Thursday, March 24, 2011
More Liberal Parries. An AOL News article today about criticism that President Obama is getting on his return from his Latin America trip brought out the Radical Right lynch mob that descends on any AOL News story about President Obama, or that is not even about Obama but into which they can drag him. I don't know how large a group of Radical Right propagandists are involved in this attempt to drive every Liberal away from AOL News comments areas and to mislead casual visitors into thinking that the bulk of people in this country are Radical Rightists. It may be as few as 30 or as many as 150. Some of them change ID's midway, to camouflage the paltriness of that contingent of slanderers and liars — who endlessly pretend aloud that the bulk of American opinion is with them. In that I'm afraid some people who don't know about that lynch mob might in fact be fooled into thinking that American public opinion is extremist on the Radical Right, racist end of the political spectrum, I sometimes answer a bunch of comments with my own, Liberal remarks. I present some of those comments in this blog from time to time, for use by other Liberals who might like some ammunition for use in their own run-ins with the Radical Right. They might in any case find them a nice change from the claptrap they see if they read comments at any website that the Radical Right has targeted for disinformation.
And so I present below 70 comments on various topics, comprising 2,650 words. I generally do not quote the points I'm replying to, which you should be able to infer. (A few typos are corrected in brackets.)
The children of the rich almost NEVER served [in the U.S. military], even in times of the draft. You can't fite for freedom with slave armies.
I'm embarrassed to admit that I voted for Nader rather than Obama. Never again.
Social Security has a SURPLUS, and is projected to REMAIN overfunded for the next 20 years or more. More lies from the Radical Right.
The President just returned from a trip to Latin America where he was extremely well received. The UN responded to his calls for a no-fly zone. And on, an[d] on. The world LOVES Obama -- the nonracist world, that is.
So Obama -- spell it right, or get the disrespect you dish out -- produced the revolt against Qaddafi, did he?
"Shuck and jive" and "negroids" shows plainly that YOU are a racist, and you are part of a large crew of racist[ ] Radical Rightists whose actual motives are not the slitest ambiguous.
I suppose you didn't hear about oil coming ashore in Louisiana again. Pay attention: offshore oil drilling is dangerous, and onshore sites here are not promising. What we need is GREENERGY, not BROWNERGY.
Did it occur to you that if YOU had to present a birth certificate to get a driver's license, OBAMA had to present a birth certificate to get a driver's license. Of course not, because you do NOT for an INSTANT really believe Obama does not have a valid birth certificate.
Iraq should pay for its own destruction and the mass murder of 1.75M Iraqis over the course of two decades?
So, universal healthcare, first-rate educat[i]on for all American children, green energy, full employment at fair pay are a "radical Left agenda", eh? On what planet?
Bush took Laura on various overseas trips, and I didn't hear anyone complain -- certainly not Democrats; MOST certainly not Republicans. And Obama DID get approval [for the Libya no-fly zone] from Congress. But the Republicans in Congress today have no decency and absolutely no honor, so will extend pre-approval TODAY but pretend TOMORROW that they did no such thing.
The President's Latin America trip was NOT a vacation but a state visit to improve relations with our Hemisphere, which is ultimately FAR more important to us than the Eastern Hemisphere. Stop LYING.
The hard question -- "What is the end goal?" -- has indeed been asked by major media. There is a defensible answer: to oust Qaddafi and help Libya achieve a modern democratic nation. But you can't have a modern democratic nation as long as Qaddafi is in charge. So we need to remove him first, preferably by killing him and his entire inner circle of monsters and despots.
The President is in charge, not you -- thank GOD (that is, if there actually were a God). WHEN does Obama "bad mouth" (which should be one word) the United States? He leaves that to the Radical Right.
Yes, [Democrats] did [vote for the Iraq war], because (a) Bush LIED about Iraq having WMD, (b) Republicans LIED about Saddam being involved in 9/11, and (c) the Israel Lobby insisted the U.S. destroy Israel's only credible enemy. Take away the lies, and Democrats would not have voted for that criminal war. Republicans? Who knows?
There hasn't been a DECLARED war in recent U.S. history -- not since WWII. So either demand that the Iraq war and Gulf War before it were unconstitutional and both Bushes are war criminals, or shut up about Obama's Libya action, because he got EXACTLY the same kinds of clearances from Congress that the Bushes did.
You make yourself sound ridiculous when you utter ridiculous nonsense like that [that Obama couldn't lead a boy-scout troop]. But go ahead. Make clear to the world that you are a fool, if that's what you want to do. I won't argue you're not.
He's also black, but I'm sure that you don't pay attention to race. "Incompetent and clueless" -- you just described Dumbya.
Air Force One was DESIGNED to permit the President to run the Executive Branch of the Federal Government from it. And stop the obscene language.
So, wise guy, you really want to undertake war against Russia, China, and North Korea, all of which are believed to have nuclear weapons? There is no popular movement in Somalia, a chaotic failed state, to support. We do what we CAN, not what we CANNOT.
What is this "aol paid obama supporter"? Prove that RIDICULOUS assertion, or just be quiet.
Leave the colorful language to Dr. Phil. You are no Dr. Phil.
I suppose you never heard of Lockerbie.
You make absolutely no sense. Less than 1% of the Federal Budget goes to foreign aid. Legal immigration is an important part of our Nation's very essence, and legal immigrants contribute far more than the[y] take. Even so, immigration should be reduced during times of high domestic unemployment. But the bulk of Federal expenditures, other than much military spending, DOES go to Americans.
Obama has not claimed that Libya has WMD aimed at the U.S., nor that Qaddafi assisted Al-Qaeda in attacking the WTC. How much of the world can be plunged into violent dictatorship before our freedom is extinguished?
Yes, by all means, let us hate one another. That's the (Radical Right) American way!
Yes, all those millions and millions and millions of white people voted for Obama because he was black. Sure they did.
Keep attacking Mrs. Obama. You are alienating the bulk of the Nation with every such attack.
"Obarko"? Can the Radical Right get any sillier? Every time I think I've seen the most preposterous and foolish thing from the Radical Right, some other RadRite slanderer comes along with something even more ridiculous.
Stop the b.s. about sightseeing trips. The President's Latin America trip was official business. ALL Presidents travel to try to win friends and influence people. It's part of the job description. It's also part of what gives the President a wider vision than the many extremely petty people who attack his foreign trips.
The United States is a superpower. Britain is not; France is not; the Arab League is not; the UN is not. Who exactly would you EXPECT to do most of the heavy lifting early on? Obama has said he wants others to assume control of operations very soon. Let's wait and see if the world steps up.
How, exactly, does a political party ["dnc"] get its hands on Government funds? -- esp. during an Administration controlled by the other party? Kindly stop talking nonsense.
Overwritten claptrap does not equate with good sense. What "liberal hypocrisy" are you talking about? Liberals care deeply about human rights and promoting democracy. So we push for the U.S. Govt to protect pro-democracy rebels. Where's the hypocrisy in that?
President Obama was elected by whites. There aren't enuf blacks in the U.S. to have given him a 10 MILLION VOTE triumph.
Obama graduated from prestigious major universities. Idiots don't do that. Disagree with him if you like, but admit his intelligence.
The only starving people in the United States are children willfully starved by their insane parents. And we prevent most of those deaths thru government-funded police and child-welfare agencies. The great preponderance of all nonmilitary spending goes to help Americans and "promote the general welfare", as the Constitution put it. The military is tasked to "provide for the common defense", another phrase from the Preamble. Isolationism didn't work in the Thirties, and won't work now.
Yes, we should do what we can in all those places [Darfur, et al.] and more.
What is this crap about noncitizens voting? Put up proof or shut up with the xenophobic nonsense.
The last election was 2010 [not 2008]. And yes, a terrible mistake was made then. Liberals relaxed and thought the country had moved ahead. Little did they see the rebound of the Radical Right.
President Obama is not a "commy" (spelled wrong), and not a Moslem. But the Radical Right doesn't need to stick to facts.
So it would be the UN's and its members' shame if they let Qaddafi kill pro-democracy rebels, but not ours? Interesting 'logic'. I guess we are not part of the UN, and not part of the world community. Or is it that the Radical Right has no shame?
Bush DOUBLED the national debt, and only a small part of that was spent on trying to head off the Great Recession.
So a housing bubble -- BOUND to burst -- and a stock-market bubble and debt bubble -- also BOUND to burst, were "[one] of the best economies in 40 years", eh? What, then, would a BAD economy be? Oh, I know: the collapsed economy that those bubbles' bursting produced.
How many times do we have to hear the same ludicrous crap from the Radical Right?
And the decent Americans could shut down the Bloods, the Crips, and the Mafia in a heartbeat, right? [The assertion was that >>the "peaceful" Muslims could shut down the "radical fringe" Muslims in a heartbeat<<.] Apparently you have no idea how hard it is to control criminals.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. If guns are used to kill people, all decent people, of any party or no party, want them kept out of the hands of bad people. If a Democrat is a vegetarian, he may lecture, but does NOT demand that meat be banned. You just made that up! If a Republican is homosexual, he DENIES it, DENOUNCES homosexuals, and demands that homosexuality be outlawed and gay marriage be condemned, not just forbidden. What Republican is down-and-out? Anyone once inclined to favor the Republican Party who sees his life destroyed by the policies of the present, Radical-Right-dominated Republican Party, leaves the Republican Party. As for Republicans merely changing channels, I guess you never heard of the "Fire Dave!" (Letterman) demonstrations and public pressure from the Sarah Palin camp. Democratic nonbelievers want religious impositions upon nonbelievers stopped; they do not demand that the churches be closed down. The Republican "faithful", however, want to compel everyone to "admit" the existence of God, and put a reference to God into the Pledge of Allegiance (it wasn't there when the Pledge was first written), then on coins, then on paper money, then -- EVERYWHERE -- in plain defiance of the Framers' intent to defend religious -- and nonreligious -- conscience. And Democrats do not pretend that everyone can pay $500/month for an individual or $1,200 a month for a family for healthcare -- this year, and 20% more the next, and 25% more the next, etc. How easy do you think it is to change jobs to find good healthcare coverage in this Republican-ravaged economy? And how many employers shift more and more of the cost onto individuals every year? In short, you could be more wrong, but not by much.
It was not a vacation, and the whole WORLD knows it. Esp. do the people of the countries he visited, representing the United States, know it. You know it too. That you deny it makes you a ...
If George Bush had done EXACTLY the same thing as Barack Obama has done, YOU and all your Radical Right ilk would be praising him to the skies. And everybody knows it.
Kindly cite to reputable authorities for the 'facts' you quote. As for studying this, that, or the other thing, most people recognize that you need to study something to understand it. To study something is not to accept it. And I think the reference to "standing with" Moslems referred to defending their religious rights against bigots who would take them away. I suppose you'd condemn him if he stood with Jews against "anti-Semitism" too.
The world LOVES Obama, and that's ripping you up inside. Good.
The State of Hawaii has seen Obama's birth certificate, and passed a law authorizing people paid from taxpayer moneys to refuse to waste any more time on this SETTLED issue. Just be quiet and accept the FACT that if the STATE OF HAWAII passed a law saying Obama's birth certificate is valid, it IS valid. * Mainstream media work for major CORPORATIONS, supported by advertiser dollars. They do NOT work for the President. Stop LYING.
What does that ["no blood for oil"] mean? You mean Libya doesn't sell oil on the open market?
Stop being a disingenuous, CLUMSY propagandist. Who is the U.S. defending? Pro-democracy rebels against a dictator -- and EVERYBODY ON EARTH KNOWS IT.
There was NO action by Saddam at the time the Bush Administration attacked Iraq. The people Saddam had attacked were NOT pro-democracy rebels but Kurdish-separatist TERRORISTS. Saddam kept Iraq under control, something the Bush Administration found it could not do. Bush the Elder knew better than to remove him. Had there been an actual, powerful pro-democracy movement in Iraq, maybe there would have [been] reason to attack Saddam -- but Bush did NOT attack Saddam: he attacked Iraq.
Kindly provide the URL to the text of that supposed "report", or even to an article in a reputable publication or broadcast report that supports your assertion.
Kindly stop repeating stupid lies. William Ayers NEVER killed anybody.
The lynch-mob mentality of the Radical Right that stalks/trolls AOL comments areas turns off decent people, who leave, knowing that you 'people' will never stop your insane slanders. But some decent people do speak out so you don't get to insist that everyone agrees with your crazy 'ideas'. We are not "planted" by anybody.
Kindly quote ONE serious foreign leader who says that Obama is the laughingstock of the world. Obama is ADORED around this planet, and it is literally driving the Radical Right CRAZY.
Phony issue. The war has NOTHING to do with oil but about human rights -- pro or con. I'm glad to declare myself PRO. How about you?
That is astonishingly out of touch with reality. The GOP attacks Obama every single day, on every single issue, and you pretend it is "taking it". Seek professional help.
Making up deficit figures, are you? How cute. And Qaddafi did nothing to us. Tell that to the survivors of the Pan Am plane blown out of the sky over Lockerbie, Scotland. Can NO ONE on the Radical Right EVER tell the truth about ANYTHING?
You know nothing about France's foreign policy and its frequent interventions on the side of democracy in Africa, including an intervention that stopped Qaddafi from taking over neighboring Chad.
Nonsense. What you MEAN, and we all know it, is Obama is the only BLACK President. His FIRST term isn't remotely over, and NO historian EVER evaluates a (living) President on the basis of a partial term. Still, Obama has many accomplishments that ensure that unless he makes some horrendous mistake down the road, he will end up nowhere near the bottom in the opinion of HISTORIANS, not you. Your opinion is YOUR opinion, and means NOTHING to Presidential rankings.
Yes. All politicians campaign every day. It's called "job approval" or "being accountable to the people". I guess you don't approve of democracy if you think elected offic[i]als should ignore the public.
On the contrary, the extreme, irrational HATRED we see in the Radical Right tirades -- including yours -- in this comments area have nothing to do with anything BUT race. And we all know it.
The Federal Government is in fact actively looking into ways to reduce or end the SPECULATION in oil prices that is the main reason for the increase in gas prices.
That ["Obama SUCKS!"] is an OBSCENE expression that should be banished from comments areas. As you see, the explicitly sexual nature of that expression was taken up by someone who replied. Your comment, and that reply, need to be REMOVED by moderators.
Oh, that's cute. Bush tries to "privatize" (destroy) Social Security, and other Republicans keep attacking it, but it's the Democrats who are doing the harm. Can the Radical Right NEVER tell the truth?
I suppose you don't remember when, as V.P., Richard Nixon was visiting Latin America, and his car was SPAT upon. Yes, sensible people DO care about good will in the most important region of this world to us: THIS Hemisphere.*
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 4,441 — for Israel.)