Tuesday, August 31, 2010
28,000 Mexicans Dead — Because of American Scum. It's time to pass a death penalty for drug USERS, as well as pushers, in the United States. American slime are KILLING Mexicans, Colombians, and others to fuel their inexcusable, immoral, and self-destructive drug habit. They refuse to stop on their own. They refuse to take rehab seriously. They bounce in and out of rehabilitation centers without ever reforming, because society indulges their evil. The use of illegal hard drugs is not just a petty vice. It is a crime of the greatest seriousness that is KILLING thousands of people all along the chain of supply. It's time to end that chain, by crushing the last link: the USERS.
A death penalty for drug pushers would have some effect, but many pushers know that their trade is dangerous, because of other drug pushers attacking rivals, so the addition of a threat from organized society will not have as much impact on pushers' behavior as it would on the behavior of people who keep touting the outrageous lie that drug use is a "victimless crime". The people who do NOT expect to die in the drug trade are the American USERS. Once you change that expectation, and warn users that they have ONE chance to get clean, ONE stay in rehab in which to give up hard drugs completely, and if they go back, they will be KILLED, we will finally bring this national disgrace and international crime of mass murder to an end.
"Three strikes and you're out" is too lenient and would not be nearly as effective, nearly as quickly, as a single compulsory incarceration in a rehabilitation program before the death penalty applies. We have to make a change IMMEDIATELY. Mexicans are dying in large numbers every day. An entire society, the one foreign country in the world most important to our future, is being starkly barbarized by American drug users. Kill the users, and the problem vanishes, practically overnite.
To the extent it is possible to use organs from current drug users, after an appropriate period of detoxification of the host body in prison prior to execution, we could simultaneously make a massive contribution to national health, and with it, to the national economy, by harvesting organs absolutely needed to save the lives of decent people whom we can now expect to die, absent organ transplants. Each drug user who can be detoxified could save several lives: two recipients of kidneys, three recipients of lobes of the liver, one recipient of a heart, one or two recipients of a lung or both lungs. That's a minimum of seven decent people whose lives could be saved with organs cut from the otherwise worthless bodies of drug addicts. Add in things like tissue transplants of face, hands, feet, corneas, colons, and tendons, and we can make excellent use of now worthless organic masses. This would be a huge boon to people now waiting in agonizing anxiety, terrified of dying before a non-convict organ becomes available. In general, all death penalties should entail automatic harvesting of usable organs. The right to refuse organ harvesting is a right of the innocent, not the guilty, and any crime so grave as to produce a death penalty should as well produce the forfeiture of the right to refuse organ harvesting.
Any high-profile user executed — say, cocaine-user Paris Hilton or other celebrity — would make an especially great impact on public consciousness. There are some drug-addled people who just can't be reached, and who will have to be executed, but a huge proportion of the population now susceptible to being seduced into drugs would be saved by being scared sh*tless by the execution of a person whose celebrity does not save him or her from deliberative, inescapable death by the cold hand of the state — after they've had time in prison to think about their upcoming execution, while detoxifying so their organs can be used for decent people.
Users of hard drugs have been told from childhood, over and over, thousands of times, that drugs are dangerous. They have refused all such warnings. It's time to stop playing with drug users, who are KILLING thousands of Mexicans a year, and prosecute them for TERRORISM, with death as the penalty. That will finally put an actual end to the bulk of American drug use. ONE execution will cause enormous numbers of present drug users to change their lives, and would additionally deter tens of thousands of what would otherwise be future drug users from even starting on drugs. TEN executions will deter HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of potential drug users. A THOUSAND executions will deter almost everybody, and those who do not reform can then be found more easily (as police resources are freed up), then killed — if they can even continue to be drug users, that is, if they can even find drugs to consume, since we will also have rounded up and slautered the drug pushers.
There is no other solution to this country's massive drug problem. We have tried to educate people, but they don't want to hear it, so don't. 'Medicalizing' drugs would not stop drug abuse, as massive misuse of prescription medications proves. And why would people stop using street drugs if they can't get the same (now implicitly-approved) drugs by prescription? To surrender to drugs and legalize these horrendously dangerous substances would produce mass death, over a million deaths in the United States every year. I'd rather we have 10,000 deliberate deaths — by execution — in one year (and each subsequent year, if need be) that would save 17,000 unintentional deaths that we are now suffering each and EVERY year despite present useless efforts at drug suppression.
Look at it this way: many drug users have a death wish. We'd be giving them their wish. We'd be giving people on organ-transplant waiting lists new life. We'd be saving the lives of Mexicans, and restoring Mexico to stability and civilization. Win, win, win.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 4,416 — for Israel.)