Thursday, March 03, 2011
Obama: Qaddafi Must Go. The Radical Right was out in force in a comments area of a story on AOL News about President Obama's saying it's time for Muammar Qaddafi to step down. So I replied to a bunch of those comments, and present below 56 of them, totaling 2,000 words of argumentation that other people may want to use for their own battles against RadRite loons
Actually, Obama DID say Mubarak should step down: But you don't pay any attention to anything that doesn't fit your prejudices, do you?
So you believe everything Qaddafi says, as long as it is negative as regards Obama, eh? Only fools believe Qaddafi on anything of consequence.
Liberals attacked the hypocrisy of blaming Saddam for 9/11, claiming that even tho NOTHING much was happening against dissidents in Iraq as regards a war against "his own people", we had the right to attack not just Saddam but also the entire COUNTRY of Iraq on the basis that if we did not, Saddam would destroy US with nuclear weapons and WMD's that he wasn't even working on. Well-informed people of all political allegiances knew the folly of removing Saddam by force, and Bush the Elder REFUSED to do so, because he wasn't a fool and he was a REAL President who did not take orders from his son's puppetmasters. We have found our how hard a place Iraq is to govern. Libya is NOTHING as compared to Iraq. It has little more than 1/5 Iraq's population. And our purpose in Libya would be not to destroy the country for Israel, as was the purpose of the Iraq War, but to remove a vicious dictator currently waging war against his own people. Huge differences.
Exactly what did Bush do about Iran's demonstrators being crushed? about China's human-rights abuses? about North Korea? about Darfur? about ... all kinds of things all around the world?
Don't argue with me. Argue with the Treasury Department, whose records PROVE that Bush MORE than doubled the national debt:
Yes, Europe should lead the world, and render the United States irrelevant, a spent force, useless and held in contempt for being useless. What a great plan!
Iran is a country of 77M. We do what we CAN. We do not pretend to be all-powerful. Yes, a lot of us would like to see the U.S. provide assistance to pro-democracy forces in Iran, but Tehran is a long way from any U.S. airbase or aircraft carrier, so our planes would have to overfly entrenched anti-aircraft defenses for long distances. Can we help Iranians without airstrikes? How? Remember that (Republican) President Eisenhower, despite or because of his having served as commander of all Allied forces in WWII, REFUSED to do anything in 1956 when the Soviet Union crushed pro-democracy revolutions in East Europe. We do what we CAN.
Everyone in position to help has an obligation to speak out in defense of human rights. Whether Obama has a right to intervene in Libya's civil war is something for the United Nations to determine. Not you.
President Obama was ELECTED by a majority of almost 10 million votes, to a fixed term that does not end until January 1, 2013. Deal with it.
Please cite to ONE news story in a reputable media outlet. Where did candidate Obama get $1M to give away to ANYONE [i.e., Qaddafi's son in 2008] when he was trying to run an expensive campaign for President? If your "facts" really are facts, and you found ALL THOSE SOURCES, why didn't you give the URL to even one?
If you mean Reagan, he made ONE strike against Qaddafi, which killed his adopted baby daughter, and then left Qaddafi in place, for us to have to deal with ever since.
I suppose you never heard of the power of public opprobrium.
Yes, RadRightists, keep attacking Michelle Obama. Every time you do, you turn people against you and everything you stand for.
So voting against all blacks into the indefinite future is not racist? What an interesting assertion.
The issue plainly is NOT blood for oil, but ending bloodshed for democracy. No comparison.
You people just cannot accept that the world at large LOVES President Obama.
Stop the ridiculous propaganda. The President has to deal with Congress, and half of Congress is under Republican control. Even when both houses of Congress were under Democratic control, the President's program was stopped in many regards by The Party of No. That is not dictatorship.
So, not Federal Government at all is what you want, is it? Since that would produce chaos and universal harm, everyone who sees your assertion knows to ignore everything you say, on every topic, forever after.
I suppose you never heard of the Korean War, in which the United Nations, led by the United States, saved South Korea from Communism.
Stop making up "facts". President Obama did not "accept" Qaddafi's endorsement. Qaddafi endorsed Obama without any solicitation of that endorsement by the Obama campaign, and the candidate NEVER "accepted" that unsolicited endorsement. Nobody can stop anybody from endorsing someone, but they do not "accept" an endorsement unless they expressly refer favorably to it, or say thanks. THAT, Obama never did.
You do not know what "Socialism" and "Communism" mean, so stop using the terms.
Oops. Something went wrong with the comments mechanism. My comment SHOULD have said that Obama is regarded as a HERO in much of the world, and his election has made much of the world think much better of us.
It's not Qaddafi's oil, it's Libya's, which means it belongs to the Libyan people. U.S. intervention to overthrow Qaddafi would not necessarily do anything to the oil supply. And we don't get oil for free. Perhaps you've noticed that it costs something like $102 a barrel.
Nobody cares what you say. You had your say in 2008.
Oh, that's sophisticated political discourse, attacking the President's EARS. Now that I think about it, that is at LEAST as appropriate as just about ANYTHING we hear from the Radical Right.
And the extermination of the Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, and political opponents by Nazi Germany wasn't our business either, eh?
So you think nobody cares what the world's sole superpower might do, do you?
Obama was ELECTED, Qaddafi was NOT. Big difference, bub.
So fite madness with madness is your prescription, is it?
Anarchism is a form of madness. Seek professional help.
The whole world pays attention to what the President of the United States does -- and it's driving you CRAZY.
So now some Radical Rightist would prefer Muammar Qaddafi to be President of the United States? Radical Right lunacy knows no bounds. Be sure that if Muammar Qaddafi WERE President of the United States, the Radical Right would be exterminated. I still wouldn't want Qaddafi as President, tho.
There are just wars and unjust wars, wars of aggression and wars of defense, and wars to protect people's rights and wars to take people's rights away. Perhaps you have trouble distinguishing among those types of war, but intelligent and moral people have no problem whatsoever.
Obama's approval ratings [are] in the mid-50% range. THAT is most of the Nation.
The bulk of Chinese live in misery, and China's "economic leadership" has produced gains in GDP at the cost of pollution that is KILLING hundreds of thousands of their citizens a year. And stop making up ridiculous "statistics" about the U.S. economy. In any event, the article you are all supposed to be commenting on concerns LIBYA, not China.
Our financial troubles all revolve around the refusal of Republicans to allow us to tax the rich at pre-1986 rates. We can afford just military actions, and anything else we SHOULD be doing, at home and abroad, if we just tax the rich at rates they used to pay without the slitest difficulty.
You Radical Rightists sure are funny with your ridiculous slanders and delusions.
Isolationism worked so well for us in the 1930s. Kept us out of war, right? Oh, wait a minute. No, we did have to go to war after all, when Nazi Germany had already taken over much of Europe, Japan had taken over much of China and the Pacific, and we had to fite our way BACK because we didn't PREVENT those takeovers to begin with. Some people learn from history. Some repeat it.
Obama has not taken power without an election and has not slautered peaceful demonstrators. You make absolutely no sense.
Historical nonsense. Alexander the Great USED his army to create the largest empire of the Western world at the time. And the U.S. military still receives HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars, year after year after decade.
Poisonous nonsense. We BUY oil, from many sources, we do not STEAL it.
WHY don't you people EVER read what others have already written? Oh, that's right: you don't ever listen to anybody who might conceivable contradict you.
Oh? What oil was there in Yugoslavia, when we intervened to stop the slauter there?
Perhaps you have forgotten what the U.S. did to Saddam Hussein, but not one single intelligent or honest person on planet Earth has.
Yes, by all means let us let innocent people die. That is, after all, the conservative position on abortion of defenseless babies, right?
So the article simply fabricated Obama's remarks, eh? Or are you saying Obama said nothing about Mexico, which cannot be true if he held a joint press conference with the President of Mexico? Oh, I see. You're not saying anything at all. Next time you have nothing to say, say nothing, OK?
The President's approval rating is about 55%, but you assert that 80% of Americans want him out of office. That means that either you don't know what you are talking about, or you are lying. I see no other possibility.
An interesting turn of phrase, which says nothing about the President, who is not a dictator but was elected, and who has not been shooting peaceful demonstrators, but says a lot about you.
What a bunch of insane, contrary-to-fact nonsense. Every serious person listens to what the President of the United States says about Libya. You cannot give so much as ONE example of Obama lying about ANY public-polcy issue. The REPUBLICANS blocked Obama's attempt to close the loophole that encourages the export of jobs. Obama has never consciously underestimated oil pollution; his Administration rode herd on BP, and put a moratorium on offshore drilling. So everything substantive you have said is absolutely the opposite of the truth. That makes you a ... hm. Perhaps you can figure that out for yourself. Perhaps not. As for Michelle Obama's telling the President what to do, what evidence do you have for that silly assertion?
Another Radical Rightwinger heard from. Never mind that he could just have voted thumbs-up on any of the other 200 comments to the same effect. No, he has to repeat the same drivel, in hopes of misleading people into thinking the Radical Right is vastly larger than the fringe it really is. Unfortunately for the Radical Right, we all know how tiny and insignificant the Radical Right is as compared to the population at large.
Ah, open racist anxiety! How refreshing. We've got your number.
Same crap, over and over and over. If what you want to say has already been said, just vote and move on.
Obama does not pretend to be God. Only his slanderers pretend to believe that he thinks he's God.
I have had a car only since 2003, during the Bush Administration, and gas prices were in the range of $4.00 during part of his presidency.
Obama is not Moslem, and this is not (religiously) a Christian nation. The culture incorporates many Christian holidays, the calendar, etc., but the Nation is NOT Christian religiously, but multireligious and nonreligious.
Sorry, Charlie -- oops, Tom: President Obama DID win the Nobel Peace Prize: As for Jackie, EVERYBODY is listening to what the President of the United States is saying about Libya.
Iran is a nation of 77 million people, with a strong military, and its capital hundreds of miles from the nearest U.S. military base or aircraft carrier. U.S. inaction in the face of adverse military realities has NOTHING to do with Shiites or Sunnis
And then I had to get back to my own work.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 4,439 — for Israel.)