Wednesday, November 11, 2015
More Media Nonsense about Republican "Frontrunners"
Why do media pretend to believe that the BLACK man Ben Carson could be the nominee of today's Radical-Right Republican Party? Nobody on Earth actually believes for so much as 1/10th of a second that the Republicans are going to nominate a black man. That is the same party that publicly announced shortly after Barack Obama was elected President that they would work hard to make him a one-term President — not because of any political stance he had taken but ONLY because he was black. Actually, of course, Obama is LESS black than Ben Carson. So we are to believe that the Republicans who hated Obama for being (half-) black are going to love a fully-black man, Ben Carson. What nonsense. When will the media tell the truth about Republican bigotry?
Moreover, Carson has made some insane statements, such as that a Jew, Joseph, ordered that the pyramids of Egypt be built to store grain, even tho there is almost no interior space to store anything in the pyramids. Carson has also said he wouldn't be comfortable with a Moslem as President, but he is not held to account for that religious bigotry. Ben Carson is NUTS. If he were white, however, he might still have a chance to be the nominee of the Republican Party, because today's Republican Party is nuts.
As regards Donald Trump, no one actually believes that he will be the Republican nominee either. He is too much the buffoon. His bigotry does not bar him, as regards the core of today's Republican Party. But when he says contemptible things like his father gave him a "small loan of a million dollars", he makes it impossible for anyone to take him seriously. He is also a New Yorker, and not just a resident of the State of New York but also of the City of New York. The typical Republican HATES New York City, with nearly psychotic rage.
Carly Fiorina could not possibly be the nominee of the Republican Party either, first because she is a woman. We could actually stop there: she won't be nominated because she is a woman, and today's Republican Party is staunchly hostile to Radical Feminism. But Fiorina was also FIRED by Hewlett Packard after laying off 30,000 — let me repeat that in words; THIRTY THOUSAND — American workers. Now Republicans are to believe that she has the key to bringing jobs to American workers? Ridiculous.
Donald Trump also hasn't a chance to prevail on bringing jobs back to 'America'. His enterprises have filed FOUR BANKRUPTCIES. That compares with THREE ADDITIONAL BANKRUPTCIES of entities that bore Trump's name, under license from "The Donald". How on EARTH is he going to fool voters into thinking he knows how to create jobs, when history shows that he has COST hundreds and hundreds of Americans their jobs?
Marco Rubio is Hispanic, and thus anathema to the bulk of the Republicans' core constituency. Ditto Ted Cruz. Cruz has the further disability that he is not just Hispanic but also CANADIAN, and the Republican Party of today HATES ultra-Liberal Canada almost as much as it hates Hispanics. One cannot expect too much consistency from Republicans, however. They attacked Barack Obama for not being born in the United States, even tho he was, but completely overlooked that his opponent first time out, John McCain, was definitely born outside the United States, in Panama, just as Ted Cruz was born in Canada. Republicans have very selective memories.
Rand Paul is too Libertarian even for most Republicans, who know that they are enormously dependent upon the Government, much too dependent to shrink the Federal Government into ineffectuality.
There are only three candidates in the Republican field who seem to have any chance of winning the Republican nomination and going on to any significant success against the Democratic nominee, whoever that might be: Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and Chris Christie. All three have been governmental executives, Governors of populous states, as should have prepared them for the responsibilities of presiding over the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. But Bush and Kasich are soft on illegal immigration, and want to give millions of illegals AMNESTY, which has ALWAYS led to even MORE illegal immigration, which Americans are sick of. Kasich says we can't deport 11 million illegals. OF COURSE WE CAN. If the members of their families who are entitled, by birth, naturalization, or legal immigration, to be here, wish to stay here, they can, but every single person who violated our laws to come here can and should be deported.
Kasich says that these 11 million barbarian invaders are "law-abiding" people! NO THEY ARE NOT. They violated our IMMIGRATION LAWS, so they are ALL criminals, and should ALL be deported. This has been a very generous country as regards admitting foreigners into OUR territory and OUR economy. We have NOTHING to apologize for in regard to our immigration policies. NOTHING. But these law-breaking line-jumpers who didn't want to wait their turn and enter this country legally have NO CLAIM on us. DEPORT THEM ALL. If they don't like their own country, that's tuf. Let them CHANGE their own country, not invade ours.
The majority of the illegals at issue are from Mexico, a terrible, unfair country. But we didn't make Mexico unfair, and it is not our obligation to suffer mass invasion by Mexicans just because their country is awful. Why are WE to be punished for the crimes of Mexico's upper classes?
Many of the people who fled Mexico for the United States are the best, hardest-working, and most ambitious people, intent on social and economic justice for themselves and their families. Let them fite it out with the enemies of decency in Mexico, and win a revolution that truly changes everything that is wrong with Mexico. Having lived in the United States, they know how to organize Mexico's post-revolutionary society. We had a Revolution that established a new order of freedom here. Let Mexicans win their own revolution for a new order of freedom there. Mexico's revolution of the early 20th Century was a miserable failure. That doesn't mean that a good revolution cannot succeed.
The U.S. is helping Mexico economically, thru free access to our market thru NAFTA and hosts of maquiladoras at the border that employ a million Mexicans who would otherwise not have a job. But beyond that, the responsibility for reforming Mexico's economy and social organization, is MEXICANS'. U.S. unions and social-justice organizations can help Mexicans to create the revolutionary change they need. In like fashion, Central Americans deported from the United States can also serve as the core of revolutions in each and every one of those hellish societies. Indeed, we should see the deportees from the U.S. as the shock troops of needed revolution and the central cadres of social reform. In essence, we would be doing all those countries a FAVOR by inserting into their societies the very people who might actually effect meaningful and long-lasting change.
In August, Christie said that immigrants who enter the United States on tourist visas (or student, or other temporary visas) can be tracked like FedEx packages, and told to go home when their time is up (a stance taken by other Republicans but, curiously, apparently not by prominent Democrats). Immigration must serve OUR purposes. If it does not, SHUT IT OFF. When we have high, unyielding unemployment, esp. among vulnerable minorities, it is time to impose a MORATORIUM on immigration until all Americans can find good jobs at good pay and with good benefits. Vast immigration, legal and illegal, subverts employment levels for citizens, pay rates, and benefits for American workers. Americans must always come first in the regard of the U.S. Government.
So who is really likely to get the Republican nomination? That is of course hard to predict except to say that it will almost certainly NOT be Carson, Trump, or Fiorina. It might be any of the Governors, tho New Jersey (my state) is too Liberal for today's Republicans, so they would hold against Christie that he comes from such a Liberal state, even tho he won office twice against a Liberal tide. Kasich stands a better chance, despite his advocating amnesty for MILLIONS of illegal aliens. But Bush would seem to stand the best chance of winning the Republican nomination, esp. if he tones down his stance on immigration as to make it appear that he wants to enforce our borders, and not extend amnesty to millions of illegals., which would create yet another tidal wave of illegals pouring over our borders.
If the Democrats cannot come up with anybody better than Hillary Clinton, and she should become the nominee, it would appear that our next President will be our third Bush President.