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The Expansionist
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Crushing Tea-Party Republicanism. Democrats have done an astoundingly inept job of alarming the electorate about the insane regression the Republicans are trying to carry off this year. It's not about "fiscal responsibility" or "restoring democracy" or any other legitimate idea they hide behind. It's about undoing the 20th Century and returning us to "the good old days" of robber barons, 72-hour workweeks, and $10 a week payrates, with no Social Security, no Medicare, no OSHA worker-safety protections, no food inspections, no regulations of any kind on businesses, which are to be free to stomp on working people to build mega-mansions for the super-rich in gated communities protected by private armies of security guards to keep the starving at bay.
The Tea-Party Republicans want to set class against class, race against race, sexual orientation against sexual orientation, and ethnic group against ethnic group so they are so busy fiting among themselves that they cannot unite to crush the rich and put an end, once and for all, to Monster Capitalism.
They pretend that laissez-faire capitalism is the best of all possible worlds, and that it is Nature in economics, in which the fittest survive, the rest die — and that is supposed to be good! Mind you, the same people who refuse to embrace the "theory" of evolution worship at the altar of the mechanism of evolution, "survival of the fittest". If people cannot pull their own weight, they should die. No one else has any obligation to help anyone, ever, unless they choose to do so as an act of charity, and the recipient of such assistance is never to think such assistance a "right" but always to know that it is charity that the rich have absolutely no obligation to give and for which the recipient of charity is to bow down and kiss the feet of the rich, chanting "thank you, thank you, thank you" endlessly.
The Tea Party wingnuts want to destroy the social compact and replace it with the Law of the Jungle. That is their idea of "conservatism". But since we do not now have, nor have in the past century operated under, the Law of the Jungle, they are not preserving or conserving a thing, but regressing to a pre-civilized state that they pretend was better than the "socialist" "aberration" that was the last century. Now the electorate is presented with a stark choice: progressive or regressive, and the progressives are actually the conservatives because they wish to retain all the hard-won gains of 120 years of American history.
This is, alas, not in the slitest overstated. Let us examine the radical Tea Party program publicly embraced by the Radical Right.
But the Tea Party has no use for democracy if it works against the interests of the rich. The individuals who think the Tea Party is for the little guy have been fooled by their betters — who pretend to be their friends but are actually their deadly enemies. Legitimate frustration and anger have been manipulated by people who regard the tricorner-hatted ordinary citizens at Tea Party rallies as morons who can be used, and those richly-funded manipulators have indeed played those "little people" for the fools they have let themselves become.
People who try to tell them "You're being used" aren't heeded. We who share their frustration want to wake them up to the fact that they are being used to do exactly the opposite of what they think they're doing. They don't want to hear it. They believe words rather than deeds, so when Ronald Reagan said he was for smaller government and fiscal responsibility, they believed that actor playing President, even as his Administration TRIPLED the national debt.
The Tea Party and Radical-Right Republican Party candidates will not confess to backing every single one of the insane proposals listed above to undo all the progress of the past 80, 100, or even, in the case of antitrust legislation, 120 years, but if they accept the backing of, and name of "Tea Party", then they must ALL be assumed to favor the most extreme Tea Party program, which includes all the items above.
Democrats must forthrightly tell voters,
If you want to see a Nation in which the poor and middle class are made even poorer, and in which people of different races and religions are set at each other's throats so they don't unite to destroy the exploitative rich who advocate unfettered Monster Capitalism, vote Republican. If you would HATE to see the United States become the most heartless monster in the industrialized world (tho how long the U.S. could remain sufficiently advanced to remain part of the industrialized world if the Tea Party has its way, is hard to predict), you MUST vote Democratic, and urge everyone you know to vote Democratic. Don't throw up your hands in disgust. Don't opt out and stay home. If the good people stay home, the monsters win the election and start dismantling every institution that has made us a powerful and prosperous Nation.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing."
Voting is a tiny exertion, but it makes all the difference in the world. If the people cannot achieve justice by ballots, they will attempt to seize it by bullets. A word to the wise would be sufficient, but the rich are stupid. Time after time, in society after society, on continent after continent, the rich push their luck until people start shooting them or chopping their heads off. As Spanish/American philosopher George Santayana observed, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." The rich don't believe that for a second.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 4,427 — for Israel.)

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