NJ) fotoblog. Other demands have even made me late with my Newark blog. I hope some of my former readership has some kind of RSS feed that lets them know when I do manage to update this.
I have wanted to address the latest pogrom carried out by the monsters of the Middle East against helpless Palestinians, but have been so furious that I risk having this blog removed by Google Blogger for "hate speech", a very subjective 'crime'. This is especially a concern in that both founders of Google, which operates Blogger, are Jewish and may be Radical Zionist. I'd rather not have to look for a different blogging service if I can avoid it, and am not certain that Radical Zionists do not control all the major blogging services. No one group should ever have that kind of power over public discourse.
Suffice it to say that it is now plain that Hamas is right, that any hope of peace in the Middle East has vanished with the current "Palestinian Holocaust", which shows once again, if more proof were needed, that Israel doesn't want peace; it wants Palestine. The total absence of balance on the part of the U.S. political leadership, which is completely subservient to Radical Zionism, shows that the United States cannot bring peace in Palestine, and will apparently never be fair unless someone makes endless support for endless war in the Middle East so painful that Americans abandon Israel en masse.
Obama has surrounded himself with Jews, including a chief of staff whose father is Israeli. There is no other country that can bring peace thru justice alone, without war, and the United States under the current crop of servile slaves to Zionism will never do justice by forcing Israel to end its crimes on pain of complete cutoff of all forms of U.S. support for Israel, coupled with a radical shift of all U.S. aid to the Palestinians instead — U.S. weapons, military training, intelligence reports to empower Palestinians to win their freedom thru superior military capability.
So it appears that the only hope for an end to the endless war that Woodrow Wilson's adviser Colonel House warned the British about in 1918, when he said Britain must not create a Jewish state in an Arab land, is a decisive, final military triumph by the Arabs and their allies. Let us hope that the EU, Iran, Russia, and China — and it will take pretty much all of them to counter the malevolent power of the current leadership elite of the United States — can deliver us from this evil without war by intervening in the Middle East completely and fervently on the side of the Arabs and insisting Israel be disestablished and merged into a secular, multiethnic, multireligious, and nondiscriminatory Unified Palestine, where no one lords it over anyone and everyone is treated fairly. China is in very good position to counter the power of the Jews with the U.S., given the extraordinary economic difficulties the U.S. finds itself in, because China can threaten to call in its holdings in the U.S. national debt and thus produce a Supreme Depression so severe that "Uncle Sam" might just cry "Uncle", and end its support for the most extreme and evil mass murderers in the Knesset.
Indeed, China and Russia could offer to accept as immigrants every Israeli Jew who refuses to live in equality within a Unified Palestine, scatter them widely across the countryside, and forbid them to live in large numbers anywhere within those nations. The United States should take NONE of the Zionists who have made a mess of the Middle East, lest they do to us what they have done to their own region.
But if it takes China calling in its chips from the U.S. Treasury, Russia cutting off oil and gas to every country it is unhappy with — and thus producing skyrocketing fuel and gasoline prices for the United States at a time when the economy is in ruins; indeed, if it takes the Russian Navy and Air Force destroying Israeli tanks and aircraft in mid-murder of Palestinians, so be it. This Mideast nitemare has got to end, and if Russia and China have to crush the current U.S. Government and put 40 million Americans out of work to end the American madness over the insane Zionist project, so be it.
I doubt even the sh(asterisk)heads in the U.S. Government would really subject all our cities to complete devastation by going to World War III for Israel. We didn't seem to enjoy the destruction of part of Downtown Manhattan for Israel. Do we really want all of Manhattan to be destroyed — and all of Chicago's Loop, Washington D.C., Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, and on and on, to be reduced to radioactive rubble? Imagine a thousand Katrinas. That's what U.S. support for Israel could produce. A thousand Katrinas, whose ruins are radioactive, not just scattered over the countryside.
At end, even if the United States must be destroyed for Israel to be destroyed, evil must be defeated. Israel is perfectly willing to have the United States lay down its national life as long as Israel survives. They will gladly fite the Arabs to the last American. But the lunatics of the Knesset must be made to understand that if the United States IS destroyed by World War III over Israel, Israel too will be destroyed, perhaps along with the total annihilation thereafter of every last Jew on Earth — all of whom could be held responsible for the nitemare their people in Palestine produced — and the destruction of all historical record of Judaism's ever having existed. The eradication of all Jewish symbols, literature, history, and influences could be more complete than the eradication of Assyria by its enemies, because Assyria didn't produce a war that killed a billion people and produced millions of radioactivity-induced freaks for generations.
Perhaps an unemployment rate of 40% and gas prices of $35 a gallon would be enuf to chasten the leadership of the United States out of its insanely criminal behavior in the Middle East. Perhaps once the price of Zionism is made clear to the 96% of the people of the United States who are Christian, they will oust the current crop of criminals from Government and restore the honor of the Nation. Or must our civilization end not with a whimper but a bang? — a bang that will make Krakatoa seem like a firecracker by comparison.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 4,223 — for Israel.)

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