Tuesday, February 23, 2010
CPAC, CPAP, CCRAP. Comedy Central's Daily Show is back, after yet another hiatus. Are they the laziest people in show business? They produce only four shows a week, and take off a full week every few weeks.
In any case, last nite's show (which I see on Hulu.com, since I no longer subscribe to cable TV), spoke to the meeting of the Conservative Political Action Conference ("Loons R Us"). Clips showed various speakers denouncing Trotskyites, Maoists, and other types of leftists who play absolutely no role in U.S. politics and have absolutely no influence on U.S. policy — not at the state level, not at the Federal level. Why are they railing against people who play no part in U.S. political or intellectual affairs? Because they're CRAZY, that's why, and their target audience is feeble-minded losers who have to be fed the nonsense they have been hearing for almost a century. Trotskyites. I replayed the passage to see if "Bolsheviks" were mentioned. These are the enemies listed in the Daily Show clips:
Liberals, the Socialist Agenda, Progressives, the Liberal Agenda, Che Guevarians, Castroites, the Radical Left, Trotskyites, Maoists, Stalinists, Leninists, Marxists, the Liberal Elite; even, (according to Mitt Romney) "Liberal Neo-Monarchists"!No Bolsheviks. But the "Conservatives" — Regressives, really — just can't break from Cold War rhetoric, even as they seem all in favor of free trade with COMMUNIST China.
Conspicuously absent from the list of enemies are the people who really have them worried: blacks. Jon Stewart's introduction to the segment referred to the CPAC conference as the "Festival of Whites". How true, and sad.
Glenn Beck, the Fox News clown — perhaps someday "Bozo" as shorthand for "clown" will be replaced by "Glennbo" — attacked "Progressivism". "Conservatives" should thus eagerly embrace the term "Regressives" for themselves and "Regressivism" for their political philosophy, to make as stark a contrast as possible to the hated enemy, progress! But why are so many of these Regressives on the Internet? Why aren't they enjoying the benefits of the past, like candles as against electric lites, the buggy as against the automobile, early death as against modern healthcare? I'm sure a lot of them would love to go back to 'the good old days' of black slavery or the post-Reconstruction era, when 'niggras' knew their place — which was definitely not the White House.
The problem the Regressives face is that they are so out of touch with the cultural and political realities of the United States in 2010 that they align themselves with the Republican Party for influence, even as they ignore the FACT that the Republicans are the party of spend but do not tax, and that the national debt has exploded under all recent Republican Presidents, but started to contract under the (hated) Bill Clinton, who gave us the only budget surplus in recent memory — which the incoming Republican erased within 8 months of entering office.
They talk about Big Government being a danger to democracy, but have no suggestions as to what can be cut that has any chance of being cut. They couldn't even eliminate the Department of Education, which is a plainly unconstitutional intrusion on an area reserved to the states. George Bush I actually increased the intrusiveness of Government with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and his son hugely increased the national debt with two wars that were not paid for by tax increases, not on the rich, not on the rest. The burden on "our children and grandchildren" that the Regressives keep talking about was almost all due to Republican Administrations. Obama has put forward ONE budget with a huge deficit, and has convened a meeting to discuss ways to cut it, which none of the three Republican Presidents who multiplied the national debt (Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II) ever did. No, they just multiplied the national debt. Reagan-Bush quadrupled it; Clinton just barely started to shrink it; Bush II doubled it again!
So why weren't the Regressives PANICKED by and furious at the irresponsible budget-busting deficits of Republicans? Because they're hypocrites, that's why. They pretend to be for fiscal restraint but have no problem with MULTIPLYING — not just increasing: multiplying — the national debt under "Conservative" Presidents.
Some cowardly Liberals have retreated from the word "Liberal" to the word "Progressive", but the Radical Right isn't fooled. They are now blasting "Progressivism". It's time for Liberals to revert to "Liberal" and saddle "Conservatives" with "Regressive": the Regressives advocate a Regressive Agenda, and are dedicated to Regressivism. Let's see how they like being called what they are, and how the electorate responds this November to calls to Regress!
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 4,378 — for Israel.)