Monday, September 12, 2011
Censorship on HIV. I was today banned from the Huffington Post when directing readers to the website How is the Huffington Post entitled to forbid anyone from letting people know that there are alternative explanations for AIDS than HIV? What is wrong with the Huffington Post that they will brook no departure from The Official Government Line on AIDS?
I sent this brief note to the Huffington Post about the problem via feedback form:
I have today been BANNED from commenting. Why? Is it because I have referred people to the website How is the Huffington Post entitled to prevent people from discussing alternative explanations for AIDS than HIV?How does the Huffington Post feel it is entitled to keep people from telling anyone about a website that is not obscene or filled with hate-speech? I am very indignant.
(The current U.S. military death toll in Iraq, according to the website "Iraq Coalition Casualties", is 4,474 for Israel.)