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The Expansionist
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Views of Obama on HuffPost/AOL. I left the following 85 comments (comprising about 6,700 words) after the online story "Analysis: Reimagining Obama After Gutsy Bin Laden Raid".

I'll let you in on a secret: President Obama has the same personality defect that most people who achieve high office in a non-meritocratic democracy have: they want to be liked. They are encouraged in this dysfunctional behavior by a system that rewards the gladhanding, backslapping Good Old Boy, and frowns upon the dour man of principle. Obama has a specially bad case of this disorder, in that he was an interracial child who encountered a lot of hostility not because of WHO he is but WHAT he is. It became supremely important for him to be accepted REGARDLESS of what he is, by people he should have had the good sense to hold in contempt, but couldn't, because they held HIM in contempt, on account of something he could do nothing about. So he has spent his entire life trying to make peace with his myriad enemies, even if that meant selling out his friends. His friends would forgive him for cozying up to his enemies. Or at least that has been his 'reasoning'. So Obama can sell out the people who put him in office to try to mollify the people who voted against him the first time, and voted against him in the midterm elections, and will vote against him in the next Presidential election, and still expect his friends never to lose patience and vote against him themselves.
NO ONE overrules the President, if he is a REAL President -- unlike Reagan and Bush II, both of whom were puppets of a collective Presidency. You're talking nonsense. The President's military title is "Commander-in-Chief", not "Somewhere Down the Chain of Command"
And you know all this because YOU were in the room during those deliberations, and YOU forced his hand. Yes, you know everything, far more than the President of the United States -- well, at least more than any BLACK President of the United States.
Cut the crap. No one in the United States is STARVING -- except for the occasional child killed by their insane parents whom Child Protective Services don't hear about. But of course the Radical Right wants to fire everybody in Child Protective Services.
You CANNOT blame Congress for ANYTHING during a Presidency of the other party. That's not the way things work in the real world. The PRESIDENT proposes legislation and the budget. If Congress REFUSES, or overrides a Presidential veto, you have a case. That RARELY happens. The System is based on COOPERATION: give to get. The President has veto power. If Congress sends a budget the President vetoes, the Government shuts down. "Compromise" is the lowercase-d democratic modus operandi. "Go along to get along" -- as long as you can do so without selling out fundamental principles.
Huh? Are you saying that Bush refused to take advantage of an agreement with Pakistan to kill bin Laden? Republicans would be very surprised to hear that.
How, pray, could raising taxes on the rich do anything BUT decrease the deficit? Perhaps you do not understand rudimentary economics: a deficit is the difference between income and outgo. You can decrease a deficit EITHER by decreasing outgo or increasing income. The way a government increases income is by RAISING TAXES. The tax cuts on the rich have RUINED this country. We must restore the tax rates on the rich before the Reaganite Plutocratic Revolution of 1986 ("Tax Reform Act of 1986"). Once we do that, we can PAY OFF the national debt and do EVERYTHING we should be doing. Why do people who are NOT rich fite so hard to keep the rich from paying higher taxes? Is any of them really so credulous that they believe the ridiculous lie that ANYBODY can be rich, and they wouldn't want taxes to be high on the rich because someday THEY might have to pay those tax rates? Who, that is now poor or middle class, would mind for an INSTANT paying higher taxes once rich, if AFTER paying taxes, they are STILL rich?
You are a petty, foolish person who pretends that the President had no choice. Of course he had choices. Other anti-Obama commenters have suggested that the Bush Administration got the intel that led to this action, but isn't it curious that Bush didn't kill Usama, that is, CHOSE not to act on the intel that Obama DID act on?
That is a sensationally nonsensical comment. EVERYBODY knew that Navy Seals carried out that raid. Who CARES where any given Seals team is stationed? There is NOTHING dangerous in anything you mention. You're just grasping at straws.
Gas under Bush was indeed at one point $4. Gas prices go up, gas prices go down, and rarely does the President have anything to do with it.
How, pray, does a NON-leader get to be President of the United States? You make no sense.
The Commander-in-Chief is NOT supposed to put himself in danger carrying out ordinary military operations. MANY battles have proven disasters, and even empires fallen, when the commanding general/emperor was KILLED in combat. But the Radical Right doesn't care if the United States falls, as long as that black man in the White House is removed, by whatever means necessary. Question: will they really be happy with President BIDEN?
There are a great many bad first-pitches by celebrities. They are NOT professional baseball players. You have a very peculiar value system if you think the President of the United States should be a pitching expert, and that not pitching a baseball to YOUR satisfaction means anything at all in the real worl[d], a place you might like to visit someday. Never mind. You wouldn't like the real world.
Stop the dopy attacks on illegal immigrants, who have nothing to do with anything the President has done. Illegals are NOT living high off the hog at your expense.
Curious that each of you misspelled "site"/"sight", a different wrong spelling in each post. And, ben..., you presumably meant "Obama" at the head of your post but wrote "Osama" -- confusion resultant from a moronic misspelling of the terrorist's name, which is Usama. There is no O in the Arabic alphabet, and if media had just always spelled bin Laden's name "Usama", as they SHOULD have, we would all have been spared hundreds of wrong references this past week.
Barack Hussein Obama is ALREADY history. He made history when he broke the racial barrier to the White House. YOU, by contrast, are NOT going to appear anywhere in history, are you? Not you, not any of the meanspirited racists who haunt online comments areas to spill their bile.
No one gets to be President of the United States without a huge ego -- or people putting into office someone they can control. I suspect that YOU have a narcissistic disorder, thinking that anyone wants to hear your self-vaunting drivel -- YOU know better than everybody else. YOU know better than the writer of this article. YOU have some kind of inside information that nobody else does. NO, you really DON'T.
How very interesting. Public employees get NO credit for the work they do; the ordinary working people who do all the actual work of corporations get NO credit. Only the chief executive officer gets any credit for the work of the actual workers in civilian society. But only the actual workers in the military society are to be given credit? What an interesting view of the world the Radical Right has: NO working people except soldiers get any credit for anything they do.
C'est bon. The Radical Right knows nothing, and is proud of it.
Cry "Thief!" if you ARE the thief doesn't always work, because not everyone's a fool. Liberals aren't the ones who hate people because they're different; we hate despicable BEHAVIOR and ATTITUDES. We are the people who created the United States, when all the good Conservatives wanted to stay colonials of Britain, without a vote in Parliament. Long before that, we were the people who followed Jesus when he showed us a God of Love in lieu of a God of Wrath. WE are not the haters.
Let me say clearly now, for people who do not understand how Government and the military work: NOBODY overrules the President of the United States. There is NO ONE ON EARTH who can overrule the President of the United States. And NO ONE in Government, nor any combination of people except both Houses of Congress operating by supermajority on an act of legislation -- and this was not an act of legislation -- can overrule the President of the United States. NO ONE in the military can overrule the COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF. Generals do not order the Commander-in-Chief around, any more than privates order generals around. I repeat "President of the United States" for the sake of people who do not understand the majesty and power of that office, nor that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES is virtually sovereign upon this planet, and NO ONE is over him. NO ONE. The people of the United States, collectively, are over him. But no one within Government, nor in any foreign government, can overrule the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
But still you spend LOTS of time here. What kind of person spends a lot of time commenting at an "insignificant" service? Oh, I know, I know! Please, please, let me answer! Please!: an insignificant person, that's what kind of person spends a lot of time commenting at an insignificant service. So, which is it? Is HP/AOL insignificant? or are you? The answer is either "both" or "neither". Choose wisely. What am I saying? You can't choose wisely.
Sadly, the Radical Right network of interconnected, talking-points-issued mindless haunters of Internet sites (probably connected by email alerts as to which stories to swarm) have indeed descended like vultures upon HuffPost/AOL stories. You still are very certain that nobody realizes that there are only about 3 dozen of you at any given story, posting dozens or hundreds of RadRite propaganda pieces in hopes of fooling casual visitors into thinking that the Nation is dominantly Radical-Right racist. But there are still only a few dozen of you at any given story. And once people realize that they recognize the same style -- even under a different username; you people change usernames like most people change channels on a bad TV nite -- and come to realize that there are only a few dozen RadRite propagandists hounding Liberals from story to story, they learn to relax and consign you to the shelf of meaningless nuisance.
It's a pity that at the end of the Civil War we didn't sterilize every single Reb, and replace them with immigrants. This country would be 100% better today.
Let us be clear: there is NOTHING President Obama could do that would in any way alter your racially-biased hatred of him. Just admit to the obvious, and save us the second it takes each of us to realize that you are a mindless bigot.
Ah, we see one of the RadRite swarmers in his/her regular garb, "dumpdemliars1". So, how many other Radical Right racist haunters of Internet sites did you bring with you? Do you people have a central mailing list that alerts you to which stories to swarm? Or is there a RadRite talking-points website you all check into each day to see which URL's to swarm?
Bush did NOT get Bin Laden. If BUSH had this info -- which would have HAD to be the case if the info came from waterboarding, which Obama forbade on being inaugurated -- and did not act on it, why are you not furious with BUSH? You really can't have it both ways: either the info did NOT come from waterboarding/coercive interrogation under Bush, or Bush HAD the information but REFUSED to act on it. There is no way your side looks good in this. Assuming the truth of the assertions about the Seals killing Usama bin Laden recently, LIBERALS killed Bin Laden, NOT Conservatives.
Empty, nonsensical lies about Democrats rewriting history mean NOTHING. Obama became President by nearly 10 MILLION votes in 2008. And if we had compulsory voting, he'd have won by 15 MILLION votes or even more. Midterm elections get something like half the turnout of Presidential elections, so, absent compulsory voting, the Republican PERMANENT MINORITY can make hay while the nonvoting-sun shines. But 2012 is a Presidential year, and the people who came out in 2008 but stayed home in 2010 will be out voting again in 2012. We'll see how that turns out for y'all THEN, won't we?
Drivel. If waterboarding produced the info that revealed Usama's hiding place, why didn't BUSH kill Usama years ago? You are talking pure nonsense. EIGHT-year-old intelligence about a hideout Usama had been using for only SIX years doesn't cut it. Got it? Waterboarding did NOT catch Usama. BUSH did not catch, nor kill, Usama. OBAMA killed Usama (if what we are told is true, and Usama didn't die years ago, of natural causes; Al-Qaeda would be glad to play along with a recent, military, and thus "heroic" death rather than admit that Usama died of kidney disease -- weakness or, worse, being struck down by God!). Bush did NOT kill Usama bin Laden, and had the good grace to congratulate Obama. Why can't the Radical Right have George W. Bush's good grace? If you think Bush's information-gathering should be credited with finding Bin Laden, then SURELY Bush HAD to know where Usama was but REFUSED to kill him. Your call. But, call it as you may, YOU LOSE, and Liberals win. Conservatives couldn't do the job. Liberals could. And Liberals DID.
So we should give the working man in the world's corporations ALL the credit for the successes of their corporations and the world's economies, and NONE to the rich, right?
Who, at high levels of politics, is NOT a narcissist?
AIG has paid back BILLIONS of dollars. GM has paid back billions, and is turning a profit. AIG is NOT receiving any Government moneys anymore, and tho the Government SHOULD rein in bonuses, there has to be legal warrant for such legislation. The Federal Government is STOPPED from taking full command of the economy, by the Constitution, by the Republican Party, and by popular distaste for Government intervention in the holy "free market". The line between the free market's operating responsibly and corporate managements' acting rapaciously is NOT really that fine, but Republicans want Government to "keep its hands off free-market capitalism". In that ONLY Conservatives/Radical Rightists use the term "Obamacare", we are JUSTIFIED in being extremely skeptical of your claim to have voted for Obama. Sad to say, there are many LIARS in the world, and it would be foolish to take any pseudonymous commenter's word for what s/he says if it directly contradicts OTHER things s/he says.
You were NOT in the room during deliberations. You know NOTHING of what happened but what you read, so don't pretend to know the whole truth when the rest of us know only part of it. You do NOT know how long discussions -- not "dithering" -- went on, nor what countervailing arguments were put forward for EACH alternative. You do not know ANYTHING about the diplomatic or realpoltic considerations that may have entered into the ultimate decision. You are NOT an expert in military affairs, or diplomatic affairs, or ANYTHING, or you would use your real name so we would KNOW to accord your opinions more respect than we accord the opinions of just any nut off the street.
No one has any reason to believe YOUR version of events nor ANY unknown website's version of events but a legitimate, well-respected, facts-careful medium's website. "Socyberty.com", whatever that is, is UNKNOWN to the great preponderance of the world's informed population, so I will not waste my time reading what may very well be political FICTION. Kindly provide us a link to a REPUTABLE website we have reason to trust, for comparable information. Wikipedia has NO article on "socyberty.com", so serious people cannot take seriously assertions at that website that in any way contradict well-regarded news sources. Give us a URL to ABC/NBC/CBS/BBC/CBC News, Britain's Guardian newspaper, Le Monde, The Globe and Mail, Dawn (Pakistani English newspaper) or ANY respectable and credible news medium, and then MAYBE we will check out your assertions.
No "martyr" is more dangerous dead than alive. That is all nonsense. When JFK was assassinated by a Communist, that did NOT make us more anti-Communist, but led us to give Southeast Asia over to Communism -- which ended up killing 2 or 3 million Cambodians. Had it not been for the living LBJ, the dead JFK's entire program would have vanished with his death. No one knows how many ideas failed with the death of their chief proponent, but it has to be a lot. Nazism did not gain renewed strength and fanatical adherence from the death of Adolf Hitler. Indeed, very often in history, an idea HAS been killed by killing its leader. Is Radical Islam such an idea? It has no single leader, but if ALL its major leaders were indeed killed off, would it survive? History provides absolutely no example of an idea outliving the violent death of all its proponents. If Jesus and all 12 of his Disciples had been killed at the same time, no one today would ever have heard of "Christianity".
The Radical Right loons who talk about Obama lying can NEVER produce even ONE example of his having lied. Not living up to promises is not lying. People often promise things they can't stick to. That is sad, and possibly contemptible, but it is not lying. Lying is saying one thing when you know another is true. Obama's enemies cannot provide so much as ONE example of the President's saying ANYTHING that was, at the time he said it, demonstrably contrary to fact.
How sad you Radical Right fools are. The President is not TOLD we are doing ANYTHING you don't allow us to do. The President of the United States is COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of the U.S. military, all 1.2 MILLION in number. NO ONE "tells" him what to do. If you really believe that lunatic storyline, you need to be in a lunatic asylum, medicated or electro-shocked to try to get you back to sanity.
If Bush developed this information, then he did not do anything with it. Now, do you really want us to believe that Bush had the information but refused to act on it? Choose wisely, if you can. This is, I should warn you, a Catch-22 situation. So be careful what you credit Bush with, because it can also condemn him -- and you.
Ah, the old "devil's advocate" crap! Do you REALLY want to be held accountable for saying that Usama bin Laden was "innocent until proven guilty" -- in a court of law, as, for instance, in New York City's criminal courts? Didn't YOU PEOPLE want to forget the whole "innocent until proven guilty", no-incarceration-without-indictment 'b.s.' Don't try to turn tables on us. We don't cling to legal niceties out of naïveté. Liberals believe that where there is a QUESTION of guilt, there needs to be a trial. We also, however, understand that sometimes a trial really is just a waste of time, but that a civilized society can afford the time, trouble, and expense to go thru the motions for the sake of standing for a principle; but that sometimes a trial really is a waste of time, etc. If there are 6,000 eyewitnesses, and video of the conspiratorial talks leading up to the crime, and video shows the people before the killing rampage rushing out with machineguns blazing, we understand that we do NOT need a trial. We also understand that in time of war, trials are an unfortunate nonnecessity, but we can, and do, kill on sight. Liberals HATE war, and HATE the idea that we can be killed on sight by our wartime enemies as easily and 'legitimately' as we can kill them on sight. We HATE IT, but ACCEPT it. We do NOT hold trials for every soldier we shoot on a battlefield.
No one in Government or the military tells the President/Commander-in-Chief they are doing ANYTHING he has told them not to do. In civilian life, that is punishable by termination; in the military, by EXtermination.
An absolutely unsupported "BULL!" is not an answer. The indisputable fact is that the REPUBLICAN Party REFUSED to close the tax loophole that led to massive export of jobs.
That is absolutely crazy, Know-Nothing b.s. A very large majority of all businesses in the U.S. are SMALL businesses. And they are loyal. It is only the MAJOR corporations that are actively treasonous, intent on maximizing profits at the expense of Americans. Taxes are on PROFITS, not revenues. No profits, not taxes. Think about that, for even 10 seconds.
NAFTA was negotiated by George H.W. Bush, and was intended to keep Mexicans HOME, not pouring over the border. So which are you opposed to, Bush the Elder, or Mexicans staying home?
Obama's refusing to live up to his pledge to close Guantanamo is not in the slitest funny. Do you WANT him to close Gitmo? Or are you just trying to have it both ways?
President Obama knew the operation was going on. He ORDERED it. You did NOT. YOU had NOTHING to do with it. Would YOU have been so "gutsy" as to order American troops to risk their LIVES on such a mission? Would you have THOUGHT about their lives? Or is it all just SO EASY to sit at home, thousands of miles from the action, and b...complain?
The President expects fair people to be fair, and give credit where credit is due. He cannot expect unfair people to be fair, nor to give credit where credit is due unless it happens to fall on people they favor.
That is an astounding foolish post. Bush REFUSED to kill Bin Laden because he KNEW "it would do more harm ... than good", did he? NO, he did NOT. He CONGRATULATED Obama on killing Bin Laden. Nothing you say makes the slitest bit of sense.
No one at all EVER attacke[d] George Bush for no reason, and certainly not for being black -- which is the be-all and end-all of the Radical Right's insane hatred of President Obama, the BLACK man in the WHITE House. Actually, almost everybody in this country LIKED George Bush, even as we DETESTED his policies and actions. In fact, a lot of people understood that Dumbya was just a helpless puppet of a Collective Presidency who had NOTHING TO SAY about what was done in his name.
Being from Newark, a GREAT city with a thoroly undeserved bad reputation, I understand that sometimes you HAVE to toot your own horn when nobody wants to hear the truth. Obama (may have) killed Usama; Newark is NOT the crime capital of the Nation. Non-torture interrogation provided the information we needed to find Bin Laden; Newark is filled with art and music. Often the obvious to knowledgeable people isn't obvious at all to the ignorant.
I know that the racist Radical Right wants to believe that Obama's election by almost TEN MILLION votes in 2008 was a fluke, and that the midterm elections, when HUGELY fewer people vote, was more indicative of the Nation's ACTUAL sentiment, but realists know that in 2012, at least 20 million more people will vote than in 2010, and the permanent Republican MINORITY will emerge as a plain reality that not even the Radical Right can deny -- except of course to themselves, since they are capable of astounding self-delusion.
Cut the crap. The legitimate media -- Fox "News" not included -- do NOT campaign for any candidate whatsoever.
The Radical Right knows no end of silliness, does it? There is NO WAY he could have blamed Bush for this, and you KNOW it. You are just LYING, the Radical Right's way of dealing with truths they cannot accept.
Kindly check the Internet for FACTS before writing FICTION. Obama's lowest poll number was 41%; Bush's, 25%: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UnitedStatespresidentialapprovalrating .
The Chinese have a proverb that goes something like, "Do not ignore a good word because it comes from a bad mouth." The ancient Chinese culture has wisdom. You have none.
Why did we oppose the extermination of Jews by Hitler? Why did we help China fite off the Japanese when we were in a Depression? Every responsible person in the United States opposed deficit spending on the war in Iraq. Bush CUT taxes on the rich and then DOUBLED the national debt ONLY because he CHOSE to refuse to tax the rich. That is something EVERY sane person on planet Earth (you might like to visit sometime, from wherever you are in outer space) condemned.
Ah, I see. Japan NEVER attacked Pearl Harbor. Democrats just MADE THAT UP. Pulling the U.S. out of Southeast Asia produced the death of 2-5 MILLION Cambodians and other Indochinese, but you APPROVE of those deaths, at the hands of COMMUNISTS. The Republican Party that freed the slaves is NOT the Republican Party of the Neo-Confederacy. Abraham Lincoln would be a DEMOCRAT today.
*Exactly what is >>Anthony 3" Weiner<< supposed to mean? Have you been having sex with Anthony Weiner? If not, how would you know how well-endowed, or not, he is? Are you even a woman, so your Radical Right cohorts would APPROVE of your having sex with Anthony Weiner? Or would that still not be approved, because he's a JEW? Are you really in Los Angeles? Wouldn't you be happier in Utah, Mississippi, or Nazi Germany? Alas for you, we destroyed Nazi Germany, so perhaps Utah or Mississippi is the closest you can come to your ideal homeland.
Huh? Pakistani Government officials have a duty of secrecy regarding the CIA? Is that what you're saying?
If yu meen "Pokiston", yu or beeing sile in abjekting tu Oeboma'z pranunseeaeshan. Tha faakt iz thaat moest peepool on the Indeean Subkontinant pranouns it "Pokiston". In the Yuenietad Staets, eether "Pokiston" aur "Paakistaan" iz karekt. "Pokistaan" aand "Paakiston" or boetth INkarekt. The vouwal in the ferst aand laast silaboolz iz tha saem, eether shaurt-O/"braud"-A or shaurt-A. If we speld tthings fanetikle (http://www.fanetik.org aur http://fanetik.tripod.org) EVREEBUDE wood noe hou tu pranouns EVRE werd AAND NAEM witthout hezitaeshan. But we woodan't wont tu du thaat. We'd raather wunder hou the hek tthingz or sed, aand kamplaen hwen sumwun sez sumtthing we doen't sae.
The only "state media" in the United States are things like the Voice of America. Pls seek professional help if you think that the major media, owned by huge corporations, are government media. You are delusional, SO delusional that NO honest person can explain your baseless hatred of the President by ANYthing but racism. The racists keep putting out baseless slander of the President, thinking they are hiding their racism, but since there is no "there" there, we ALL know it is simpleminded racism.
Yes, how dare a BLACK man occupy the WHITE House. Ignore all his accomplishments, such as reining in abusive fees by banks, forbidding health insurers from barring people from denying coverage for people because of "pre-existing conditions", compelling health insurers to let kids stay on their parents' policy until after college, end DADT, stop fiting to enforce the idiotically named "Defense of Marriage Act", changing the perception of the United States in most of the world as an arrogant, racist empire. None of that, or any of his other accomplishments means a thing. He's still BLACK.
Kindly cite to the URL of ANY news story in ANY reputable medium that says that Usama bin Laden waved a white flag of surrender. WHO on Earth keeps a white flag in his house? Try to be a little more inventive with your FICTION. Pls also cite the URL of any news report from ANY reputable medium that states that the FBI says that Usama bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11. You may be one of the clumsiest propagandists in the history of propaganda.
We Liberals have many quarrels with Obama's trying to accommodate the worst people on the planet, but what do YOU Radical Rightists have to complain about?
The current price of oil has NOTHING to do with increased demand, since supply is very much larger than demand, but only with GREED on the part of SPECULATORS. What is YOUR personal interest in FALSIFYING things? I just don't get it. Are you a p.r. professional wasting time in an Internet comments area? P.r. professionals don't spend time on things of such little practical importance, and rich people don't spend ANY time on Internet comments areas. So who are these Radical Right loons who spend HOURS and HOURS a day trying to persuade people that they are the majority? They are NOT. They are at very, very most 25% of the population, and not by any stretch of the imagination the smartest or best-educated. It's sad to see all these people, most of whom have probably never made so much as $60,000 in their very best year, making excuses for why the rich need to be OBSCENELY rich. Sad, and incomprehensible.
No sane person cites Free Republic as a source for ANYTHING. They are a bunch of Radical Right lunatics, and everything you say is insane. Not one thing you claim as fact tallies with reality. If you think life is so good for the poor, why don't you give up your job and live the life of Reilly off the taxpayer? YOU try to live on the income MAXIMUM for food stamps. YOU try to pay the rent or mortgage and property tax and electricity and gas and heating oil, and food, and clothing, and cleaning, and gasoline, and all the other expenses of a family of four on the benefits this ungenerous society provides. You are just full of ..it. The rich can pay more, or they can see the people rise in revolution and KILL them. France did it with its rich. We didn't kill the rich in our first Revolution. That does not mean we won't, or can't, do it in our Second Revolution. I don't imagine that would much affect YOU, however, because I doubt that you have EVER been even remotely rich, but just want to IDENTIFY with the rich -- who do NOT identify with you.
You are a 24-karat fool if you do not understand that this planet is AWASH in FREE energy, from the sun, from tides, from the heat of the Earth. What moronic TRASH are you listening to that induces you to make RIDICULOUS claims about renewable energy? I doubt you are even on the payroll of an oil company. You're probably just one of those sad DUPES, who have absolutely no personal profit motive for spouting nonsense. You just do it because you don't know any better, and do not understand that new can be better than old. Do you refuse a microwave oven because it's not a "real" oven? So you want nuclear power, do you? If so, you are RETARDED: one word for you to consider -- Fukushima.
You and everyone like you is an enemy not just of the United States but of the world. We ALL know why you hate Obama. NOBODY is in the slitest doubt.
Drivel. It is not corruption but an insane Radical Right/Radical Libertarian IDEOLOGY that is causing the problems today, people who have raised greed and selfishness to the level of GODS.
You are full of BULL. Waterboarding EIGHT YEARS AGO did not lead to the attack upon a house that did not exist eight years ago. You mention Reagan's turning tail and running out of Beirut with his tail between his legs, but not so graphically, because he was a Republican. If a Democrat had done that, you would have CRUCIFIED him. It wasn't Democrats who made peace with the Vietcong/North Vietnamese, buddy. That was Nixon and Kissinger, REPUBLICANS. Who came out appearing weak from THAT? Nothing the Radical Right says is EVER true. The conclusion is inescapable that this is NOT about ideas but about TRIBE, "Them" against "Us". That is all. Liberals have principles; the Radical Right has only TRIBE.
The assertion that increasing taxes (on the rich) does not increase revenues is a flat-out LIE. Of COURSE it does. Cutting taxes on the rich has impoverished us, despite all the promises that we would all enjoy the benefits of "trickle down" "voodoo economics". What is "MSM"? Pls do not use jargon that is not part of common knowledge. Wikipedia shows no sense for "MSM" that seems to fit your sense. Republicans have OCTUPLED the national debt since 1980, but pretend to be fiscal conservatives. All Radical Rightists are liars. All Republicans at the highest level, hypocrites and liars. Nothing you say is true. You SHOULD be ashamed of yourself, but one of the most contemptible things about the Radical Right is THEY HAVE NO SHAME.
To the Radical Right, "Marxist" is just a name, like "poopyhead". It has no meaning, because they have no idea what a Marxist is, and could not in a million years find even ONE program of the Obama Administration that is Marxist.
If you can make a specific assertion as to a percent increase in spending, you should as well be able to cite to a reputable online source. You don't do that. Ergo, you are not to be believed.
Midterm elections do NOT bring out the bulk of voters. Presidential elections do. We SHOULD have compulsory voting. Then we would REALLY know what the people want. But you would HATE that, wouldn't you?
I have no idea what "teabagger" means sexually, Nor do I think most people do.
Why is a Radical Zionist Jew posing as a WASP? You plainly don't give a damn about the human rights of the Arabs in the Middle East, but only about your beloved Israel. Why don't you just go to Israel and put your money/life where your mouth is? The Moslem Brotherhood has NOT taken over Egypt. That is a clumsy Zionist lie, as everything you say is a clumsy Zionist LIE. You pose as a Middle East expert but can't even spell Al-Qaeda. If you are a Radical Zionist Jew, just use your own Jewish name, or a forthrite ID ("RadZion" or "JewSupreme"), and admit your extreme anti-Arab, anti-Moslem PREJUDICE. Israel is responsible for ALL the attacks upon the United States. I do not see any reason whatsoever in terms of U.S. INTEREST, for the U.S. to support Israel to any degree. I would MUCH rather support the people of Egypt, Palestine, Libya, Syria, etc., than the invading bigots who stole Palestine right out from under the people who had lived there for centuries. Let's just throw Israel under the bus, if U.S. interests are what matters. Tell Israel to dissolve itself and merge into a reunified Palestine, because we aren't sending "Israel" one more dime. The Soviet Union and East Germany were "wiped off the face of the Earth", but no one died. Palestine can be reunified without ANY death to any decent person.
Bush did NOTHING that resulted in the Pakistan attack. NOTHING. If what Bush had done had been in the slitest effective, BUSH would have announced the death of Bin Laden YEARS ago. Cut the CRAP.
So Obama uniquely does not suffer the problems of the little guy, eh? Bush did? Boehner does? Cantor? McCain? Palin? Bachmann? Be evenhanded, or be quiet.
Kindly stop making things up. Banks were NEVER pressured to make loans to "criminal aliens". Unemployed people who have NO money DIE. But that wouldn't bother you, would it, if hundreds of thousands of your fellow citizens DIED on the streets. That's the Republican fix to the economy. Never mind that people with no income cannot buy anything, so the economy is subverted with each additional unemployed person. The Radical Right understands NOTHING about economics, social responsibility, social cohesion, fairness, or anything else that is important to HUMAN beings.
Torture of prisoners is NEVER right, and if WE do it to OTHERS, they are automatically entitled to do it to US. Ergo, you want Americans taken prisoner by any enemy to be tortured. Very good thinking. When he was shot, UBL was an enemy combatant in an active war. We don't have to take prisoners in warfare unless they surrender. He didn't surrender. According to reports, his forces in the compound fought back against the Navy Seals, so this was an active battle. We don't have to read people Miranda rights in battles. But had UBL been taken alive, he would be entitled to be treated according to U.S. law, which forbids torture. Besides, we got lots of digital data, far more than he could personally remember.
Pls stop the nonsense. Bush did NOT kill UBL. Bush did NOT know where UBL, despite his torture of prisoners, unless you believe that Bush REFUSED to kill Bin Laden. That may be your choice of belief, but it is almost no one else's.
The Radical Right is very flexible. It can turn completely around on its back, and assume the exact opposite stance one minute from what it supposedly stands for the next minute. Snakes can do that naturally. People aren't supposed to be able to do it, tho.
The only redistribution of wealth that has been going on in this country since 1986 is redistribution UP, TO the wealthy FROM the poor and middle class. I very seriously doubt that you or anyone else commenting here is wealthy, so I do not understand why they fite so hard to steal from the poor and middle class -- including themselves -- to give to the rich.
Let's make a deal. We'll let the wealthy make as much money as they want, as long as we can take off a year of their lives for every $100,000 they accumulate. And when their time is up, we euthanize them and chop them up for parts for the poor and middle class they have worked very hard to harm. Money for time; a form of payment for their misdeeds. They steal from the rest of us, they die sooner by the hand of the people they have wronged. By act of law..
Poisonous nonsense. Only the wealthy deserve to live well. What do the rich do for the rest of us? How are they doing more than their fair share? How many of the soldiers, firemen, and police officers who protect us -- AND the wealthy -- come from among the wealthy? How many rich people die on our battlefields defending our freedoms, including economic freedoms? Not remotely all those people you imply are parasites are parasites. Welfare was REFORMED under Clinton, but you refuse to accept that people are NOT entitled to sit around collecting welfare when they could perfectly well work. You pay absolutely no attention to the working poor, who need help with rent and food simply to survive, but who do hard labor that the wealthy do NOT do, and without which society could not function. You ignore all the taxes that the poor and middle class pay to the Federal Government, from excise taxes to gasoline taxes to taxes on phone service. And when they finish living up to their responsibilities, they may have to borrow $2 just to get to work on payday to pick up their check. If all men are created equal -- a part of the Declaration of Independence you conveniently leave out of your posts -- then they should all make about the same amount of money, after taxes, shouldn't they?
The attack on Iraq had nothing to do with making Bush the Elder happy. He had REFUSED to take Baghdad. Iraq, not Saddam, was the target, and the reason for the war was to destroy ISRAEL'S only credible enemy.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 4,452 — for Israel.)

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