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The Expansionist
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
World War III for Israel? Hell, NO!
The Israeli government is making constant noises about launching a preemptive strike against Iran. Insane Radical Zionists in the United States demand that the U.S. join in any attack by Israel. Iran says that if it is attacked by Israel, it will counterattack, at least by blocking the Strait of Hormuz and possibly with missiles capable of reaching Israel. Radical Zionists say that if Iran COUNTERattacks Israel, the U.S. is bound by law and morality(!) to attack Iran, even if we did not authorize nor approve of the initial Israeli attack.
It cannot be that the U.S. is required by treaty to back a sneak attack by Israel, an act of arrant aggression, that would be completely illegal without sanction by the UN.
Russia and Communist China have used their veto in the UN Security Council to prevent any UN military action against Iran (or even Syria, which we might be tempted to add to the target list, if we attack Iran in that vicinity anyway). There is very good reason to believe that both Russia and China would rally to defend Iran from U.S. aggression, starting with a minimal show to scare the U.S. away from more aggressive action lest things escalate, step by step or suddenly, all the way to a full-scale nuclear exchange: World War III.
Anyone who thinks WW3 could not erupt from such an Israeli attack knows nothing about history. The assassination of one man, a Central European archduke, by people who were not even members of a government, produced WWI, which killed 10 million people and led directly to WWII, which killed another 54 million or so, which led directly to the Cold War, which killed millions more.
What reason have we to believe that an attack upon Iran without prior UN approval (that is, without Russian and Chinese consent in the Security Council) would NOT produce intervention on Iran's side by Russia, China, and countries across the Moslem world?
Americans must in all seriousness make a decision before any Israeli attack upon Iran occurs: do we want the United States to be destroyed by nuclear missiles falling on all our major cities, killing 100 million or 200 million Americans and causing us to kill 500 million Russians and Chinese for the sake of Israel? I don't. No loyal American does. No sane person does.
We didn't seem to enjoy losing fewer than 3,000 Americans on 9/11, and there are to this day Americans who feel guilt over our having killed some 250,000 people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. How would any survivor of a full-scale nuclear war that produced the end of our civilization and induced us to murder half a BILLION people feel about the decision to commit ourselves to the defense of Israel literally "at all cost"?
How, then, should we regard Radical Zionists in Israel and in the United States, who insist that Americans are absolutely required to destroy the world, and ourselves, for the sake of Israel? That is, that Christians, Moslems, and atheists should kill each other for the sake of the Jews? Would such massive, worldwide death, in initial blasts and radiation sickness thereafter, even achieve the defense of Israel? Or would Israel be incinerated by Russian and/or Chinese nuclear weapons even before the first warheads could fall on New York, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, and every other center of our civilization?
Messrs. Obama and Romney must lead on this issue, and state very publicly and very loud that the U.S. will NOT defend Israel if it attacks Iran, under any circumstances other than a first-strike attack upon Israel by Iran — which is very unlikely. Obama, Romney, and every opinion leader in the United States should be compelled to declare themselves: do you want the United States to suffer full-scale nuclear attack by Russia and China for Israel? Are you so fanatical in your religion that you think God wants the world to be destroyed for Israel, because "Amageddon" would be a wonderful thing?
Anyone who says "Yes" should be fired from whatever position has given them a role in leading public opinion. Indeed, we should seriously consider laying charges of sedition, terrorism, and treason to empower us to round them up, silence them in solitary confinement in Gitmo, and thus end their work to destroy this country and make us the worst mass murderers in the history of the world — rendering Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot angels by contrast — for the sake of foreigners thousands of miles from our shores who don't share our language, culture, or dominant religion. Why would there ever be any doubt that the U.S. would refuse to destroy itself for such foreigners? Why would any patriot even hesitate to say aloud that under no circumstances should the U.S. risk WW3 for Israel?

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