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The Expansionist
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Plugging Away — but Not Here. I mentioned on July 9th that I have been fiting Radical Right crazies online thru Huffington Post/AOL comments areas. At that time, I had posted 3,222 comments in that effort. As of this morning, the figure was 5,749 comments, by far most in opposition to outrageous remarks by Radical Rightists.
It is easy for you to view those comments, if you are interested in short (less than 250-word) observations on a wide variety of topics. Just go to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/fanetiks?action=comments and you can see all 5,749 comments posted to date, and, on checking on later dates, into the future. That site is updated every time I add a comment. So if you want to see what I have addressed recently, you can check that site, if I haven't updated this site.
In that HuffPo comments are limited to 250 words, I cannot always do justice to my ideas on HuffPo comments boards. But 250 words arrayed against the Radical Right is much better than a total failure or refusal to confront their sociopathy.
There are, of course, important matters that we need to address at greater length, such as the repeated failure or actual refusal of Barack the Faithless to stand by the principles he was elected to assert. Again in the debt-ceiling "negotiations" — game of "chicken", really — Obama sold out to the Party of No. He just doesn't have the stomach/guts to fite the Radical Right to their complete defeat.
Obama pretends that the behavior of the Republicans is partisan but not insurrectionary. He is wrong. It IS insurrectionary, fully as much as was the bombardment of Fort Sumter that started the Civil War. To fail to blast the Confederate behavior of the Tea Party Republicans is a dereliction of duty on the part of the Chief Executive of the United States of America.
The Tea Party people are NOT misguided patriots. They are neo-Confederates out to destroy the United States, while using a pseudo-patriotic name that actually means nothing, in that the Boston Tea Party was a protest against "Taxation Without Representation", whereas every part of the United States DOES have representation in the decision-making process that decides national taxation. Why has the President, and the Democratic leadership, NOT hammered that point home again and again and again?
Liberalism is not namby-pambyism. Liberalism is defense of the powerless against the powerful, and as such must be AT LEAST as powerful as the most rapacious rich and powerful people in the Nation — or it cannot protect the weak. If Liberals are not STRONGER than the rapists and killers of the poor, the poor will continue to be raped and killed. And make no mistake, "killed" is not extravagant abuse of language. Studies have shown that (at least) 45,000 Americans die each and every year because they don't have health coverage. And 2½ years after Obama took office, they STILL don't have healthcare coverage, so are STILL dying at the rate of (at least) 45,000 a year. How on Earth could anyone think that putting off universal health coverage until 2014 could possibly be just and reasonable when 45,000 Americans a year DIE from the lack of health insurance?
It is very hard for Liberals to believe in the bona fides of Barack Obama when he continually caves in to the Radical Right and puts off needed reforms for YEARS, years in which tens of thousands of Americans DIE, and during which the Radical Right can rally its troops to oppose and, thru militant refusal to compromise, defeat every Democratic proposal they oppose.
Barack the Faithless sells out Liberals, the people who put him into office. He sells out the helpless, the sick, the poor, the dying. He passes legislation that does not take effect for very long, even indeterminate periods. The repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" has STILL not taken effect, many months after the law was passed. As far as anyone can tell, it will NEVER take effect, because Obama permits the military to push back and push back and push back the date of its effectiveness.
Similarly, "Obamacare" was legislated to take effect in 2014, when Obama might not even be in office, as has given opponents of universal healthcare a very long time to rally their troops to repeal it! So how sincere is Barack Obama about anything?
I call him "Barack the Faithless" because he seems always eager to sell out his supporters in preposterous and useless attempts to win over his enemies — people who would literally jump for joy on hearing he has been assassinated. In the vernacular of the black people Obama does NOT adequately champion, "Wassup wit at?"
Note: Today's post is about 3 times as long as HuffPo allows.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 4,474 — for Israel.)

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