Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Punishing the Makers of the Movie 'Orphan'. If I believed in hell, I might observe that "There's a special place in hell for people who attack adoption". The current horror flick Orphan is of such extreme evil that it must be punished. It's not harmless fiction, as many stupid, stupid people said in an Internet poll on whether it harms adoption. The article within which that poll appeared observed the very real fear that the odious horror flick Jaws engendered, and it is assuredly true that some people will be made fearful of adoption by this odious movie, and children who might have been adopted will instead languish in foster care or group homes for additional years, if not to adulthood, because of it.
Intellect does not control emotion, but emotion may affect, even overpower, intellect. Yes, a person may know, intellectually, that a horror movie is just fiction, but the body and mind both react to horrible images and situations in horror films as tho they are real. That's the point, after all, isn't it? — to frighten people, and induce actual panic reactions. That is, manifestly, sado-masochistic behavior, a sexual perversion, and should be understood as a severe psychological disorder that people should be warned against.
As far as the physical body and primitive mind within each of us is concerned, there is no such thing as fiction. Everything the senses perceive is real, and must be accepted as real from the very first instant, in case defensive measures have to be taken in a hurry. Delay means death. That is the nature of the creature that resides within the sophisticated human mind. That is why we flinch when an object is thrown at us in a 3D movie. And that is why horror movies can give people nitemares for weeks, even years afterward: because the mind perceives them as real, as real threats to one's own life or limb.
Malicious fiction is not harmless. Malicious images can do real harm, not fictitious harm.
There is no "Erase" button on the human memory, and once something gets into your head, it may stay there your entire life. That is why some elderly veterans of WWII wake up in a sweat more than 40 years after they saw their buddy blown to bits on the beach at Normandy. It's only images and sounds in their brains. It's not really happening, now. But it seems real. It seems to be happening all over again. A recurring nitemare or memory of an actual event is, in replay, only, for all practical purposes, fiction; and the images of fiction that invade our minds become the exact equivalent of memories of real events.
The subhuman scum who inflict these horrifying images, sounds, and events upon others do so from their own extreme evil. They are not entertaining us. They are attacking us. They HATE us because they hate themselves. They have every reason to hate themselves, but no right to hate us. We never did anything to them, so must not allow them to get away with attacking us.
The very least that should be done to every single person in any significant way responsible for the criminal film Orphan — the writers, producers, director(s), actors without whom that hideous offense to society could not have been made — is that they be banned from all media for the rest of their evil lives. A less charitable, more 'primitive' society would be justified in banishing them from society completely, even in the simplest way: killing them. Tell them, as they are being led up the steps to the gallows, or strapped into an electric chair, or into a gurney for lethal injection, that it's just fiction, a 3D movie. It seems real? "All well-done fiction seems real. You of all people should know that! If it weren't taken as real, it wouldn't work. Now, come along." Is it real? Or is it Memorex? Relax. It's only a nitemare.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 4,327 for Israel.)