Sunday, August 09, 2009
Ludicrous Hypocrisy from the Radical Left. The abortion-on-demand-even-at-term crowd is indignant about a babykiller being executed by a hero of the antiabortion movement. Keith Olbermann, normally a decent man, has signed up for "late-term abortions" — killing viable babies as a matter of "right". Last Thursday, he gave publicity to "Dr." Warren Hern, a murderer of children, when that babykiller said of Bill O'Reilly in an interview with Esquire Magazine:
I think O'Reilly is a Fascist, and he would fit right in in Nazi Germany as far as I'm concerned.Astonishing. Olbermann has repeatedly criticized the Radical Right for portraying President Obama in recent days as a Nazi, but indulges in the same kind of rhetoric as regards Bill O'Reilly! Can we have some consistency, please?
For a 'man' who is proud to commit "late-term abortions", "Dr." Hern is the supreme hypocrite. Speaking of the private execution of a fellow late-term abortionist, Olbermann quotes Hern in saying:
Tiller's death was the result of 35 years of hate speech against doctors who performed abortions, like the drumbeat on Fox about Tiller the babykiller. He says more than that. Quoting him:To kill with bullets or bombs is wrong, but to kill with medical instruments is fine. Killing one childslauterer is extremist evil, but slautering millions of babies is morally unobjectionable. Astounding.... This is not a debate, it's a civil war. And the other people are using bullets and bombs. [Then the quote above about Bill O'Reilly.]
As for Nazis, they declared some people "untermenschen": subhuman, who (or, they might say, "which") can be killed with impunity as absolutely permissible morally. "Dr." Hern, and, appallingly, Keith Olbermann (hm, a German name) plainly regard the unborn, even babies on the way out of the birth canal at term, as "untermenschen" that can be killed with medical instruments and there is no moral issue in that killing whatsoever.
This is called the Big Lie technique, expounded by Adolf Hitler: you call somebody else what you are and the people will assume you couldn't be what you condemn. Any outrageous lie will be believed if you say it loud enuf and often enuf. Thus abortion is decent but opposing abortion is criminal. Killing babies as subhuman trash is valuing life but executing murderers is a crime against humanity.
Talk about moral confusion! No one can possibly believe that it is morally permissible to slauter babies even when they are medically viable and perfectly normal, just because the mother doesn't want them. Who next, the elderly living alone and "unwanted"? Bums in the street? Blacks? Jews? TV commentators? Who is next to be declared "untermenschen" and exterminated as of right?
Of the world's 6.7 billion people, at least 5 billion, a huge majority, would regard abortionists as subhuman scum, to be slautered on sight. The same 5 billion would as well gladly flog or put to death all the apologists for mass murder of the unborn, and feel not merely justified but elated to be able to wipe that stain from the word "human".
All "doctors" who perform abortions that are not absolutely necessary to save a woman's LIFE — no lesser standard will do — commits MURDER, and the penalty for MURDER in ALL civilized countries, including the United States when it was civilized, has always been DEATH. If we need a civil war to end our Auschwitz, by all means let us have a civil war. We are five inches from one anyway.
The problem is drawing the lines right. Ordinarily decent people, who want only the best for people already born, have accepted the insane notion that anyone who has not been born and started breathing on his or her own is less than human, so can be killed without moral issue. These same people defend the equality of blacks, Hispanics, and homosexuals — as long as they have already been born. They would even be hostile to a Government program to abort all unborn black and Hispanic babies to keep the United States white, but some would have problems with the issue of whether a mother, or both parents in consultation, would have the right to abort a baby they believe will become homosexual. Genocide isn't necessarily genocide, you see, if the people haven't been born yet. Or is it?
If a black woman doesn't want a baby she is carrying, she is somehow entitled to kill it. But if Government doesn't want the baby she is carrying to be born, Government is not entitled to kill it. How does the one case differ from the other? A baby's right to life (, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) is not morally dependent upon whether its parents, or just mother — fathers have no rights in the Brave New World of Radical Feminist madness that much of the industrialized world has fallen into — want that baby or do not.
A child acquires the right of life at the instant it is conceived, be it in a womb or a petri dish far from any womb. The instant two human gametes join to form a new individual, with its own DNA configuration different from both parents' DNA, that individual becomes human, entitled to all the protections that human society gives its members, for the very practical reason that if one person's life has legal value only if somebody else says so, each of us can be killed with impunity. Each and every one of us, whether we have committed a crime or not, just because someone wants us dead. The will to death is superior to the right to life in the United States today.
Abortion on demand has produced in the United States — a society that used to be dedicated to rugged individualism, and the absolute rights of the individual as against all comers, Government, society, their family or anyone else — instead a society in which life is cheap and your rights depend on the feelings others have toward you. Babies are thrown into trash bins immediately after birth, even in states where Safe Haven laws have been enacted, because babies don't mean anything. Life has no meaning. Innocence has no meaning. The guilty and the innocent are almost equally valued, except that the guilty, if already born, have superior rights to the innocent if the innocent person has not yet been born, because we don't have capital punishment anymore except for babies. Babies can be killed for the crime of being conceived.
I would much rather we kill murderers, including abortionists, and defend babies with every ounce of strength that society can muster. Exterminate the criminal class and we can leave our doors unlocked all over the Nation. But kill babies and toss them in the trash, and we get a society in which the most disgusting, inhuman crimes are normal and normative. That, alas, is the United States today. And it is that way today because abortionists hide behind rhetoric about Nazis — whom they more closely resemble than does anyone else in society — and we continue to slauter the innocent and defend the most vile mass murderer with nearly hysterical fervor. It's as tho Charles Manson became our most exalted moral leader, the equivalent in our culture of the Dalai Lama in Tibetan culture.
Abortion on demand is human sacrifice at the altar of the supreme goddess, Feminism, and abortionists are the high priests of the cult of Radical Feminism, the supreme value in modern American society. Never mind that Radical Feminism makes women unhappy. That whole "pursuit of happiness" thing is a pile of crap, just like "the right to life". The only part of the trio of values to which the Declaration of Independence dedicated us that matters now is "liberty": everyone must be free to do anything they want, even if it kills the innocent. But killing the guilty is forbidden! Alice was never in such a murderous Wonderland.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 4,330 — for Israel.)