Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Obama's Re-election Prospects. America Online today published an opinion piece by one Bob Lehrman comparing Bill Clinton's maneuvers to get re-elected, to what President Obama may do to achieve his own re-election. ("Hope, and Change, Ahead for Obama") Much to my surprise, that piece did not elicit the usual hundreds or even thousands of vicious anti-Obama comments that most articles on AOL do, so I was able to balance the discussion without taking too much time from my other dedications. I show, below, my 33 substantive comments, mostly in reply to the noxious things that were posted by Rightwingers.
Perfect choice of word: "uppity". Now everyone knows what you mean. "Uppity" is a racist term for a black person who will not accept an inferior position. Yes, Obama is definitely "uppity". And davidx357's comment is definitely racist.
You have no idea what socialism is, so never use the word until you read at least the entire Wikipedia article.
President Obama is 49 years old. The Presidency is NOT his first real job. The economic new[s] TODAY is that 93,000 jobs were added in the private economy last month, as against 700,000 LOST the first month of Obama's term. Clinton threw Liberals overboard, and was an imitation-Democrat. He was nonetheless detested by the Radical Right, and Republicans impeached him! They will probably try to impeach Obama on some charge as trumped-up and immaterial as those they levied against Clinton, but will fail the same way the Clinton trial in the Senate failed -- unless Democrats become so disgusted with Barack the Faithless that they agree it's time for him to go -- for not being the transformative Liberal figure the people wanted in 2008 when they put him in the White House.
Obama is President of the United States. Kindly tell us what job on EARTH has more responsibilities. And david..., stop repeating posts. And if you're going to repeat posts -- which is ABUSE -- at least correct misspellings!
All Presidents become former Presidents. The Presidency has a two-term limit. So in 2017, Barack Obama will become former President Obama -- unless he so enrages the Liberals who put him in office that they find a REAL Democrat to replace him with in the 2012 campaign. And then THAT President will become a former President in 2021.
Fascism and Socialism are mutually incompatible political and ecoomic philosophies. One cannot be both Fascist and Socialist, at the same time. So you are talking nonsense. When you talk about Obama, who is half-white and half-black, being a racist, you are showing only YOUR racism, not Obama's NONEXISTENT racism. When you call him a "Turd", you are showing your infantilism in throwing around absolutely meaningless names. In short, what you have written condemns you in the minds of all sane and fair-minded people Congratulations!
Some health insurance plans pay for mental-health care. Use it.
It's refreshing to see open racism in these comments areas instead of the closeted racist tripe for a "change".
You don't believe for an instant that Obama is a dictator, because if you did, you would not dare speak out against him. He could track you down and have you arrested or killed outrite. Ergo, you are lying to everyone in claiming Obama is a dictator, because you yourself do not believe a word of it.
So you're saying that a majority of over 10 MILLION Americans above the number that voted for McCain are "the dumbest of us". Your extremely low opinion of Americans -- are you even American, or one of those foreigners who intrudes into our affairs while pretending to be American? -- should be offensive to all Americans. If Obama "denied our right to dissent ", how come you are dissenting from his program publicly, here? The fact of your dissent disproves your assertion.
Everything you say is false. Since that is so, one must cast about for your motivation in misstating everything and blasting the President. It's not hard to see.
The United States is being passed in category after category by countries all over the world, because regressives are an albatross around our neck. Even as regards the skyscraper (invented in the United States), China and other countries are building taller. The very tallest building in the world is now in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates. France, Germany, Britain, Canada all have far better healthcare for everyone than we have. Our wage rates are dropping, in real dollars, every year. More and more people are falling into poverty. And the Republican Party cares only about the rich. They said today that they will not allow ANYTHING to happen unless the Democrats extend tax cuts for BILLIONAIRES. And you talk nonsense about this being "the greatest nation on earth". NO, the U.S. is NO LONGER the greatest Nation on Earth, by several measures, soon to be MANY measures unless "conservatives" stop destroying everything and keeping us from doing the only things that will maintain or increase our greatness.
The President's trips are, for the most part, BUSINESS trips. George Bush, by contrast, took 1/3 of his entire tenure in office as VACATION.
Clinton was a Republican in Democrats' clothing, but that didn't keep the Republicans from trying to oust him from office over sexual trivia. And as to welfare reform, which Clinton and the Republicans cooperated on, does ANYONE believe we no longer have long-term welfare? Certainly comments from Rightwingers on AOL suggest that welfare is in no significant way reformed.
Your "muslim" reference renders everything else you say void, as the real world sees things. Keep up the nonsense, and totally discredit everything you say.
You know nothing about Socialism, so stop misusing the term. It does have an actual meaning. It is not merely a name like "poopyhead". And since when have Republicans compromised on ANYTHING during the Obama years. You are saying the exact OPPOSITE of the truth. There's a word for people who do that.
van, apparently you do not understand that the Radical Right has made it their purpose in life to haunt AOL message boards and drive sane and fair-minded people away, in order to give the appearance that the entire country is Radical Right. But don't let them fool you. They are a tiny coterie of propagandists who matter not one whit in the grand scheme of things. Keep speaking out against the RadRite crazies.
Let us talk a moment about what the free market has never been able to do: build affordable housing, provide affordable healthcare, provide affordable education, provide for the national defense. That is four HUGE things right off the top. Government is NOT dispensable, and the free market cannot REGULATE itself, nor rein in the thieves and abusers who want to pay workers NOTHING, while they foul our air and water. The free market is a MONSTER that cannot do more than a tiny number of things right.
You have no idea what Communism is, and cannot come up with ONE proof of a Communist disposition on the part of President Obama. Not one program or action. Even the loan to GM was a LOAN, not a takeover, and is being repaid. NOTHING Obama has done is even Socialist, much less Communist. "Obamacare" requires people to buy PRIVATE health insurance. There is no single-payer "Government healthcare" (like Medicare, but for everyone), nor even a "public option". Radical Rightwingers keep throwing around these terms, "Socialist", "Communist", "Marxist", as tho they know what they mean. They do not. Nothing you say about Obama's program is the slitest true. Not the slitest.
From what you say, it is impossible that Obama could win even once, much less twice. But he DID win, which you can't stand. He didn't just win; he won by nearly 10 MILLION votes. Your talk about white votes shows you think that all white people are racists. We are not, and Obama could not have won the Presidency without a LOT of white votes. As for the Nation's reputation abroad, it is HUGELY improved over the Bush years, so you are stating the exact opposite of the truth. Have you forgotten that he got the Nobel Peace Prize?
Carol..., if it weren't for lawyers, huge numbers of innocent people would be in prison, and corporations could sell dangerous products and evade all responsibility for the harm they do. There would be no civil rights, and no legislation, because the bulk of legislators at the Federal and state levels are lawyers. And Obama did indeed work in private practice. Again, nothing the Radical Right says about anything is ever true, sensible, or fair.
And more people will vote to return him to office -- unless he continues to sell out the Liberal base of the Democratic Party, in which case Democrats will chase him out in the 2012 primaries, and a genuine Liberal will trounce whoever the Radical Right puts into the Republican nomination.
It is the REPUBLICANS who have been unwilling to compromise. That's why we have heard, only in the past year or two, the phrase "The Party of No". Two can play at that game, and the Democrats can be The Party of HELL No! to every stupid, Rightwing piece of crap the Republicans try to pass.
White racists regret that the White House is no longer a white reserve. Real Americans have no such problem.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 4,429 for Israel.)