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The Expansionist
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Fiting RadRite Lunacy; Again.
I left a number of comments today at an opinion piece on Yahoo by Walter Shapiro, "The longest war: The shooting at a Connecticut school shows, once again, that there’s no end in sight to our lethal way of life". I present, below, most of those that stand on their own.
Defeatism is the only thing that prevents us from imposing draconian gun control, meaning the rounding up and melting down of ALL guns except in the hands of duly constituted authorities and people in perilous situations. There should be NO hunting except for conservation authorities specially authorized to use guns and subjected to rigorous mental-health standards. If you didn't sow it, you have no right to reap it. NO guns in private hands, period. "Swords into plowshares", guns into cars and trains, pliers, screwdrivers, and rebar. The Supreme Court has NO AUTHORITY over legislation. The Constitution does NOT permit the courts any veto over legislation. If the Framers of the Constitution had intended Courts to have a veto, they would have written a means of OVERRIDE into the Constitution. No override? No veto. Congress and the President should simply IGNORE the courts when they PRETEND to veto legislation. And if judges attempt to enforce their unconstitutional decrees, -- and by what means? -- they should be ARRESTED for insurrection against the duly constituted legal authority of the United States, and HANGED (a good sense for the term "hanging judge"). How can 9, or as few as 5 old fools stand against 313 million Americans? Only DELUSIONS of powerlessness cause 313M people to think they are helpless against a mere 9, or even 5, individuals. We don't have to be Carnage Country, Gun Nation. We can rise to civilization and REPEAL the Second Amendment. Prohibition cost us less carnage than the willful misreading of the Second Amendment. We repealed Prohibition. We can repeal the Second Amendment. We have far less to fear from Government, which does not refrain from dictatorship out of fear of guns in the hands of ordinary people, most of whom would NEVER risk their lives to attack the Government, than we have to fear from individual lunatics with guns.
Drivel. The number of people willing to face off against the 1.2 million people in the armed forces to oppose the Government is infinitesimal, and NO ONE in Government believes the braggarts are REALLY going to "fight for their rights". No, they're not. And there is no reason to. Fears of Government oppression are signs of a serious mental disorder -- paranoia -- and people with such insane delusions should be kept very far away from guns.
Seek professional help. Neither Obama nor any other American President has taken steps to become dictator, because the INSTITUTIONS of Governmnt prevent dictatorship. That was one of the key objectives of the American Revolution that freed us from the dictator George III. The institutions work, so all this nonsense about us falling to dictatorship is paranoid LUNACY. All people who talk about an Obama (or any other President's) dictatorship should seek help from mental-health professionals. And if they have any guns, they should be disarmed and put on a no-gun list for life.
We can take guns away from EVERYBODY. We can shut down the factories that make guns and ammunition. We can arrest criminals, and make use of a gun in any crime punishable by death. We are NOT helpless against crime.
Nobody remembers the carnage of 50 years ago, the gang violence trivialized in WEST SIDE STORY, etc. Your lack of memory does not equate with an absence of gun carnage 50 years ago. People today know NO history. Most barely know what's going on today. And, for most people, what happens TODAY trumps anything that ever happened before.
I am not a slave because I refuse to own a gun. You're talking nonsense, and I am reasonably sure that if Benjamin Franklin were alive today, he would be stridently agitating for gun control.
How very convenient to pretend that these incidents of mass carnage have no connection with guns. You are essentially arguing that these things would have occurred even without guns, as tho if Holmes or Lanza used a knife he would have killed just as many people. No. What makes a lunatic into a mass murder[er] is GUNS. The more GUNS out in society, the more DEATHS from guns. All pretenses that guns are more protection than danger is madness -- DISHONEST madness.
Do you know how to make a bomb, and find the ingredients? Few people do, and few of these nuts are sufficiently in control of their minds to do the planning, building, and throwing of bombs. The pretense that, absent guns, people would resort to bombs is fatuous.
It is NOT TRUE that the militia was designed to defend against governmental oppression. It was intended to protect civil society from threats from disorder, foreign invasion, and, in those days, Indian attacks. NEVER did the Framers of the Constitution think the militias would turn against the Government. Quite the contrary, the militia was PART of Government.
It is far more likely that you or someone near you will use your guns to kill someone else near you, in a temporary rage that would pass harmlessly if there were no guns at hand, than that you will ever use a gun in necessary self-defense. Bye!
Is "KKK Donkey libs" supposed to MEAN something? Liberals are not members of the KKK, and ABOLISHED slavery. Seek professional help.
[In response to another "Guns don't kill people. People kill people" assertion] Nonsense. Without guns, that person could not have killed 26 people, or himself. How do you gun defenders always avoid the obvious?
No President has ever tried to become a dictator, and the checks and balances in the institutions created by the Constitution, not guns in the hands of individuals, protect very efficiently against dictatorship. What kind of mad paranoia induces ANYONE to assert that our DEMOCRATIC Government, answerable to the people in elections, aspires to dictatorship? This is esp. bizarre little more than a month after 126.5 million citizens cast votes to decide who would be President. All this talk about dictatorship is INSANE, and the authorities need to inquire into the mental state of people with such a mad delusion.
When has a knife, steel bar, or brass knuckles ever killed 26 people in a single assault?
What security guard, or single cop, could keep a lunatic with two semiautomatic pistols and a rifle from entering a school?
Odd that we have never seen any of the other methods you speak of being used, isn't it? Just be quiet. Guns ARE the problem, and your rationalizations to the contrary are both pitiful and contemptible.
When did a foreigner ever commit mass murder in the U.S.? All the incidents [I] have seen reported were committed by people born and raised here?
More guns is not the solution to anything. That would just provide more chances of some TEACHER or security guard's killing kids.
There are in fact a lot of shootings by police -- as a bunch of girlfriends, wives, husbands of cops could attest, except that they're dead. There are also killings on military bases -- Fort Hood, Fort Bragg -- where guns are omnipresent. Only a lunatic could believe that the solution is more guns.
Obama divided NOBODY. RACISM divided the Nation, and we know what side you are on. You LOST. Go away and be quiet.
Liberals are BRAVE, not cowards. Liberals stand against the lies and viciousness of the Radical Right. Liberals declared independence, drove the British Empire out, freed the slaves, gave blacks the vote, and accomplished every single admirable thing about this country, fiting bigots all the way. You LOST the election. Go away and be quiet. You had your say, and we REJECTED you[r] b.s.
Nonsense all around. Nothing LIKE 10M Americans have died in our wars, and NONE of the actual deaths were to protect the 'right' of lunatics to kill 20 children and 6 teachers in a single morning.
Liberals aren't responsible for millions of guns being loose in society. That's all the fault of 'Conservatives', as tho the Second Amendment was really intended to put assault rifles and semiautomatic pistols in the hands of lunatics.
God, shmod. Which God? The God of Wrath? I prefer other fables. Morality has nothing to do with religiosity.
If guns are actually outlawed, NOBODY will have them. I am always struck by the dishonest defeatism of the Radical Right. Laws can't be enforced, so we should, what? Repeal all laws, including laws against murder? Bow and arrow COULD NOT have killed 20 kids and 6 teachers in a single morning. Not funny.
How many suicides, and family and friend murders are committed by those guns you are so happy to see out in society? And how many of the crimes you CLAIM were prevented by guns could have been prevented WITHOUT guns? We are not to ask such questions, just believe the irresponsible propaganda from gun nuts.
We can round up and melt down ALL guns, and I won't put up with delusional defeatism. We don't have privately owned tanks or Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. We CAN control guns completely. The claim that we cannot is PROPAGANDA.
Obama and Holder have NOT advocated draconian gun control, so your assertion is void from the outset. And NO, "bad guys" could NOT get guns if we had good laws and good surveillance; if all the gun factories and ammunition factories were shut down. That's just garbage propaganda.
Neither Holder nor Obama knew about "Fast and Furious" and neither of them approved it. Why can't you people ever give up on your lies, even after fact-checkers have blown them out of the sky? You LOST. Go away and be quiet.
[In reply to an assertion that the guns could have been secured against misuse:] "Secured" how? You're talking nonsense. Anyone living in a household is going to be able to gain control of a gun stored in that household.
Pls stop promoting the lie that the Constitution allows just anyone to own guns. As for "D T"['s] fatuous assertions, it IS possible to enforce laws. That some jurisdictions don't is not the fault of the laws. You prefer chaos to law. No sane person does that.
Mental hospitals were intended to help people conquer their demons, not just lock people up. And yes, we need mental hospitals aplenty, and interventions to investigate people who are not just strange, but also a danger to themselves or others. As for the slanderous and unfunny remark from "Michael" [that committing lunatics to asylums would be regarded by Democrats as "voter suppression"], you LOST. Go away and be quiet.
Crazy people do not weigh the pros and cons, or ease or difficulty, or safety or dangerousness of the insane thoughts that have seized control of them.
If those millions of gun owners aren't going to use their guns, they shouldn't have them. They risk their kids' getting to them, as happened here.
But what if new laws WOULD prevent such things? I suppose you'd oppose them anyway. (Your ugly, slanderous icon [username "Kenyan" and icon showing cartoon images of Obama and Marx buddy-buddy] is disgraceful, and shows you to be a profoundly dishonest person no decent person should have anything to do with.)
Nonsense. Individual gun nuts don't have the GUTS to stand against the U.S. Army or National Guard, and would be completely helpless against the Air Force. Essentially all of the few deaths that might result from mass confiscation of guns would be of gun nuts, and after the first few deaths in pointless resistance were reported, everybody else would just hand over their guns like decent, law-abiding -- nonsuicidal -- citizens.
That remark COMPLETELY misses the point, and goes off on irrelevant tangents. The mass shooters we hear about had NEVER committed a serious crime before.
Anyone who thinks that individual gun owners could have kept Chancellor Hitler from doing ANYthing is off his rocker, as is anyone who asserts that Liberals are Fascists opposed to ACTUAL human rights.
Nonsense. Everything you say is nonsense. Why not just give up on laws altogether, since, according to you, we cannot control anything?
Compelled prayer, in clear violation of the First Amendment, is fine with you, is it? Empty, rote recitation of formulaic appeals to a nonexistent God would accomplish absolutely NOTHING for public safety. That is, after all, the very same God who ALLOWED these mass killings to happen, isn't it?
Stop ignoring the RESTRICTION in the Second Amendment: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state", which STARTS that amendment, means that UNLESS you are a member of "A well regulated militia", you do NOT have the right to "keep and bear arms". You, and everybody else who falsifies what the Second Amendment says, should be ashamed of yourselves.
There is absolutely NOTHING about Israel that anyone should emulate. And Israeli settlers have indeed mass murdered Palestinians -- and been PRAISED for it. Look up "Baruch Goldstein", who murdered 29 Palestinians and wounded 125!
So we should just legalize drugs, even tho, with laws against them, 39,000 Americans a year die from drugs. So what if 100,000 or 300,000 would die if we just gave up on the War on Drugs? Defeatists are SO dishonest. Gun control DOES save lives, as does the War on Drugs. There are things that SHOULD be illegal, and things that should NOT. Inability to distinguish the two is a sign of stupidity or dishonesty.
I have reported your inexcusable "libturd" slander. No decent person uses such abuse in a public, online forum. Be civil, or begone.
This comments area has NOTHING to do with Benghazi, and nobody wants to hear more CRAP from the Radical Right. You LOST. Go away and be quiet.

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