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The Expansionist
Saturday, March 21, 2009
"Mental Defective Olympics". President Obama should not have apologized for his remark about his bowling score being like that of competitors in the Special Olympics. To call a horrifying, disgusting competition among mental defectives "Special" is an outrageous abuse of language. Retardates — regularly, and properly, called "retards" in the popular culture — are not "special"; they are "defective", subnormal. At worst, they are profoundly subhuman and will always be a parasitic drain on society. They will never experience human happiness or accomplishment, and nobody should delude themselves that wasting millions of dollars on pitiful athletic contests for subhuman losers is somehow going to make their lives complete. They will never be anything but seriously deficient "human" beings, and the money society spends on keeping these creatures alive is an evil waste that could much better be spent on keeping normal children alive in the Third World. Profoundly retarded "people" should be euthanized, their bodies cut up for parts for normal people, if they be usable, and the money now being thrown away, for DECADES, should be used for legitimate purposes. The idea of killing animals to keep vegetables alive is disgraceful.
If the whole world were prosperous, perhaps we could afford to indulge retards. But in fact the world is in terrible condition, with even normal people in advanced countries suffering hardship. And over 14 million normal children die of STARVATION each and every year without end. Meanwhile, we're throwing away billions of dollars a year on retards. Disgraceful.
Governess Palin deliberately and passive-aggressively inflicted a retarded child upon society that she should have aborted. Protections for the unborn are intended for the human. Severe retards are not human. Fortunately, that irresponsible witch is rich enuf to provide a fund to take care of her little retard for its entire worthless life. Not everyone is so able, however, and society is stuck with the bill for these sad monsters decades after their parents have died. Some of them actually dare to reproduce, and pass along their mental defect to future generations that society will also have to take care of, as future dead drains on social resources. And normal children in the Third World will continue to be left to die while rich countries waste the money that should have been sent to them on keeping worthless, subhuman parasites alive instead!
Society has no reason whatsoever to feel guilty about despising mental defectives. If similar defectives were born among chickens, the flock might well peck them to death, a very painful death and far worse fate than being held in contempt by the human flock. And if society should choose to kill mental defectives, it doesn't have to be cruel about it, and the death society deals out can be painless.
Society did not produce mental defectives. Individual parents did. That is their tragedy, and their problem. We have no reason to be ashamed of finding mental defectives disgusting and useless. It is part of the natural order for us to find mental defectives disgusting so we don't mate with them and pass their defect on to future generations.
We didn't produce their defect. Why should we have to pay for it? Why should we indulge them, even call them "special"? They're not "special"; they're "defective". They are not better than ordinary people; they are WORSE, and we have no reason not to admit for everyone to hear that mental defectives are worse than normal people, and live at our sufferance — a sufferance that we can properly end anytime we want. Mental defectives who become a public charge and cannot pull their own weight should be euthanized. It's not like they are elderly people who become infirm after decades of contributing to society. The more profound retards will never have contributed to society nearly as much as they take. Society has the right to end its toleration of this endless parasitization anytime it wants, and end the drain on public resources. We don't have to be cruel about it. They won't know they're being euthanized. You just give them a nice cup of hot chocolate with a sleeping pill in it. Then, if they have working organs that normal people can use, you chop them up for parts and cremate the rest. If they have no parts that normal people can use, you just finish them off, humanely, cremate them, and scatter their ashes in national forests, where they will return to and nourish the Earth they theretofore parasitized.
I am LIVID that this craven society, which HATES retards, as all societies do, not only does not say outrite that mental defectives are not human and should be euthanized to end their sad little lives, but that retards are actually treated as SPECIAL! The Supreme Court has said that mental defectives who kill normal people, even BRILLIANT people, cannot be put to death for their crimes. Subhuman monstrosities are thus given rights SUPERIOR to normal people or even geniuses. That is insane. The judges who came up with that insane decision should be ignored, overruled, even executed if need be to permit us to get rid of the criminals who should be killed FIRST: those too stupid to know right from wrong. But don't worry. We'll have retards throw the switch, so it will be alrite in the minds of the judges killed by them.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 4,260 — for Israel.)

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